Solution to Qabyaalad

What do you think of this final solution

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Condition the youth with anti clan sentiments and ideas from young ages that will make them drop tribal associations. Teach them to value education, science and other things more.

This will increase the chance of these youth one day becoming a leader by merit and not by tribal reasons.

it’s a long and slow process but what do you expect? The road to success is long especially given Somalia’s immense obsession with clans and current political status compared to other countries.

I’m calling for people to drop clans and pick up books, we will still have our own unique abtirsi and if possible make a database similar to gaalo’s when they use to find a link/root to a European noble or some thing of that sort.

Summing up
  1. -condition kids from very ages to not care for clans
  2. -teach the youth to value education
  3. -value our own individual lineages/abtirsi’s more
  4. -impose small fines on people who support clans, this will be an annoyance to them

Samaalic Era

Condition the youth with anti clan sentiments and ideas that will make them drop tribal associations. Teach them to value education, science and other things.

This will increase the chance of these youth one day becoming a leader by merit and not tribal reasons.

it’s a long and slow process but what do you expect? The toad to success is long especially given Somalia’s immense obsession with clans and current political status compared to other countries.

I’m calling for people to drop clans and pick up books, we will still have our own unique abtirsi and if possible make a database similar to gaalo’s when they use ancestry to find a link/root to a European noble or some thing of that sort.

Summing up
  1. -condition kids from very ages to not care for clans
  2. -teach the youth to value education
  3. -value our own individual lineages/abtirsi’s more
  4. -impose small fines on people who support clans, this will be an annoyance to them
That is true and a good strategy. The thing is history repeats itself. Also a qabiilist world favors us and having qabil States globally would be the perfect world order for us to flourish.

Qabiilism is to us what nationalism is to Europeans.

It is our natural state


That is true and a good strategy. The thing is history repeats itself. Also a qabiilist world favors us and having qabil States globally would be the perfect world order for us to flourish.

Qabiilism is to us what nationalism is to Europeans.

It is our natural state
I wouldn’t mind if every Gobol/region was its own individual state, if that’s what you meant

Samaalic Era

Qabyalad is not necessarily the BIGGEST problem in the South. We ara much more qabyaalad oriented in the north. The problem is AfMiishaariin qabiilist leaders mostly north of Beledweyne dealing with Ximaariin leaders of masakiin less qabiilist communities south of Beledweyne.

Col CabdillaahYuusuf and ShiikhGeneralWarlorfIndoCadde meet Ximaar CaliGeed and Ximaar CaliMahdi and who ever leads the AfMaayTedhe speakers. You have no masaakiin in qabyalad in the North we have our full share of it and every clan knows the boundaries. The Masaakiin communities in the south get taken advantage of AfMiishaariin. Terrorist get involved .... Amisomnia Trusteeship of FGS .... chaos
That's why by spreading qabiilism throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East, we can at least be on the same playing field. Qabilisim is our game and we can outdo all others in qabiil wars:)


I'm not talking about making Somaliya into clan enclaves but rather making the world adopted Qabilism and thereby weaken our enemies
Make the world adopt clans? How? We’re in the modern era and that won’t pass with anyone except us Somalis. But, in the very least I’ll settle with 18 regional states.
I'm not talking about making Somaliya into clan enclaves but rather making the world adopted Qabilism and thereby weaken our enemies
I would have never thought of your idea, it seems stupid to federalism loving fanatics but dragging down countries which aren't perfect will be a great start. :vncu2n5::dzmxmmb:
I'm glad a wise brother such as yourself likes my idea sxb:denzelnigga:

I want to the world to be divided among Qabyaalad :lawd:

It'll take long like how the 6-Shaped nose clan managed to rule the world E.g banks, governments, UN/EU/AU, borders of countries (as the British have been stooges of Jews since Cromwell) but I endorse the plan as each ethnic group will have their own space and the balkanisation of the world will happen as forced borders are only protected by people with an agenda to protect, hence why the British were powerful but in reality they did what the Jews said. :nvjpqts:


Engineer of Qandala
What about forced integration, move 4.5 model from politics to demographic quotas for major cities, by using IDPs.:hmm:
I think the best solution to qabyaalad is clan federalism. Each clan controls their own lands and develops it without any interference from Muqdisho or being tied to it. Also another factor which would decrease qabyaalad is more development and urbanization. As the nation develops further, nomads will move away from their grazing settlements into the city life which would decrease qabyaalad as you encounter various clans. Development would also help as we would all be eating good and there would be no reason to fight! just look at the Gulf Arab countries, they all got different clans and sub clans, they use to fight over territory and resources like Somalis but now there developed first world oil rich countries so there's no reason for them to fight.

Shut up bastaryaho. You would love federalism wouldn’t you? How is federalism going in puntland?
Best Solution Qabyaalad? Tolerate it, until there comes a time where a peace time Somalia improves it's commitment to education on a national scale, by ensuring that every Somali child regardless of where there from or what qabil there born into or their economic situation has easy access to free primary and secondary education ensured by the government and the states, this will not only lower illiteracy rates but inshallah will pave way to a new generation of open minded intelligent Somalis who wont squabble over silly disputes based on qabil relations and would prefer to hash thinks out with dialogue then a bullet.

That's the honestly the best we can hope for after 30 years of suffering, the current generation should stand up straight with their heads held up high and work together to ensure that our children will have a brighter future free from ignorance.


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