Siyad Barre No Blood Spilled Policy


He achieved a bloodless coup with brilliant tactical precision. In the rest of the world anytime there is a coup blood is usually spilled. This is the case even in modern times, for example the recent coup attempt that took place in Turkey where some members tried overthrowing Erdogan tried to take power but ended up failing and many of the members that plotted were killed.

This is what happened with the clan based rebel groups. They thought their treasonous actions of trying to topple our government with the support of the Mengistu-Led Ethiopian government was going to have no consequences but they were wrong. They were purged for the most part, but these cowardly rebels usually used civilians as shields and in any battle where you use civilians as shields and do hit and runs against the military there will be casualties that result from that. The casualties were low, however our enemies were not looking for Siyad to be replaced. They were looking to destroy what was known at that time as the "Somali State" because it was an external threat to our neighboring countries interests. Ethiopia in particular, who funded and supported the insurgents in our country. What resulted afterwards of the toppling of our government was unimaginable shame that befall our nation and the colossal hit to our reputation around the world. The Anarchy caused for law and order to fall and the various warlords like Aideed went after civilians for "revenge" and was never qualified for leadership. Other things like Piracy, Seccisionism, Islamic-based insurgents, and AU peacekeeping forces are many of the unfortunate results of the toppling of our glorious government.

Today many of the families of those same warlords FLED Somalia and live abroad, but during the kacaan only people on official business or scholarships left the nation thus building a positive reputation for us. But now many of the low level REER BADIYO have also fled and are causing our reputation to suffer in diaspora countries with their poor level of educational attainment and criminal antics. It's a mess honestly, but as usual we will try to bring our prestige back however long it takes.

May Allah take Major General Siyad Barre and all officials loyal to the blessed Kacaan to Janatul Firdaus, Amiin.

Yeah I use siyad videos to prove to my friends we did have hope once. 91 and afterwards destroyed somali fabric to the point ppl r plotting even in diaspora to 'snitch' to intelligence officers for terrorists among other qabils, their finding out info of frauds, single mothers, or anything 'suspicious' on 'other clans' and giving tip offs to officials and asking for 'help' for their clan in somalia as good ppl living with bad somalis HECK gangs turn on each other in diaspora also its like moryan era spread to diaspora also after 91 legacy. Isaaq do this well the 'image selling' kkkkkk and it actually works on tourists, cnn anderson, damn propaganda level shit if massive but quickly shut down with science. Adopt the science approach, their not prepared THE ENEMY in somalia FOR THIS STYLE OF GOVERNANCE and u win automatically as they cant RESPSOND AGAINST SCIENCE WITHOUT LOOKIGN STUPID


@Dues Ex Machete I am not sure why u apologize for piracy, they didn't harm Somalis. Do u see white guys apologize for congo mineral theft? in-yar dhinacasi ka xishoo, learn his not your citizen nor does any responsibility befall u, he will sell u in two seconds if he cud. Piracy isn't crime in my book it's a business and they stole way more fish then the pirates got in ransom. They sell one side of piracy, yet want to continue pirating our sea. That's what I like about puntites we dont really care for shisheeye as the south does, we know how to cut deals niyahow cuz we know what our goals are, we are not waiting for direction from someone else


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@DR OSMAN just because your father work for afweyne doesnt mean he was good president. ... He was brutal dictotar who killed his own people... .


The Human trafficking was shocking I must admit, they are somalis @Dues Ex Machete that's when I also realized they will sell kidneys, hearts, and livers of dead hawiyes. It already happens at small scale stealing kids and stuff for dissection overseas. Some horrible things happen in the world when u make them choose to live in no state. Keep your kids 'safe' dues. This nation is gonna be HUNTING GROUNDS BOY. I dont blame the world for it, wadan diiday inu wax soo saaro, iyaga wax laga soo saari doona(literally organs). I even read an article how deni swapping 'diamonds' for a 'port' to china, the way africa was made poor while china adds it into its 3 trillion reserve of fixed assets and all u got was a port kkkk which isn't even a commodity like diamonds, it's port. Waxaa port lagu badesha not gold or minerals, taas waa wixi sanduuqina la gashta, talk about a dead continent
Yeah I use siyad videos to prove to my friends we did have hope once. 91 and afterwards destroyed somali fabric to the point ppl r plotting even in diaspora to 'snitch' to intelligence officers for terrorists among other qabils, their finding out info of frauds, single mothers, or anything 'suspicious' on 'other clans' and giving tip offs to officials and asking for 'help' for their clan in somalia as good ppl living with bad somalis HECK gangs turn on each other in diaspora also its like moryan era spread to diaspora also after 91 legacy. Isaaq do this well the 'image selling' kkkkkk and it actually works on tourists, cnn anderson, damn propaganda level shit if massive but quickly shut down with science. Adopt the science approach, their not prepared THE ENEMY in somalia FOR THIS STYLE OF GOVERNANCE and u win automatically as they cant RESPSOND AGAINST SCIENCE WITHOUT LOOKIGN STUPID

