Shitty, ignorant Somalis.My 2017 rant.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I haven't insulted you please refrain from insulting me
It doesn't matter even if she is hafidz Quran she is a hoe.What kind of muslim follows one instruction of Allah and refuses the other she is a self hater and has already committed a grave sin Zina

Wtf do you call this? Bipolar harlot. Stop following me around nayaa, I'm not into women.

How the hell do you have 350+ posts when you just joined on Tuesday? Loser.

Abdullahi Hussein

The G.O.A.T
I see you're obsessed with MJ, did an MJ guy tell to f*ck off nayaa?

Why am I even interacting with your loser ass, how do you have 350+ since Tuesday? You need to get a life.
Don't get your hopes up I would never go within ten meters of an MJ girl.
Keep on making baseless accusations tho.
OP and her usually complaining about society. SMH

I smell a horrible divorce in her future. No way a man can deal with her ego and horrible attitude.

Only to deal with her women like her is in Somalia, then women like her wouldn't spend too "complaining" and would spend time in kitchen back home.. If she talked back, then she would get whipped. Can't do that here because them white boys (who she despises) are protecting her
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Abdullahi Hussein

The G.O.A.T
OP and her usually complaining about society. SMH

I smell a horrible divorce in her future. No way a man can deal with her ego and horrible attitude.

Only to deal with her women like her is in Somalia, then women like her wouldn't spend too "complaining" and would spend time in kitchen back home.. If she talked back, then she would get whipped. Can't do that here because them white boys (who she despises) are protecting her
Beta cuck
Where does this happen do you live in Somalia
Starbucks in Somalia?


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Stop staring at me when you see me in a line to buy something.
Stop picking your damn nose in public, stop being loud, if you can't speak English, don't embarass yourself and stfu, nobody wants to hear your broken English.
Stop wearing the big tent you call jilbaab, you look dirty, fat and reer badiyo.
If you're a fob and you see me talking to a non-Somali person, don't fucking come to me and ask me if I'm Somali and why was I speaking to the Ajanabi.
If I'm in Starbucks and your old ass is old enough to be my father, don't fucking come up to me to start a conversation.
If I'm in a Somali restaurant, and I order fish, don't fucking try to sell me the hilib Ari.
Speaking of hilib Ari, if you eat hilib Ari, do us all a favor, wash your hands, brush your teeth and put on a perfume or cologne.

Speaking of smelling bad, wear a fucking deodorant in the summer, I'm tired of being in a line with you and have to hold my breath.

If you're a fat xalimo, don't fucking try to wear fashion nova or clothing, dress for your size. Nobody wants to see your rolls or fat ass in tight clothing.

If you're a short Somali guy, don't bother talking to me.

If you're not MJ, don't bother talking to me.

If you're bald or have a receding hairline don't bother looking at my direction.

If you've gap teeth, don't fucking smile at me.

And yes I'm not black, I will never indetify as black.

I slipped on the ice and almost (I actually cried) I hate slippery roads.

I love winter though.
aren't you from an historical irrelevant MJ clan anyways :ohlord:
Stop staring at me when you see me in a line to buy something.
Stop picking your damn nose in public, stop being loud, if you can't speak English, don't embarass yourself and stfu, nobody wants to hear your broken English.
Stop wearing the big tent you call jilbaab, you look dirty, fat and reer badiyo.
If you're a fob and you see me talking to a non-Somali person, don't fucking come to me and ask me if I'm Somali and why was I speaking to the Ajanabi.
If I'm in Starbucks and your old ass is old enough to be my father, don't fucking come up to me to start a conversation.
If I'm in a Somali restaurant, and I order fish, don't fucking try to sell me the hilib Ari.
Speaking of hilib Ari, if you eat hilib Ari, do us all a favor, wash your hands, brush your teeth and put on a perfume or cologne.

Speaking of smelling bad, wear a fucking deodorant in the summer, I'm tired of being in a line with you and have to hold my breath.

If you're a fat xalimo, don't fucking try to wear fashion nova or clothing, dress for your size. Nobody wants to see your rolls or fat ass in tight clothing.

If you're a short Somali guy, don't bother talking to me.

If you're not MJ, don't bother talking to me.

If you're bald or have a receding hairline don't bother looking at my direction.

If you've gap teeth, don't fucking smile at me.

And yes I'm not black, I will never indetify as black.

I slipped on the ice and almost (I actually cried) I hate slippery roads.

I love winter though.

Some somali girls are like sheep - annoys the f*ck outta me

But somali guys? I have legit grown to despise them, their ashy skin, big foreheads
and receding hairlines and big calools


The worst somali guys are the one's simping for you one minute and than get hurt
by you the next, they are worse than females

:siilaanyolaugh: where are the masculine somali men? Do they even exist?
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