Sheikh Muqtaar Roobow likely to be in the CABINET




No only is he being released he is going to be appointed as Minister of Eliminating Terrorism.


Laftagareen is in great trouble. He is strongly protesting this


Ministry of eliminating terrorism? Is that the army? The intelligence? So vague and sounds stupid.
I can see him working closely with SNA leader and Mahad Salad especially in SWS. Where he has the loyal support of many RX.

The other rumour is he’s set to be the new Minister of Religious Affairs.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somalia is full of warlords and criminals walking free, I find it hypocritical that people are complaining about this man. Atleast he has fought kebabs, even losing a son ( correct me if Im wrong ). He is a asset that we should use.
We need an ideological alternative to the Al-Shabaab doctrine. I hope we can tap into the knowledge of our Culuma that have rebudiated their message over and over again. If Roboow can be asset in securing South from Shabaab we should welcome him, but he should be on NISA's surveilance.

Hope they do what the Saudis have done to unradicalise their youth. One needs to teach the youth the moral values of Islam, and put great emphasiz on the value Islam puts on humanlife. And how any form suicide is a betrayal of faith and one of the greatest sins one could commit.

Remind them that we are not like the fanatic Shii'te that put greate emphazis on martyrdom one can do Jihad in other ways than blow themselves up. No muslim has a right to label a person who believes in almighty god that prays five salaad as a gaal.


It’s said that Sheikh Aden Madoobe requested this in return for making parliament loyal to the government. Good news if true. No motions or anything. All HSM priorities will be passed



Most of the ministers/cabinet will be members and candidates who weren’t elected in their states after being blocked. So this will be the first time Wasiirada aren’t mostly from parliament.


Some of those expected are Axmed Macalin Fiqi, Xasan Macalin, C/risaaq Cumar Maxamed, Dr Cilmi, Biixi Iimaan Cige, Maxamuud Beene-Beene, Faarax Sheekh Cabduqaadir, Abshir Bukhaari, Cali Balcad, Ilyaas Cali Xasan


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