Should child marriage be banned in Somalia?

That just sounds fake. Who would out themselves like that
We should discourage/outlaw older men marrying teens. They should be marrying each other.

He is physically undesirable. When I think about all the women in history ( and currently) who had to sleep with ugly ass men because they had money/power... i shed a tear

thank God I was born into a middle class family in Canada and i can support myself comfortably.
Child marriages are a marker of poverty. Generally speaking, girls and the parents of a girl would want her to marry a man of the same generation as her.

Once the economy of Somalia rises, child marriages will be a thing of a past. You hardly see child marriages in stable societies. Child marriages are mostly common in war zones, places of drought (Somali meey for example) and other forms of instability.

Empower and educate the people and you’ll find that most parents do not like the idea of giving their daughters away to men significantly older.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Child marriages are a marker of poverty. Generally speaking, girls and the parents of a girl would want her to marry a man of the same generation as her.

Once the economy of Somalia rises, child marriages will be a thing of a past. You hardly see child marriages in stable societies. Child marriages are mostly common in war zones, places of drought (Somali meey for example) and other forms of instability.

Empower and educate the people and you’ll find that most parents do not like the idea of giving their daughters away to men significantly older.
You would be surprised how despicable some Somali fathers back home are, they would offer you their daughter like a piece of candy even if you are already married they would insist. Sometimes they see girls as a burden on the household especially if they have 6+ kids so instead of feeding them they marry them off. Unless this culture of offering young girls to Diaspora/welloff men ceases it shall continue
Child marriages are a marker of poverty. Generally speaking, girls and the parents of a girl would want her to marry a man of the same generation as her.

Once the economy of Somalia rises, child marriages will be a thing of a past. You hardly see child marriages in stable societies. Child marriages are mostly common in war zones, places of drought (Somali meey for example) and other forms of instability.

Empower and educate the people and you’ll find that most parents do not like the idea of giving their daughters away to men significantly older.
So true. As the economy changes. No father will sell his virgin daughter to feed the family.
You would be surprised how despicable some Somali fathers back home are, they would offer you their daughter like a piece of candy even if you are already married they would insist.
Saxib, let’s be real. If they weren’t in poverty they wouldn’t be behaving in undignified way and throwing their daughters to the wolves. In traditional Somali dhaqan, a man is meant to come to the father and ask for the girls hand in marriage with gifts ect. That culture still persists in the West. Why? Because we don’t live in poverty here and parents here would be shocked if their 25 yr old daughter brought up a 45 yr old, let alone their 14 yr old. You need ask yourself. What makes them different here and and what makes them different in Somalia? Poverty.

Sometimes they see girls as a burden on the household especially if they have 6+ kids so instead of feeding them they marry them off. Unless this culture of offering young girls to Diaspora/welloff men ceases it shall continue
Yep, it fits what I’m saying. If the economy increases, feeding daughters isn’t going to be seen as a burden and girls will be free to get an education and work themselves. When Somali fathers are relatively stable, the idea of marrying their little girls to older men makes them feel uncomfortable.
Its marriage. She is also old enough to accept or decline the marriage. Do you rather want those to, to fornicate?
That’s the thing, she would never fornicate with a man like that. She’s a kid and isn’t attracted to an old man that is old enough to be her father.

This isn’t a marriage of mutual attraction, but is a forced one in which it is due to poverty. She’s likely from the Meey and is probably from a community impacted by the drought.
The problem is more of whether she wants to be married or not
A lot more complicated than that. Forced marriages in Somalia usually happens though emotional blackmailing and though the context of poverty. Hence, the girl would often say yes? Despite it actually being forced on her.

I honestly think the only thing that would stop this is though an increase in living standards and education. Having strong laws isn’t going to stop being doing it as well.

They should invest in educating their people and make it illegal for kids to be out of school before the age of 16-17.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Saxib, let’s be real. If they weren’t in poverty they wouldn’t be behaving in undignified way and throwing their daughters to the wolves. In traditional Somali dhaqan, a man is meant to come to the father and ask for the girls hand in marriage with gifts ect. That culture still persists in the West. Why? Because we don’t live in poverty here and parents here would be shocked if their 25 yr old daughter brought up a 45 yr old, let alone their 14 yr old. You need ask yourself. What makes them different here and and what makes them different in Somalia? Poverty.

Yep, it fits what I’m saying. If the economy increases, feeding daughters isn’t going to be seen as a burden and girls will be free to get an education and work themselves. When Somali fathers are relatively stable, the idea of marrying their little girls to older men makes them feel uncomfortable.
Facts, you wouldnt see a rich man do this with his daughters infact they probably treasure them in the household.

Solution? Somalis need to stop having a billion kids in one household and stop using Qadar of Allah as an excuse to live beyond your means. You would see a broke man in baadiyo have four wives with multiple kids and then say Allah will feed them.