SHOCKING: not a single BLACK spotted at protest for Shukri Abdi despite Xaliimos praying "JANAZAH" for George Floyd


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
It is clear as a day light that Black people don't care about Somali rights,let this be a wake up call for all the Halimos who were preaching BLM matter down our throat, time for them to smell the coffee.:manny:

Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
Reminder that BLM was founded by three lesbians and is funded by george soros the jew.

You can be against police brutality without supporting that organisation.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Madows are mucu smarter than Somalis they know we aint the same people. Meanwhile Halimos beg dem like crazy :pacspit:


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
Somalis are their separate identity to all ethnicities.

They know we aren't Madow.


UK blacks are more ''tribal'' because they come from many different countries and parts of the globe. US blacks are largely AA who are inclusive to new groups. That's the main difference.


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
UK blacks are more ''tribal'' because they come from many different countries and parts of the globe. US blacks are largely AA who are inclusive to new groups. That's the main difference.
There’s no such thing as uk blacks lmao. You are having a laugh if you think a Nigerian and a Jamaican claim each other :dead: