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Bro, cadcads have 18-20 kids each. They aren't a small population regardless of .5 status.

Cad cads aren't accepted in their home countries as members of the society. They're seen as light skinned Somalis. They too can breed as much as they like because Somalia is their home.

The people you should worry about going extinct are in NFD and Somali Galbeed. They're ruled by foreigners and murdered every day and kicked out of their homeland. Those of us from Somalia could just have two more kids each and we'd remain the majority for eternity.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Mac son nor, that's what you get for enslaving people and then calling them their whole lives. They'll replace you.

By the same extension any African tribe, and there's many, that were involved in slavery need to get their comeupance bruv. Bantu have a debt to pay if you're going by that logic. I don't see them Congolese Bantu compensating the Pygmies they nearly wiped out and persecuted/enslaved. :camby:
Btw I don't owe them shit. And my ancestors did not own them.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
So you're showing your true colors. At first you pleaded with us and claimed that they're not a demographic threat.

Now you're admitting that they are a threat and that the Somalis "deserve" to be wiped out.

What did I say people? These SJW'S want to see Somalis die out. I've been saying this for months now.

finally they show what their real agenda is, disgusting really, they are traitors to their own people


Kowdheh and his family in a Somalistan reservation 2060


They never fled their country. An entire continent of people waged a war against them and forcibly settled on their lands. Bantus were brought over as slaves and the native population fled for decades and now they want them out. Totally different scenario.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
There aren't many cacads left in Somalia to begin with.

Lol there are plenty of them. They're just segregated from the mainstream especially in the diaspora. :ftw9nwa:

how many Reer xamari or barawanis have you met vs how many Madows have you met?

And plenty still live all over South somalia.

Cad cads aren't accepted in their home countries as members of the society. They're seen as light skinned Somalis. They too can breed as much as they like because Somalia is their home.

The people you should worry about going extinct are in NFD and Somali Galbeed. They're ruled by foreigners and murdered every day and kicked out of their homeland. Those of us from Somalia could just have two more kids each and we'd remain the majority for eternity.

Actually most of them got Yemeni citizenship including the ones with no ties to arabs. People curse arabs but theyre way less bigoted than us.


By the same extension any African tribe, and there's many, that were involved in slavery need to get their comeupance bruv. Bantu have a debt to pay if you're going by that logic. I don't see them Congolese Bantu compensating the Pygmies they nearly wiped out and persecuted. :camby:
Btw I don't owe them shit. And my ancestors did not own them.

Where are you going to take hundreds and thousands of people who didn't leave their villages even during a war? You're going to send them to a country they don't know? The Congolese will eat them alive and rape their men women and children like they're doing to rival trives. They don't share a dabeecad or history.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Tens of thousands of Bantus fled the civil war and now live in Maine and Ohio


What are you trying to say?


Nucleus I didn't know they got citizenship. Even so it doesn't bother me as long as they don't get a leadership position because they'll probably try rebuilding Yemen with our taxes.

Bahal I think more of us fled and never looked back. Every country on earth has a Somali xaafad and very little of what they all earn ever goes back to Somalia. If Somalis loved Somalia so much, why would they rather build factories and real estates in foreign countries?


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Where are you going to take hundreds and thousands of people who didn't leave their villages even during a war? You're going to send them to a country they don't know? The Congolese will eat them alive and rape their men women and children like they're doing to rival trives. They don't share a dabeecad or history.

Improve your reading comprehension mate. They will go to Tanzania, a country with a better standard of living than Somalia. They will be safe, taken care of and provided for. I gave you an example of your hypocritical line of thought which goes a little something like this (your words).

Somalis deserve to be extinct to get what's coming to them since some Somalis from coastal towns (not all) let arabs have bantus in exchange for money. Arabs are not culpable for their actions. And other Africans are exempt from the same culling when they enslaved God knows how many or benefited from this process. Dafuq kind of shit you smoking.

I think you have something against Ethnic Somalis.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

A full half of Somalia's GDP is comprised of remittances from the West


So what will happen to the Somali sujuu in Tanzania and their businesses? There will be reprisals if you send just under a million people in a country just because you don't like their hair texture.


Saudi Arabia gave citizenship to the black people they used to enslave, they didn't repatriate them to Africa. They just don't like new migrants.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
If they were Polish and breeding at that rate we'd send them back too, it aint racism its survival.

Africa is zero sum sxb, the Bantus made sure of that when they extinguished entire branches of humanity during their long conquest of South, Central, and Eastern Africa.

Where are the indigenous Khoisans? Where are the indigenous pygmies that were hunted like animals? Where are the South Cushites that settled from the Great Lakes to Kenya?
So what will happen to the Somali sujuu in Tanzania and their businesses? There will be reprisals if you send just under a million people in a country just because you don't like their hair texture.

It's not about disliking their hair texture. That's how simple minded you are. God made us all different and we should be happy with the differences that God has given us.

It's about the fact that Somalia will have a full-scale population replacement within 50 years if we don't do something about this. The Somalis who live in Zambia and Tanzania are only a few thousand in number and they hold Somali citizenship so they're foreign workers and businessmen. You can't compare that to a Tanzanian bantu living in Somalia by the millions and claiming the Somali name.

This is a numbers game. What part of that can't you understand.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
*Somalia's teensy weensy GDP

You said we didn't look back, that's simply not the case.

If a relatively small amount of people fleeing a calamity gives foreigners the right to conquer their home nation, most of Europe is forfeit.
They died out because they were hunter gatherers and Bantus were farmers. The end.

Had they remained hunter gatherers and the Bantus stayed put where they were from, these people would still be in existence. But because of the Bantu Expansion these people are all gone.

And now you want the same thing to happen to Somalis.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
They died out because they were hunter gatherers and Bantus were farmers. The end.

You've made it clear that you're content with that happening to us, but I and millions like me will make sure we do not let history repeat itself.

Repatriation, Sterilization, or Annihilation
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