For the country to transition from 3rd World to an "Developing Nation" there needs to be a significant influx of the learned academics and diaspora that left the country in the early 90s to reignite an intellectual renaissance of sorts. Many of our intellectuals and business leaders are living in the west because once the government fell in 91' there was no law and order, thus bringing in a lack of safety. And if you've researched any parts of the world where safety and stability is lacking there is no injection of capital or "investments".

There are some groups of people who have capitalized on the lack of governance in pillaging/looting as well as illegal activities and they know if the upper class Somalis were to return from the diaspora with a level playing field in terms of judicial infrastructure and stable institutions they would be easily outclassed and run out of business. So in my objective estimation there are obviously groups who want this lawless anarchy and "terror tactics" to continue so that investments are scared off and diaspora intellectuals don't return. Most of the people who are left in leadership positions today are not QUALIFIED at all in terms of the how much more people we have that could do a much better job.
@DR OSMAN siyad barre was a let's all eat kinda guy. He does not care about qabils he will promote anyone as long as they are capable.

I have met so many isaq, hawiye, darod , digil and 0.5 that where sent to Soviet union for training and education.

Ask yourself this question @DR OSMAN when was the last time a somali government sent it's best and brightest to overseas to learn and come back to improve the society in somalia?


@DR OSMAN siyad barre was a let's all eat kinda guy. He does not care about qabils he will promote anyone as long as they are capable.

I have met so many isaq, hawiye, darod , digil and 0.5 that where sent to Soviet union for training and education.

Ask yourself this question @DR OSMAN when was the last time a somali government sent it's best and brightest to overseas to learn and come back to improve the society in somalia?

Listen u shouldn't even compare siyad to what we have today, I wouldn't bring him down to that status. It's like me comparing my nabadoon to boqor osman, niinka yeela taas isaga nacas ah. These 4 year no namers are clue-less and lost what to do, stuck with opposition no matter what they do, and their lost for TALO, they get feker and opinions, cadifad, isdabamarin, u know all that shit that we master, but the nation really lacks a genuine think tank that can PROVE IT SOLUTION, that's talo, and it's very hard to come by sxb cause u can spend 10 years wasting 2009-2010 when u could've completed phase 1 of basic services for all program before moving into phase 2 economic stimulation, phase 3 knowledge economy, phase 4 security innovation. U dont get there cause there is no peope with provable solutions since they dont adopt scientific method and prove it. Its like taking an opinion from a khat house when u take the opinion of somalis(except a very rare few who do seem solution focused)


@Dues Ex Machete some people even suggest 'ha lays waso' no joke, I speak to locals and their more concerned did u get married, have kids, beesha noo kordhi. Huge cultural change ayaa ku sugayso. They accept animal reproduce concept, way og yihin noolasha dhabta ah waa reproduction as charles darwin taught because if u ask them why u like marriage, it's so they make their clan large is their response. They just need to take charles darwin like thinking and complete it with all the sciences in the world which they stop and start the bad 'culture' elements of 'faan, brainwashing, media manipulation, they cant even do their statistics properly without it being fudged etc'


@nomand your wasting your time with hawiye tho, everyone has tried, the chances of farmajo succeeding is nil. Kismayo is more diverse then Mogadishu and it seems to work, they got issues and wat we shud talk about as somalis how do we separate mogadishu from Somalia and treat it as 'treaty' area or something so we can all progress while they fix their house, why let other somalis wait for as it causes tribalism to increase(which may be their objective)


