Silanyo to finance a new clan port 35 km east of Berbera called Ceel Garde

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February 4, 2016 - Written by Berbera Today


Berbera( Madaxweyne Siilanyo kasoo jeedo oo ilaa iyo mudadii uu xukunka dalka qabtay Madaxweyne Siilanyo boob kuhaysay guud ahaan Deegaamada Gobolada dalka islamarkaana si gooniya ugu soo diyaar garawday inay Deegaanka Gobolka Saaxil boobto qeyb weyna ku yeelato ayaa talo ku gaadhay inay Deked macmal ah ka samaystaan Xeebta Ceel Garde oo masaafo 35 Kiilo Mitira Dhinaca Bariga ka xigta magaalada Berbera dhismaha Dekedaas ayaa waxa hada uu laga bilaabay deegaankaas Ceel Garde iyada oo maalmihii udanbeeyay laga hadal hayay magaalada Berbera dhismaha Dekedaas macmalka ah oo ay Beesha madaxweyne Siilanyo kasoo jeedaa ugu talagashay inay Marka ay Xukunka ka dagaan kala soo dagaan Badeecado koontara baan ah oo aan cashuurta dawlada laga Bixinin iyada oo marka hore dhismaha Dekedaas macmalka ah lagu sheegayo inay tahay Deked yar oo kaluumaysi.

waxaana Kharashka dhismaha Dekedaas ku baxaya Bixinaysa Xukumada Somaliland iyadoo ay gadhwadeenka ka yihiin fulinta mashruucaas Wasiirada madaxtooyada Maxamud Xaashi Cabdi, Wasiirka hawlaha Guud Cali Xasan Maxamed(Cali Mareexaan)iyo wiilka uu Sodoga uyahay Madaxweyne Axmed Siilanyo Baashe Cawil(Baashe Morgan)sadexdan masuul ayaa iyagu geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba ugu taagan sidii dhismaha Dekedaasi uhirgali lahaa iyaga oo adeegsanaya Dakhliga dawlada sidoo kale waxa dhawaan goobtaas la geeyay Amiirka dalka Kuwait ee qasriyada raaxad ku leh Degmada Sheekh iyo Xeebta Galbeedka Gobolka Saaxil ee bada ku dhinac teedsan ee Xeedho waxa kaloo isagan dhawaan la geeyay Deegaanka Ceel garde maalqabeen udhashay dalka Isutaga imiraatka Carabta Sababta ugu weyn ee goobtaas Ceel garde loo

geynayaana waxa ay tahay sidii looga qaadi lahaa lacag badan oo lagu hirgaliyo dhismaha Dekedaas qaabka qabliga ah looga Binaynayo Ceel Garde, waxa aan iyaguna ka maqneyn hirgalinta Mashruucan qabiiliga ah ee Dekeda macmalka ah lagu dhisayo Ganacsatada kasoo jeeda Beesha Madaxweyne oo iyaguna maal iyo moodba dul dhigaya sidii Dekedaas loo hirgalin lahaa iyaga oo Sanduuqyo Xisaabeed oo Lacag ururinayo Dekeda Ceel Garde kasameeyay shirkadaha xawaalada ee Debed iyo dalka gudihiisaba.
Geesta kale Maalmihii udanbeeyay waxa magaalada Berbera aad looga hadal hayay dhismaha Dekedaas Beesha madaxweynaha Siilanyo ka bilawday Ceel Garde iyada oo shacabka Deegaanka Gobolka Saaxil siweyn uga soo horjeedaan aadna ukacsan yihiin lagana yaabo in dhismaha Dekedaasi sifaha Qabiil loo dhisayaa keento colaad dhex marta Beesha Madaxweyne Siilanyo iyo Beesha Deegaanka Gobolka Saaxil oo udiyaar garawday sidii ay uga hortagi lahayd dekedaas macmalka ah ee loo dhisayo qaabka qabiiliga ah iyada oo hantidii qaranka la adeegsanayo.
Warar Xogogaal ah oo ay helayso shabakada Wararka ee waxa ay sheegayaan in maalmihii udanbeeyay shirar usocdeen Waxgaradka, salaadiinta, Cuqaasha Iyo Bulshada Reer Saaxil iyaga oo kaga tashanaya Shirarkaas sidii looga hortagi lahaa dhismaha Dekedaas Maaliyadii Qaranka lagu fulinayo iyada oo qaab qabiilna loo dhisay dad gaarana la doonayo inay adeegsadaan taas oo meel kadhac ku ah Maamulka iyo haykalka dawladnimo in looga faa,iidaysto qaab beeleed oo aan daah saareyn oo sida cad ceeda umuuqda.
Sidoo kale waxa ay dhismaha Dekeda Macmalka ahi kusoo beegmaysaa iyada oo maanta uu Berbera kusoo beeganyahay Madaxweyne Axmed Siilanyo kana soo kicitimayo dhinaca magaalada Burco waxaanay wararka aanu ka helay socdaalka Madaxweynuhu sheegayaan inuu mudo laba maalmood uu joogi doono Berbera balse waxku muu xusin inuu kulan la qaadan doono bulshada iyo inuu sidii caadada u aheyd ee bada udabaal tagi doono oo socdaalkiisu shaqsi noqon doono.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Ciise muuse mar walba baroor bey meesha kutaagan yihiin. Saaxiil ma ayaga iskaleh? Hj ba Dhanka bariga berbera weliggood degnaayeen.

Why another port there though? It would be more understandable to have one in Sanaage amba saylac area.


Ciise muuse mar walba baroor bey meesha kutaagan yihiin. Saaxiil ma ayaga iskaleh? Hj ba Dhanka bariga berbera weliggood degnaayeen.

