Siad barre


Veni Vidi Vici

Somalidid look extremely beautiful back in the 70s and 80s.

but it doesn’t excuse the fact that Barre was a horrible dictator that killed a lot of innocent people.

what tribe was he apart off btw?
He was a Marexaan Leader

At the end of the day, in any state as a leader, you kill or get killed, especially Africa


@Ace the shank Exactly may Allah forgive his kind soul. Man was the GOAT zookeeper he knew Somalia was a time ticking bomb waiting to go off and ruled civilizing these apes for 21 yrs showing them the Modern World. Modern day GOAT leader of Somalia history:salute:

If Somalia as a country was destined to collapse it would have already fall apart between 1960-69. But fact is the period witnessed no guerilla wars or calamities.

Human rights violation by state forces is the leading force behind formation of most rebel groups (minus SSDF) When you add mismanaged economy and disastrous war of 77 any country in the world will undergo a civil war under such conditions.

You intentionally overlook his role in flaming the civil war. Monopolizing political power and economy is prevelant in all dictatorships around the world, that alone could not cause his overthrow. His mistakes are clear 77 war and human rights violations. When his abuses made it to the international media all his allies(mainly America) stopped weapon and ammunition aid which lead to his collapse a year later. Keyword human rights violation.

You can't systematically abuse and exclude large sections of society and act surprised when they rebel. He allowed situation to devolve into that level so he shoulders most of the responsibility.

Disclaimer, I'm not talking about USC or 1991, I'm talking about what lead to several rebel movements to form and challenge his regime.
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Rebels are rebels. Rebels don't have a qabil in a normal country fam look at the US you think Trump is gonna allow niggas to loot the man went on twitter saying the thugs are gonna get shot up :dead: He stood for Somalia fighting for the greater Somalia dream of shanta Somalia and represented Somalis. I get where you coming from tho qabil wise. The past is past dawg. Let's move forward maanta but we ain't gonna discredit his accomplishments
And innocent uninvolved civilians aren't rebels you retard.
Rebels are rebels. Rebels don't have a qabil in a normal country fam look at the US you think Trump is gonna allow niggas to loot the man went on twitter saying the thugs are gonna get shot up :dead: He stood for Somalia fighting for the greater Somalia dream of shanta Somalia and represented Somalis. I get where you coming from tho qabil wise. The past is past dawg. Let's move forward maanta but we ain't gonna discredit his accomplishments
He's solely responsible for rebel factions arising and is who destroyed the potential Somaliweyn.
Why do people get selective videos showing Italian colonial architecture or Somali airlines which was introduced by Adan cadde and women and children singing to guulwade songs and try to act like somalia was a utopia. The fact of the matter is it was worse then than it even is now. The only difference is somalia wasn’t under the pen of the UN Security Council and 1 militia controlled the country.

With all the propaganda videos made by N&N now maybe in 10 years you could post them and act like somalia was doing so well kkkkkk


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I just saw today y'all were still arguing even after I left. People who glorify murderers are the ones with problems. Now gtfo here stupid nigga.

You still reviving old posts of mines you retarded ass nigga. I said dead this topic from our convo and you still crying like a naag :pacspit:
You jackass buffoon get off my xiiniyo. MSB been deceased for 30 yrs and you still crying like a naag :faysalwtf:
This is how I know you're retarded. You're the ones who brought him up and suck his dick and grapple his nuts calling him daddy like the s you are. Just shut the f*ck up now. Don't reply.

