Somali girl and her gypsy husband

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
You guys amaze me why the f*ck do you care? This thread and every other interracial relationship thread involving a Xalimo should not reach 10 pages.

You do realize these are our lowest, turnt out xalimos in our gene pool? These men are doing us a favour and I mention that they are effectively removing them instead of a poor Farah being scammed by this , cheating with Roger or Tyrone during your shift at work. Even the salafi bandits are targetting former hoes who donned the niqab in an attempt to rinse her of her past. But already getting a taste of ajnabi gus, they seek to fulfill their hoe drive and go for ajnabi men. You will rarely see a good Somali women with these folks ever, the ones who were engrained with the proper traditional and religious Somalu values would never desire non Faraxs. There are instances if good Somali women married to adaptable communities such as Yemen or Oromo or even Eritrea, these are not to be condemned.

So don't respond to these troll topics, theres nothing to threat over!
You guys amaze me why the f*ck do you care? This thread and every other interracial relationship thread involving a Xalimo should not reach 10 pages.

You do realize these are our lowest, turnt out xalimos in our gene pool? These men are doing us a favour and I mention that they are effectively removing them instead of a poor Farah being scammed by this , cheating with Roger or Tyrone during your shift at work. Even the salafi bandits are targetting former hoes who donned the niqab in an attempt to rinse her of her past. But already getting a taste of ajnabi gus, they seek to fulfill their hoe drive and go for ajnabi men. You will rarely see a good Somali women with these folks ever, the ones who were engrained with the proper traditional and religious Somalu values would never desire non Faraxs. There are instances if good Somali women married to adaptable communities such as Yemen or Oromo or even Eritrea, these are not to be condemned.

So don't respond to these troll topics, theres nothing to threat over!
I don't think they are all hoes sxb. Some girls genuinely meet some dude and haven't planned it out to marry an ajnabi. Others are naive(a lot of them fall into this category) and others plan the whole thing from the get go. They want to marry out, they don't care to whom, and they end up getting marrying anything that isn't somali. Regardless tho, I am only against the last crew, the self hating crew. The other two, not so much.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I don't think they are all hoes sxb. Some girls genuinely meet some dude and haven't planned it out to marry an ajnabi. Others are naive(a lot of them fall into this category) and others plan the whole thing from the get go. They want to marry out, they don't care to whom, and they end up getting marrying anything that isn't somali. Regardless tho, I am only against the last crew, the self hating crew. The other two, not so much.
Yes, I forgot to add the naive ones, they are too retarded to support a Farah. If they are not wise enough to not contribute to another ethnicity's success, they would lower the IQ of the E1b1/T genepool, good riddance and jazakullah Abu Tyrone.
lol what's your problem little thing?:hemad:
They copy each other to death. It's so sad. Do you even have somali girl friends?

I have Somali friends I swear :dead:

No lie, I've noticed that in terms of copying eachother is definitely true for style :cosbyhmm: if Mona gets a nice bag from River island Aisha and sacdiyo will soon follow along lmaoooo
This post is brilliant, worth its weight in gold, you never see Somali on Somali relationship promoted on Youtube, no Xaalimo would upload a Youtube clip of her Farah Husband.

Very few of these interracial marriages are authentic or pure, there is always a caveat, the Arab male would flee from his women because he cannot keep up with the extortionate Meher, or he is unable to court one, hence they go for East African Black or Maghrebi women by default because to them they are cheap in every sense.

The East African women afflicted with self-hate will go for it for the reasons you have described, This artificial created hierarchy system is an outlet for self-hate, for scorned women, for the bottom feeders and scrapers of society

I remember growing up, I was perplexed why I felt deeply ashamed being seen with a White-women or an Asian-women and they were 'just' friends on college/university campuses whom used to latch on to me, despite showing no reciprocating interest.

I never understood this conundrum back then, but this sense of shame was merely a reflection of deep self-worth, an insatiable pride in ones heritage and culture, the only women outside of my preferred Somali that even looked attractive to me were of course our cushitic neighbours that share the same features.



