Somali Multiculturism

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I got boomer connections
Bantus are group of funny people: How are they claiming to be nati
ve to Somalia? Bantu expansion 2000 years ago brought them to east africa. They have displaced millions of Nilotics and cushitic & hunter gatherer people in the process changing the African landscape. Today in kenya they are oppressing the natives Nilotics, threatening to deport the native cushitic Somali and of course morre expansion further into horn of Africa very un unacceptable.

..:drakekidding:This people need to piss off, they have close to 15 countries in Africa we only have one.:camby:
Bantus are group of funny people: How are they claiming to be natiView attachment 3176 ve to Somalia? Bantu expansion 2000 years ago brought them to east africa. They have displaced millions of Nilotics and cushitic & hunter gatherer people in the process changing the African landscape. Today in kenya they are oppressing the natives Nilotics, threatening to deport the native cushitic Somali and of course morre expansion further into horn of Africa very un unacceptable.

..:drakekidding:This people need to piss off, they have close to 15 countries in Africa we only have one.:camby:

@Bahal and @Sidi Dirir

The worst part is that Professor overthere believes in something called ''Gosha Land'' . Bantus are planning the systematic take over of Somalia as we speak.

They do this With methods of ..
  • Propaganda
  • Identity Politics
  • Psuedo revisionism/fabrication of history , Afrocentrism or whatever the f*ck want to call it.
  • Crying to white liberals and SJW- Somalis

Soon the self-loathing disconnected Somali diaspora will grant them their wish and we will get royally screwed. Have our land and Identity stolen from us and watch ourselves become foreigners in our own land.

We need to repatriate them back to mozambique or Tanzania where they belong.
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I got boomer connections
@Bahal and @Sidi Dirir

The worst part is that Professor overthere believes in something called ''Gosha Land'' . Bantus are planning the systematic take over of Somalia as we speak.

They do this With methods of ..
  • Propaganda
  • Identity Politics
  • Psuedo revisionism/fabrication of history , Afrocentrism or whatever the f*ck want to call it.
  • Crying to white liberals and SJW- Somalis

Soon the self-loathing disconnected Somali diaspora will grant them their wish and we will get royally screwed. Have our land and Identity stolen from us and watch ourselves become foreigners in our own land.

We need to repatriate them back to mozambique or Tanzania where they belong.

Bantus have only recently been brought to Somalia by Arab slave traders. There is not an inch of historical evidence indicating them to be native to Somalia. That being said I don't mind them living in somalia, some of them have known nothing else but Somalia. The problem is when they get arrogant & make dubious assumptions linking themselves to be native to-Somalia, thus, in the process painting us" ~the non African foreigners, that is when I say send them back!
2016-05-30 14.31.50.jpg
@Bahal and @Sidi Dirir

The worst part is that Professor overthere believes in something called ''Gosha Land'' . Bantus are planning the systematic take over of Somalia as we speak.

They do this With methods of ..
  • Propaganda
  • Identity Politics
  • Psuedo revisionism/fabrication of history , Afrocentrism or whatever the f*ck want to call it.
  • Crying to white liberals and SJW- Somalis

Soon the self-loathing disconnected Somali diaspora will grant them their wish and we will get royally screwed. Have our land and Identity stolen from us and watch ourselves become foreigners in our own land.

We need to repatriate them back to mozambique or Tanzania where they belong.
I already feel the threat of the bantus becoming the majority. But then i have a sense that expelling
them is injustice. Some of them may have lived there for over a century. I feel some of them who dont deserve to be expelled and are innocent are going to get expelled.
Bantus have only recently been brought to Somalia by Arab slave traders. There is not an inch of historical evidence indicating them to be native to Somalia. That being said I don't mind them living in somalia, some of them have known nothing else but Somalia. The problem is when they get arrogant & make dubious assumptions linking themselves to be native to-Somalia, thus, in the process painting us" ~the non African foreigners, that is when I say send them back! View attachment 3251

Dont be naive, this is not merily an assumption. Wast majority of them like the video @Hubble posted wish to commit genocide on us , steal Our land and govern it and rewrite our history. This fueled by hate and greed, bantu supremacy on their part.

Even though they have been excluded and lived seperatley from us retained their tribal identities and language yet they still claim Somali.Because they know once you identify with the land then you have a legitimate claim to its resources. Thus, the saying and the philosophy of our founding fathers ''Somalia for the Somalis( Soomaali baa leh)'' becomes usurped. They cry about us giving them ''Space'' while they try to attack and insult an Identity that doesnt bend to their interests.

Think about what they are doing saaxiib, its like Somalis in Yemen where to have lived there for 2 centuries suddenly self pro-claimed themselves as true- Yemeni Arabs Call the indigenous native population fake invaders and claim ownership of land and cry for political leadership.

Bantus know what they say is not true, but they know also the power of media propaganda, Academics and self-victimization has in to making ''Useful idiots'' do what they want.

I originally didnt have a problem With them at first but i have begun to see them for what they really are and they aint ''Miskeen martyr'' as they are potrayed as and we are not ''Evil mixed breed devils of Africa either''. They are the ones who are being racist not us.
I already feel the threat of the bantus becoming the majority. But then i have a sense that expelling
them is injustice. Some of them may have lived there for over a century. I feel some of them who dont deserve to be expelled and are innocent are going to get expelled.

Not expulsion, Think of it more as reinstating them back to their own homeland. There they will be granted land and the inclusion they badly urge for.