Why another port there though? It would be more understandable to have one in Sanaage amba saylac area.

They are the main clan in Berbera so they whine about anything going on in Sahil region without their knowledge specially
concerning HJ. Sanaag is already getting Maydh port so this is their chance to have their own business port in the middle of Sahil
and Sanaag.


Bored to death
This is nonsense. It would take 300 million to upgrade the current port, to create one from scratch would be many times that. I do not think the local population is against the port but rather the government are unable to strike a deal so they blame it on the populace. Djibouti isn't going to allow Berbera to take its traffic nor does Ethiopia have anything to gain since Djibouti is being expanded for a 3rd time in recent years.
Somaliland might just develope into a crabs in a bucket type of situation with beelaha scratching each other

So far Kulmiye tried to get garhajis to fight over a parking lot / land dispute so as to sow discord between ciidagele and HY before the elections and now Kulmiye is doing this corruption with a clan port so that they have something to fall back on if they lose the elections


This is nonsense. It would take 300 million to upgrade the current port, to create one from scratch would be many times that. I do not think the local population is against the port but rather the government are unable to strike a deal so they blame it on the populace. Djibouti isn't going to allow Berbera to take its traffic nor does Ethiopia have anything to gain since Djibouti is being expanded for a 3rd time in recent years.

They are looking to build a basic small port where boats can dock and that is nowhere near 300 million but way less.


Bored to death
They are looking to build a basic small port where boats can dock and that is nowhere near 300 million but way less.
Bollore wanted to invest $677 million in Berbera but the deal was not finalized. If I was to speculate, Bollore dropped out which gave Dubai Ports the advantage. I read several reports Hirsi Gaab was lobbied by them. It's the same situation with Shell fuel storage, the contract was given to Hass Petroleum from Kenya.

In Hass it was a good case since they offered cheaper prices than TOTAL but I am not sure Bollore dropping out was a good deal since DP already controls Djibouti, they'd fix the fees in their favor. It's massive corruption on Hersi Gaab's part!

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
The politics in Somaliland is far from what a lot of us on the cyber world make it seem. Sub sub sub clans of the habros support the party that has a minister or two who came from their village. For example, I'm HJ and have uncles working under waddani. When I visit degaanada aan kasoo jeedno I see wadani signs everywhere.....The Habro clans are too big now and everything is moving towards what person respresents "my tuulo", which in some ways is better. It makes the parties more diverse. I think This kulmiye term was the last time we'd see this type of qabiyaalad siyasaadeed.
The politics in Somaliland is far from what a lot of us on the cyber world make it seem. Sub sub sub clans of the habros support the party that has a minister or two who came from their village. For example, I'm HJ and have uncles working under waddani. When I visit degaanada aan kasoo jeedno I see wadani signs everywhere.....The Habro clans are too big now and everything is moving towards what person respresents "my tuulo", which in some ways is better. It makes the parties more diverse. I think This kulmiye term was the last time we'd see this type of qabiyaalad siyasaadeed.

Wishful thinking your lot had demonstrated not be trustworthy and have mooryaan tendency. Why do y'all act like hyenas? You had teared the union fabric that brought habrood together which leads me to believe that your clans has backdoor plan with the south.


@calaf doon This land was originally settled by a sub clan of Sacad Muuse called Makaahiil about a hundred years ago up to Siyaara (50 km east of
Berbera. The Makaahiil later immigrated to Bulahar though Western Sahil, big mistake.


The politics in Somaliland is far from what a lot of us on the cyber world make it seem. Sub sub sub clans of the habros support the party that has a minister or two who came from their village. For example, I'm HJ and have uncles working under waddani. When I visit degaanada aan kasoo jeedno I see wadani signs everywhere.....The Habro clans are too big now and everything is moving towards what person respresents "my tuulo", which in some ways is better. It makes the parties more diverse. I think This kulmiye term was the last time we'd see this type of qabiyaalad siyasaadeed.

What area is that?

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@calaf doon Dee taa calaf bay ahayd.. It's caadi we'll take the hate, every president that comes in power is "mooryan". We say the same shit about Cigaal(HA) who "ignited the civil war", Tuur(HY) "a traitor who tried to join somalia" , Ina Riyaal Kaahin(DIR) " Stole all the money from the government...So in reality it's just HJ turn to ride the wave kkkk.

In reality Kulmiye had major development within the first 2 years. I think siilaanyo is sick though, even Mujaahidiin of SNM from different clans know that Sillaanyo is a true lander at heart, and in some interviews where they discuss corruption they mention odeygu inu xanuuunsaneya,

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@Duke of Harshaw saraar. Maxamed abokar of Reer caynaba iyo wadaamago, Muuse abokar are strictly kulmiye. Maxamad abokar subclans like axmed faarax, solomadow, reer daahir etc are split in their votes. You can even see it on the eastside of burco/


@Duke of Harshaw saraar. Maxamed abokar of Reer caynaba iyo wadaamago, Muuse abokar are strictly kulmiye. Maxamad abokar subclans like axmed faarax, solomadow, reer daahir etc are split in their votes. You can even see it on the eastside of burco/

I see so you're Solomadow the only Maxamed Abokar in Saraar are usually Reer Qorilugud. It is true WADANI was received very well in East
Burco and its outside towns when Cirro visited it recently hence that panicked Musa Bixi that his supposed support base is being stolen. It is
more to do with the recent rift with Xirsi.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Somalis underestimate how much it takes to construct a port, it costs at the very least upwards of $60 million for a small one. If you wanted to construct a port of Berbera's size today, it could easily cost $800-$900 million. What is being built is probably a jetty of some sort.
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