You seem to have this weird knack for taking a trend or issue and then isolating it completely from any context like a vacuum. Nobody cares about a girl going on YouTube or Twitter parading her ajnabi boyfriend. When it stops becoming one or two and actually becomes some kind of trend I think we have every right to question their motives. You seem to also like diverting the topic towards faaraxs as well. No doubt there are many faaraxs that have self-esteem issues. But we're not talking about them. We're talking about this weird trend(that actually includes other madow women) where it's a game of one-upmanship between these females to parade their cadaan boyfriend on a social media platform. As if it's some kind of prize they've won. I also think if you put your life online, don't complain when people make observations.
Now that is a big lie. I'm quite sure literally every such video was discussed on here numbering pages in the double digits, and a visit of the comment pages of these videos is much of the same material. More than one or two is a trend kulaha, do you know what a trend is? You can't even count these ppl on both hand and you called it a trend, and burst a vein over a video a girl is making with her partner, of which is not a 'madow' trend or phenom, but literally a running video category on YT featuring every possible race, and so the low self esteem of the Somali guy who exerts himself over these videos and views them as 'prizes being paraded' in front of him is definitely an avenue of discussion, and something out in the open for everyone to see, requiring no so-called "isolation".


Most people don't believe interracial relationships inherently toxic or based on self-hatred. Hatred is a strong word, perhaps not perceived as well is more accurate. Hence for example, the hair trigger on revert marriages. It's deceptive to say anyone reached these conclusions from just YouTube videos. We can objectively say that Somalis have a bad image universally, correct? Do you also agree that men and women tend to have different requirements from partners? Women tend to put more emphasis on stability and security than men do. Somali men as a collective don't have either one for obvious reasons. On top of that you've got various other factors at play. Somali women (just like many others) identify with feminists/womanists etc. which has fundamental clashes with Somali culture.
All across Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr I've seen innumerous posts on how Somali girls are oppressed while their brothers got a free ride. I've had IRL convos with non-family that more or less concluding the same.

Why is it so difficult to believe, justified or not that this has manifested into a bias against Somali men? I really do not see it as a reach. Somali men represent Somali culture and you guys constantly go off on how bad Somali culture is for Somali women, do you believe you're the only ones that hold that view?
Many, maybe even most, ppl here do, in fact, view it as self-hatred. Let's not pretend otherwise. I would actually agree with the majority of this post except on some distinctions regarding Salafi reverts and etc; I've even said much of the same on here regarding the culture being the reason some girls are turning away, and I'd be the first to agree on how facets of the culture are bad or unfavorable for women.

I, however, disagree with the conclusion and incredible generalization that the 'bias' would/has manifest/ed in all or even most Somali women bearing hatred towards Somali men, or that self-hatred is indicative in ppl who date out bc the culture holds no attraction for them.
Lol, if you are inherently biased against your own ethnic group for perceived cultural inferiority - that's the very definition of Self-hating. Let's not turn this into some deep and hard to fathom issue - it's plainly obvious for all to see. It wasn't Somali men who came up with the term 'cheap and clean'. I'm also willing to bet a Somali brother wouldn't be given ten pages of pseudo-psychoanalysis and would be simply dismissed as a "wasteman".


Lol, if you are inherently biased against your own ethnic group for perceived cultural inferiority - that's the very definition of Self-hating. Let's not turn this into some deep and hard to fathom issue - it's plainly obvious for all to see. It wasn't Somali men who came up with the term 'cheap and clean'. I'm also willing to bet a Somali brother wouldn't be given ten pages of pseudo-psychoanalysis and would be simply dismissed as a "wasteman".
I hadn't heard that term until I joined so it's not a common descriptor for Somali women all over, and though I've discovered that apparently Caribbean ppl came up with it, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't made up by a Somali man at the center of it, with the way you go on, bc it's certainly mass perpetuated by them in my study of YT, and online comments, and on here.

You can't possibly believe there aren't facets of the culture that are negative, and if you do believe all is fine and dandy in our culture, that's good on you. I suppose that's a measure of your personal outlook.

Btw, there's nothing "wasteman" about a Somali guy being with a non-Somali girl. Certainly, no girl in her right mind would think that, but with the Somali guy, who knows the cause and end game of the manner of pseudo theorems he constructs on the subject.
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No doubt there's plenty of problematic elements within Somali culture. We wouldn't both be refugees in a foreign country if everything was fine and dandy in the homeland. However, a self-hater's strategy on what to do about those problems is markedly different to somebody else's


No doubt there's plenty of problematic elements within Somali culture. We wouldn't both be refugees in a foreign country if everything was fine and dandy in the homeland. However, a self-hater's strategy on what to do about those problems is markedly different to somebody else's
I don't call a self hater the individual who finds their match in another place, and dating out has no bearing on helping the community where it counts.
I have Somali friends I swear :dead:

No lie, I've noticed that in terms of copying eachother is definitely true for style :cosbyhmm: if Mona gets a nice bag from River island Aisha and sacdiyo will soon follow along lmaoooo
See I know it isn't all of you but a lot do. I always found that weird and still do so you could explain it, go ahead bal.
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