Self hating South Asians says whites are superior

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Wow another Elliot rodger in the making. This should be interesting!

High functioning autist say the funniest things. I met a russian autist in my physics course, he believed certain races were more prone to violence and rape. I asked him what about WW1 and WW2 and he blamed the jews for instigating it.:drakelaugh:

I'd ask him on his views on many topics, it felt like a real life SSpot.:mjhaps::mjhaps::pachah1:

The great irony is the moment he affirms Jews caused WW1 and WW2, he by extension affirms that the Jews control every facet of his society (which is true for the past 300 years)

Hence by extension all 'inventions' are credited to them (which they are anyway as most are Jewish), they have even gone as far as to come up with studies proving the Jews to be smartest. (talk about conflict of interest)

The Jews were never considered to be white at any moment in history, their satanic talmudic Babylonian dark arts are known by the 150 countries that evicted them for this, the bible speaks about it as does the Quran, as far as 2000 years ago this was known.

I made a topic in the science section before how several of their so called 'scientists' and 'inventors' credited what they referred to as 'extraterrestrial' beings for these inventions, many of them are open satanists like those at NASA and part of satanic cults.

These satanists not only run every facet of their society and institutions for several centuries now but managed to even change their religion, culture and way of life to their own determinant, something they failed in every other continent.

So much for being 'superior' to other people :mjlol:

The great irony is the moment he affirms Jews caused WW1 and WW2, he by extension affirms that the Jews control every facet of his society (which is true for the past 300 years)

Hence by extension all 'inventions' are credited to them (which they are anyway as most are Jewish), they have even gone as far as to come up with studies proving the Jews to be smartest. (talk about conflict of interest)

The Jews were never considered to be white at any moment in history, their satanic talmudic Babylonian dark arts are known by the 150 countries that evicted them for this, the bible speaks about it as does the Quran, as far as 2000 years ago this was known.

I made a topic in the science section before how several of their so called 'scientists' and 'inventors' credited what they referred to as 'extraterrestrial' beings for these inventions, many of them are open satanists like those at NASA and part of satanic cults.

These satanists not only run every facet of their society and institutions for several centuries now but managed to even change their religion, culture and way of life to their own determinant, something they failed in every other continent.

So much for being 'superior' to other people :mjlol:
European decent have been far far ahead of any otha race for atleast a 1000 yrs,can anyone care to explain why is that? they have proved to be the most intelligent and creative and rightfully superior to all otha salty races that copy and paste their inventions.
Wow another Elliot rodger in the making. This should be interesting!

High functioning autist say the funniest things. I met a russian autist in my physics course, he believed certain races were more prone to violence and rape. I asked him what about WW1 and WW2 and he blamed the jews for instigating it.:drakelaugh:

I'd ask him on his views on many topics, it felt like a real life SSpot.:mjhaps::mjhaps::pachah1:
Elliot Rodger was mental. This person is just self hating.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
European decent have been far far ahead of any otha race for atleast a 1000 yrs,can anyone care to explain why is that? they have proved to be the most intelligent and creative and rightfully superior to all otha salty races that copy and paste their inventions.

Great point roble!
They have only been ahead of the rest of the world for 300 years.
:snoop:400 years ago they used to drink pee to whiten their teeth.
300 years ago they would lose blood on purpose so they can look paler. This practice was known as bloodletting.
:lolbron:I'm no history buff I search for youtube videos that talk about disgusting European habits.
European decent have been far far ahead of any otha race for atleast a 1000 yrs,can anyone care to explain why is that? they have proved to be the most intelligent and creative and rightfully superior to all otha salty races that copy and paste their inventions.
Great point roble!
Wow another Elliot rodger in the making. This should be interesting!

High functioning autist say the funniest things. I met a russian autist in my physics course, he believed certain races were more prone to violence and rape. I asked him what about WW1 and WW2 and he blamed the jews for instigating it.:drakelaugh:

I'd ask him on his views on many topics, it felt like a real life SSpot.:mjhaps::mjhaps::pachah1:

The response a white person would give is that they had more destructive weapons because they were intelligent enough to create them. Hence why WW1 and WW2 were so catastrophic. In the Rwanda genocide, they killed millions of Tutsi's with just machetes, imagine if they had guns, tanks, missiles and grenades!
They have only been ahead of the rest of the world for 300 years.
:snoop:400 years ago they used to drink pee to whiten their teeth.
300 years ago they would lose blood on purpose so they can look paler. This practice was known as bloodletting.
:lolbron:I'm no history buff I search for youtube videos that talk about disgusting European habits.
And would use piss as laundry detergent.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
They have only been ahead of the rest of the world for 300 years.
:snoop:400 years ago they used to drink pee to whiten their teeth.
300 years ago they would lose blood on purpose so they can look paler. This practice was known as bloodletting.
:lolbron:I'm no history buff I search for youtube videos that talk about disgusting European habits.