Call it repatriation if you may, i see it no differently than the reinstatement of jewish people to Isreal. We will allow only a significant section of them stay ,the rest should be sent back to their homeland.

Tanzania: Bantu Homecoming

Dont be naive, this is not merily an assumption. Wast majority of them like the video @Hubble posted wish to commit genocide on us , steal Our land and govern it and rewrite our history. This fueled by hate and greed, bantu supremacy on their part.

Even though they have been excluded and lived seperatley from us retained their tribal identities and language yet they still claim Somali.Because they know once you identify with the land then you have a legitimate claim to its resources. Thus, the saying and the philosophy of our founding fathers ''Somalia for the Somalis( Soomaali baa leh)'' becomes usurped. They cry about us giving them ''Space'' while they try to attack and insult an Identity that doesnt bend to their interests.

Think about what they are doing saaxiib, its like Somalis in Yemen where to have lived there for 2 centuries suddenly self pro-claimed themselves as true- Yemeni Arabs Call the indigenous native population fake invaders and claim ownership of land and cry for political leadership.

Bantus know what they say is not true, but they know also the power of media propaganda, Academics and self-victimization has in to making ''Useful idiots'' do what they want.

I originally didnt have a problem With them at first but i have begun to see them for what they really are and they aint ''Miskeen martyr'' as they are potrayed as and we are not ''Evil mixed breed devils of Africa either''. They are the ones who are being racist not us.

What most of them would prefer is resettlement, the UN is already resettling many of them in Tanzania, and that's the way forward, they cannot always live like a minority. Of course they lived in Somalia for hundreds of years, but the sad reality is many people won't see them as Somali enough, theirs too much racism, so its a preferred choice to go back to their ancestral land.

Not expulsion, Think of it more as reinstating them back to their own homeland. There they will be granted land and the inclusion they badly urge for.

Call it repatriation if you may, i see it no differently than the reinstatement of jewish people to Isreal. We will allow only a significant section of them stay ,the rest should be sent back to their homeland.

Tanzania: Bantu Homecoming


I have the beginning of Kizito's story and you have the end.
Of course they lived in Somalia for hundreds of years, but the sad reality is many people won't see them as Somali enough, theirs too much racism,

Its not racism, we cannot make them something they are not nor can we erase their history in Somalia. They can never be Somali even if they cried badly for it. Just like i can never be Chinese , Japanese or even Fulani or Habash even if i stayed in their land for 100s of years and learned their Language and culture.

The purpose of a definition in sociological terms is to discuss groups with historical, social, mental, physiological, linguistic, cultural, similarities. We have no hope of understanding anything if two polarized groups are collapsed into the same name.

If a cat has kittens in an oven are they biscuits? No they are kittens
- Malcolm X


I got boomer connections
Dont be naive, this is not merily an assumption. Wast majority of them like the video @Hubble posted wish to commit genocide on us , steal Our land and govern it and rewrite our history. This fueled by hate and greed, bantu supremacy on their part.

Even though they have been excluded and lived seperatley from us retained their tribal identities and language yet they still claim Somali.Because they know once you identify with the land then you have a legitimate claim to its resources. Thus, the saying and the philosophy of our founding fathers ''Somalia for the Somalis( Soomaali baa leh)'' becomes usurped. They cry about us giving them ''Space'' while they try to attack and insult an Identity that doesnt bend to their interests.

Think about what they are doing saaxiib, its like Somalis in Yemen where to have lived there for 2 centuries suddenly self pro-claimed themselves as true- Yemeni Arabs Call the indigenous native population fake invaders and claim ownership of land and cry for political leadership.

Bantus know what they say is not true, but they know also the power of media propaganda, Academics and self-victimization has in to making ''Useful idiots'' do what they want.

I originally didnt have a problem With them at first but i have begun to see them for what they really are and they aint ''Miskeen martyr'' as they are potrayed as and we are not ''Evil mixed breed devils of Africa either''. They are the ones who are being racist not us.

Waan gartaay, we have same stand regarding Somalia is for ethnic Somalis, everyone including the IC am sure agree with that statement. Bantus are minority and should be given what is their's. I still think deportation is not necessary, just they need to be told to stay in their lane .
Dont be naive, this is not merily an assumption. Wast majority of them like the video @Hubble posted wish to commit genocide on us , steal Our land and govern it and rewrite our history. This fueled by hate and greed, bantu supremacy on their part.

Even though they have been excluded and lived seperatley from us retained their tribal identities and language yet they still claim Somali.Because they know once you identify with the land then you have a legitimate claim to its resources. Thus, the saying and the philosophy of our founding fathers ''Somalia for the Somalis( Soomaali baa leh)'' becomes usurped. They cry about us giving them ''Space'' while they try to attack and insult an Identity that doesnt bend to their interests.

Think about what they are doing saaxiib, its like Somalis in Yemen where to have lived there for 2 centuries suddenly self pro-claimed themselves as true- Yemeni Arabs Call the indigenous native population fake invaders and claim ownership of land and cry for political leadership.

Bantus know what they say is not true, but they know also the power of media propaganda, Academics and self-victimization has in to making ''Useful idiots'' do what they want.

I originally didnt have a problem With them at first but i have begun to see them for what they really are and they aint ''Miskeen martyr'' as they are potrayed as and we are not ''Evil mixed breed devils of Africa either''. They are the ones who are being racist not us.

Since when self defence turned to be racist!!!!!
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