So this is what Xalimos are up to nowadays?

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f*ck you im from Mudug
I was speaking to his excellence mudane Kheyre and he said bi'idnillaah this shameless "artist" will face a death penalty as soon as she travels to Somalia
Somalis, like all other blacks, think the only avenues to fame and success are through music and sports. I might humor them a little if they could actually play a musical instrument. It's not uncommon for a young person who can strum a guitar to join a highschool band and play a few gigs at local bars and clubs in the hope of getting noticed by talent scouts. But these qaxootis can't play a single instrument, not the guitar, not the violin, not the saxophone, not the piano, not the drums, nothing. It's like trying to be a writer without being literate. God bless them.
Somalis, like all other blacks, think the only avenues to fame and success are through music and sports. I might humor them a little if they could actually play a musical instrument. It's not uncommon for a young person who can strum a guitar to join a highschool band and play a few gigs at local bars and clubs in the hope of getting noticed by talent scouts. But these qaxootis can't play a single instrument, not the guitar, not the violin, not the saxophone, not the piano, not the drums, nothing. It's like trying to be a writer without being literate. God bless them.

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