My dear we r talking about the white race, which dating back to the Romans who had a good water system going on. they were called the aqua.....water glowing in canals going upto public places where they would bath! the romans were better in cleaning themselves than the English 300 years ago. The romans are 1000s old


My dear we r talking about the white race, which dating back to the Romans who had a good water system going on. they were called the aqua.....water glowing in canals going upto public places where they would bath! the romans were better in cleaning themselves than the English 300 years ago. The romans are 1000s old
the reason whites have progressive so much is because evolution forced them too, the winters in Europe caused them to adapt more since more and more of them died each winter, the only ones that were able to survive were the ones who were able to adapt.
European decent have been far far ahead of any otha race for atleast a 1000 yrs,can anyone care to explain why is that? they have proved to be the most intelligent and creative and rightfully superior to all otha salty races that copy and paste their inventions.
That's not true, prior to say the Renaissance the Chinese and the Islamic civilizations were the ones that made new inventions and discoveries in science. China was truly the greatest empire and the most technologically advanced in the middle ages.
That's not true, prior to say the Renaissance the Chinese and the Islamic civilizations were the ones that made new inventions and discoveries in science. China was truly the greatest empire and the most technologically advanced in the middle ages.

Europeans had great civilizations prior to that time,greece,rome etc, neither china nor islam will come close. say count the earliest Greece civilization up until now and see what the Europeans contributed,,their inventions and civilizations is way too too far to even contemplate a comparison.


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
You can't really blame asian women for being repulsed by their own men

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Europeans had great civilizations prior to that time,greece,rome etc, neither china nor islam will come close. say count the earliest Greece civilization up until now and see what the Europeans contributed,,their inventions and civilizations is way too too far to even contemplate a comparison.
You said 1000 years ago that is not ancient Greece and ancient Rome. And if you go back that far even east Africans like the Axumites had more advanced civilization than some Europeans.
You said 1000 years ago that is not ancient Greece and ancient Rome. And if you go back that far even east Africans like the Axumites had more advanced civilization than some Europeans.

Image result for when was ancient greece
The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the time three centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.—a relatively sophisticated period in world history. Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but most of all it was the age in which the polis, or city-state, was invented.

Search Results
Image result for when was ancient rome
This timeline highlights the major events in the history of Ancient Rome. This timeline goes from 753 BC to 27 BC and then from 64 AD to 1453 AD. Rome was founded by Romulus. Romulus was the first of the seven Roman kings.

NOTE...both around 800Bc...that's 3000 yrs.

also there were civilizations all ova the world but none as advanced as Europeans in terms of knowledge...arts,science,astronomy,math, and more important the continuity for 1000s yrs.

i.e....the British monarchy started at 1060. thats 958 yrs uninterrupted!!
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Image result for when was ancient greece
The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the time three centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.—a relatively sophisticated period in world history. Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but most of all it was the age in which the polis, or city-state, was invented.

Search Results
Image result for when was ancient rome
This timeline highlights the major events in the history of Ancient Rome. This timeline goes from 753 BC to 27 BC and then from 64 AD to 1453 AD. Rome was founded by Romulus. Romulus was the first of the seven Roman kings.

NOTE...both around 800Bc...that's 3000 yrs.

also there were civilizations all ova the world but none as advanced as Europeans in terms of knowledge...arts,science,astronomy,math, and more important the continuity for 1000s yrs.

i.e....the British monarchy started at 1060. thats 958 yrs uninterrupted!!
i honestly have no clue what you are attempting to prove or refute here


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Hortaa do you lot come of some sort a assembly line ? every few sentences and you lot can't help but to throw in the word cuck, Cuck this cuck that cuck baa kuu washateeyn these new generation of incels are something else :what:

Insecurity masked as bravado, sxb. In their hearts they probably think they'll be "cucked".


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
European decent have been far far ahead of any otha race for atleast a 1000 yrs,can anyone care to explain why is that? they have proved to be the most intelligent and creative and rightfully superior to all otha salty races that copy and paste their inventions.

1000 years? Copying inventions? Rightfully superior?
Where do some of you get this notion?
Are you the guy in the video?
Thought some Somalis worshipping whites was a meme, guess not.
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