@DR OSMAN dhuli an xishoon ba tahay hadha manta afweyne amaaneso

Abaal ayaan lee yahay unlike u so I can develop my 'loyalty' profile, how can I show the world I am good person hadi ki abahay soo saaray caynayo MACQUL UU HADAL. Qof isbadela ma ahi niyahow meel kuma gaadhaysid iyo beeshina ku dhimanayso taas
@Dues Ex Machete some people even suggest 'ha lays waso' no joke, I speak to locals and their more concerned did u get married, have kids, beesha noo kordhi. Huge cultural change ayaa ku sugayso. They accept animal reproduce concept, way og yihin noolasha dhabta ah waa reproduction as charles darwin taught because if u ask them why u like marriage, it's so they make their clan large is their response. They just need to take charles darwin like thinking and complete it with all the sciences in the world which they stop and start the bad 'culture' elements of 'faan, brainwashing, media manipulation, they cant even do their statistics properly without it being fudged etc'

I studied Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory long ago and I agree with it in the objective sense. However in this day and age it's not as accurate since there are advancements in medicine that will allow for some to live longer than they would have naturally, food stocks are created through genetic modifications thus creating a surplus of food, so on and so forth. The issue with Somalia is that there are too many ignorant and uneducated people who believe their opinion is WORTH A DAMN. When in reality it means nothing. This creates a culture of people who aren't keen on allowing for others to take leadership even if they are qualified. This is very detrimental trait to have in the world society we live in now. However it was suited for the old nomadic culture, to preserve increase stocks of livestock and thus increase wealth.

We need to create a scientific council that provides solutions based on objective measurements and metrics. Those best qualified for the positions are given the positions. But it's not possible to do this due to this new "4.5 model" that was created to appease groups with less intellectual capabilities. Lets say for instance many of the bright minds are from a certain group of people because they value learning and excellence they should theoretically dominate top positions, however some groups might deem this as unfair and thus we return to this conundrum we're in.

The rebel groups were mainly made up of illiterate reer badiyo foot soldiers that didn't know how to read or write, but knew how to loot and pull a trigger. So what the warlords envisioned was that they would try to capture power with violence, but that in itself destroyed any credibility they thought they could get, thus making it so no one took their power as legit in any manner whatsoever.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Cidanki Abdirashid Ali sharmarke dhise bu dalka ku qabsadhe kuna burburiye....... Cidanki dalka difaci laha bu dadkisa ku xasuqe
Let Siyad Barre rest in peace. His affairs are with Allah and he will be responsible for what he has done. I also believe we shouldn't insult the dead for those who are sensitive. Also, we shouldn't glorify mass killers which he was one.
@DR OSMAN siyad barre was a let's all eat kinda guy. He does not care about qabils he will promote anyone as long as they are capable.

I have met so many isaq, hawiye, darod , digil and 0.5 that where sent to Soviet union for training and education.

Ask yourself this question @DR OSMAN when was the last time a somali government sent it's best and brightest to overseas to learn and come back to improve the society in somalia?
Lmaoooo, if Siyad wasn't a qabiilist, hitler wasn't Anti Jewish. What type of bullshit is this? This is probably the worst propaganda one can make loool.


@nomand cayaarta somaliya uma eeka ti hore madax iyo wasiro kaasi waxaa doonayo 'second rate citizens'. I think our best are fighting for areas only they have control sida 'sirdoonka oo ciaka la shaqayo' ama 'abaarso oo harvard la aadayo oo la baranayo cilmi dhab ah oo wax soo saar' U know the real important areas where you can control the whole state without needing to be president. Wallahi deni maba hadli karo hadu(diyano uu hanjabo) that sort of 'power' ayaa la radinaya hada ama wax uu dhigmo in PL while I think beelaha kale in loo tanasulayo among maxamud saleban using 'meerto' system. At least waa dhaama 1960-1969 policy of landheere class system oo jifi kasta oo landheer ayaa wax la siin jiray among all clans while the rest followed the pecking order(this thinking is still alive) in ppl like @Jablibax lakin waxba lama socodo kan laga reebo buranbur muse suldan

