I grabbed my snuss and inserted it itside my.mouth in front.of.this sheikh Moroccan Guy.
So we started arguing.
Dude asked what that was
I said tobacco. I told him I use it.once in a while. Actually I am shaytaan. I was searching.for.a.discussion. and knew this dude was prone to act like a sheikh.
So he said that is haram and was moaning blablabla.
Told him I'd give him 50 euros if he brings forth a hadith that says tobacco is haram or if it's mentioned in the Quran.
Man said scholars agree it's haram. I told him that is smoking. Since it contains a lot of carcinogens.
So conclusion dude didn't bring forth the hadith and went away.
Snuss 1-0
So we started arguing.
Dude asked what that was
I said tobacco. I told him I use it.once in a while. Actually I am shaytaan. I was searching.for.a.discussion. and knew this dude was prone to act like a sheikh.
So he said that is haram and was moaning blablabla.
Told him I'd give him 50 euros if he brings forth a hadith that says tobacco is haram or if it's mentioned in the Quran.
Man said scholars agree it's haram. I told him that is smoking. Since it contains a lot of carcinogens.
So conclusion dude didn't bring forth the hadith and went away.
Snuss 1-0