Somali guys you have disappointed me


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Yesterday I met these Somali guys and the took me to this Somali community event type thing people were talking about random problem in are community that I didn't give a shit about that and the usual complaints you get here. So basically nothing new but I feel like I got a look at your average everyday Somali guys and girls that might perfectly fit the demographic on this site.

While the young women were on the heavier side with cheap makeup and clothes but at least they making a effort and could hold a conversation fine.

They are who I'm here to talk but the young guys were something else. I don't think I've been around so many Somali guys that were loser. Terrible dressed, terrible hygiene, terrible social skills and they were either too fat or skinny. Not wonder the women didn't come near the men area. Guys you need to fix. I've only stay there for less the 20 minutes. Boring as hell

I do this post
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Somali men skinny blah blah blah, took me to event blah blah blah, disappointment blah blah blah. Heavy, cheap makeup blah blah blah.

Did I get it wrong?


I am shocked hearing this. I don't know what to say, wallahi. Every Somali guy I have came across with usually had good hygiene level, smell pretty good because they used top fragrance brands and knew how to dress well (decent drip) with good hairstyle. Even our elders were very hygienic and smelt like Arabian fragrance despite dressing up like managers which kills me.

I don't know man. I guess you met fobs who did not integrate.


The real question is why are you focusing on the negatives. Every community has few oddballs but no one can completely remove them or the mitigating circumstances that affect their lifestyle and habits.

I can assure you the young men that are active in life and care about achieving their goals are not dressed like depressed young men and women and have their life sorted. Your appearence and hygiene is a reflection of poor life choices or emotional trauma or difficulty that one is undergoing. I'm not here to judge but i've lived in a poor neighbourhood and many just aim to achieve the bare minimum and lack hope in life and that reflects in their outwardly appearence. Those who have appointed for themselves aims for the future tend to be better dressed and more eloquent in speech.



@Lostbox I think the more pressing concern is the jealousy that exists between somalis as a group, especially those from a lower status background who feel the need to climb higher while dragging others around them down. This mentality needs to be removed from somalis universally as it lowers our racial self esteem, when we would rather drag each other down for the sake of competition instead of wishing better for each other like other groups and pooling our resources together to educate and guide our youth.



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