Marehan are still 1960-1969 thinking reer diini mooye wax kale meesha waxba ma cuno u follow a class system and pecking order while making others focus on external enemies like your some marehan saint kkkk, not even 'wasir' and its gonna cause marehan to revolt, it doesnt work niyahow, waa lagu soo adeegsan kara akhirki iyo waa inu dorta noolashisa iyo beeshisa ama kaaga
@nomand cayaarta somaliya uma eeka ti hore madax iyo wasiro kaasi waxaa doonayo 'second rate citizens'. I think our best are fighting for areas only they have control sida 'sirdoonka oo ciaka la shaqayo' ama 'abaarso oo harvard la aadayo oo la baranayo cilmi dhab ah oo wax soo saar' U know the real important areas where you can control the whole state without needing to be president. Wallahi deni maba hadli karo hadu(diyano uu hanjabo) that sort of 'power' ayaa la radinaya hada ama wax uu dhigmo in PL while I think beelaha kale in loo tanasulayo among maxamud saleban using 'meerto' system. At least waa dhaama 1960-1969 policy of landheere class system oo jifi kasta oo landheer ayaa wax la siin jiray among all clans while the rest followed the pecking order(this thinking is still alive) in ppl like @Jablibax lakin waxba lama socodo kan laga reebo buranbur muse suldan

Marehan are still 1960-1969 thinking reer diini mooye wax kale meesha waxba ma cuno u follow a class system and pecking order while making others focus on external enemies like your some marehan saint kkkk, not even 'wasir' and its gonna cause marehan to revolt, it doesnt work niyahow, waa lagu soo adeegsan kara akhirki iyo waa inu dorta noolashisa iyo beeshisa ama kaaga

sxb, somalis are too emotional they don't look at the bigger picture. Somalis don't even plan for tomorrow let alone plan for the next 30 years. how can we as a country move on and prosper if there are no goals and all we do is react to the latest event.

marehan are two sxb, marehan mudug iyo marehan jubbaland. marehan jubbaland fought each other, fought against al shabaab, fought against morgan, fought against rahanweyn, USC ,garre and al itihad. the way marehan south thinks is different today they are united and have a single goal. there is no system of i am laandheere and your laangaab in the south. in the north we only fought USC and thats it. what happened to habar ciise is not a good thing, but bahar ciise also live in jubbaland and have representations there.

the VP of jubbaland siyad aden is not reer diini, and as a reer diini we will sit back and let reer hassan or talxe take the leadership role in jubbaland.


sxb, somalis are too emotional they don't look at the bigger picture. Somalis don't even plan for tomorrow let alone plan for the next 30 years. how can we as a country move on and prosper if there are no goals and all we do is react to the latest event.

marehan are two sxb, marehan mudug iyo marehan jubbaland. marehan jubbaland fought each other, fought against al shabaab, fought against morgan, fought against rahanweyn, USC ,garre and al itihad. the way marehan south thinks is different today they are united and have a single goal. there is no system of i am laandheere and your laangaab in the south. in the north we only fought USC and thats it. what happened to habar ciise is not a good thing, but bahar ciise also live in jubbaland and have representations there.

the VP of jubbaland siyad aden is not reer diini, and as a reer diini we will sit back and let reer hassan or talxe take the leadership role in jubbaland.

We need to keep hawiye out of the loop, I think the world considers them a risk not only to themselves but the region and world if empowered. U can tell by economic development in hamar and hargeisa is purely 'diaspora and western wax soo saar', it's not local wax soo saar and u know wat that means don't u? u generate a city where the locals are dead broke while their is small investor economy happening serving other diaspora or foreigners. If u can envision it or if I could paint it for u. It's like that Keenadiid castle in Hobyo, I am sure u seen that right? while the locals are all in bushash outside and peasantry. Wallahi hamar economic model is pure 'ana ku leh' from the world, while their laffing they think inay 'rich yihin'. SXB the GDP is clear, 80% or more of it is livestock trade, agriculture trade is dead cuz of shabab), the cities there is no 'wax soo saar' except 'consumers' like the ghetto people who consume alot in america but they wait to eat wax soo saarka dadka cadaanka ma garatay.

Even if u tell hawiye this he wont believe u because u r 'darod' boogey man, so we need to speak to whites who will tell him and he will SUJUUD as usual, wallahi I know them waa 'slaved' ppl, so we should cut all interactions with them, it's unproductive and prove our models for white ppl who will get his 'slave' in line, wallahi its unfortunate I have to provide this model, but it will speed up somalia recovery.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Abaal ayaan lee yahay unlike u so I can develop my 'loyalty' profile, how can I show the world I am good person hadi ki abahay soo saaray caynayo MACQUL UU HADAL. Qof isbadela ma ahi niyahow meel kuma gaadhaysid iyo beeshina ku dhimanayso taas
Abaha dabadhilif uraayo bu ah ha.. .. He deserves to be shot between 2 eyes