Somali girl dumps ajnabi bf because parents didn’t approve

I found this thread on LipstickAlley & wanted to know your thoughts.’t-approve-of-him.4962496/#post-83861544
I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months because I introduced him to my family (because it was getting serious) and it went very badly. I met his family and they really liked me but it was like a 180 with mine. They hated him from the start because he’s not the same culture as me (im Somali he’s Malaysian) and he has tats. I tried to get them to come around but they basically said they will never accept him as a husband and I need to choose between them or him. And I chose them..

I feel so heartbroken but I think it was for the best. He doesn’t deserve to potentially marry into a family that hates him. I love him a lot and I wish things were different.. has anybody been in this situation?
I think she made the right choice. Never choose a man over your family. I would have done the same thing. And born Muslims with tats tend to have a past so she dodged a bullet.


I found this thread on LipstickAlley & wanted to know your thoughts.’t-approve-of-him.4962496/#post-83861544

I think she made the right choice. Never choose a man over your family. I would have done the same thing. And born Muslims with tats tend to have a past so she dodged a bullet.
Just bcs someone had a past doesn’t mean they r not on deen. Just bcs there previous sins r visible doesnt mean they r lesser muslims, i had enough yall degrading reverts like this.
Some parents value their daughters/fam and dont let any man into their family. When you see a xalimo with an ajnabi 100% she is a langaab or got no aboo.

But srsly? a malay man with a tats? could just found u a gangbanging faraax with dreads and tats. When you wanna marry out make sure u marry upwards otherwise youll end up like 99% xalimos who married out n blame ”siixir” or the ones who literally cleaned their madow bfs xaar ( she confessed on a yt vid) 🤢


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
That’s so funny, every xalimo who marry out always take the worst type of ajnabi ever, unemployed, criminal record, violent, ect
Family is always there for you and they've know you your whole life and supported you unconditionally.

Meanwhile boyfriends and girlfriends may come and go.
Family over a potentially risky relationship any day. We shouldn’t have a scarcity mindset out here, folks.

Romantic feelings/relationships can be replaced but not the family Allah gave us from birth. Ultimately, most of our families only want good for us and want to protect us from any potential harms.

It’s insane how quickly gaalo advise people to cut familial ties. This is why it’s dangerous to rely completely on and take advice from people who aren’t Muslim for matters of the heart. Their worldview and knowledge is very much lacking understanding and depth. They just do what feels good to them and leave anything/anyone they feel isn’t serving them. They put their desires above all.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Hmmmm. I agree that family>relationships. You should be screening people before you date though. Ask yourself, "Is this someone I can show to my parents?". You don't need someone who your parents will 100% love on the spot but there should be an element of compromise. Someone who your parents can eventually come around to
Hardly. Ethnic Malays are known to be Muslim. Specifically Shafi. I highly doubt he’s a gaal.
Not hardly
I got this Malay friend he tells me most of the people are Muslim however they’re is atheist, Christians and Hinduism or whatever it is believers .
So yh he could probably be gaal you never know but in the same time a Muslim


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