Scientists Mystified, Wary, as Africa Avoids COVID Disaster


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Why should "Scientists" be "Wary" that a certain continent is fairing quite well despite some of the lowest vaccine rates? They do not seem particularly happy that people are doing better than expected and relative to the highly inoculated and resource rich west.:hmm:

But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists.

“Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better.”

Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated.

WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.

What I find fascinating is the speculation as to why these "Africans" are fairing better than the rest of the world? And the framing of this as somehow problematic.

- Is it the lack of urbanization?
- More time spent outdoors?
- Genetic factors?
- Are there protective effects from past infections from parasitic diseases i.e. malaria?
- What's interesting is Ivermectin is often used for night blindness and to reduce malaria transmission across the dark continent. No one seems to be talking about it in the article. It's an AP article so not surprised.

:browtf: Let's hope philanthropy doesn't try to reverse these wins.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Waa shaytaan

I know right. It appears they want to preserve the status quo of regular 'dhibaato'.

They have to be next level psychopaths to be disappointed at people on the continent being given a break for once. The framing is what caught me off guard about the article title. It's one thing to be curious about a phenomenon and its another to be envious or upset that it runs counter to the prevailing narrative.


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Covid would be absolutely nothing in the "developed" world if these gaalo would just stop eating their processed junk, grains, seed oils and other randle cycle massaging foods and just live on things like organic meat, eggs, seafood and fermented dairy like real human beings. It ain't the virus, saxiibs. It's your absurd obesity, diabetes and general chronic disease rates making you need jabs to survive a flea bite like covid. But I forgot that that is against companies like Monsanto's bottomlines so my bad. Xoolo.
I know right. It appears they want to preserve the status quo of regular 'dhibaato'.

They have to be next level psychopaths to be disappointed at people on the continent being given a break for once. The framing is what caught me off guard about the article title. It's one thing to be curious about a phenomenon and its another to be envious or upset that it runs counter to the prevailing narrative.
Africa gets lots of sunlight the heat doesn't work well for covid and most people trade and work during the day getting lots of vitamin D and they go home to sleep at night. Also most Africans living today are pretty young they have a stronger immune system relative to a continent with more seniors. it makes sense why we see what we see


Africans are healthier in general, eat less processed foods and encounter far more deadlier diseases in their lifetimes than other groups. Honestly i have no idea why they are surprised at this phenomenon.

The last thing a under developed continent needs is a deadly pandemic that decimates it's population. Only the likes of bill gates would wish for the depopulation of africa.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Why should "Scientists" be "Wary" that a certain continent is fairing quite well despite some of the lowest vaccine rates? They do not seem particularly happy that people are doing better than expected and relative to the highly inoculated and resource rich west.:hmm:

What I find fascinating is the speculation as to why these "Africans" are fairing better than the rest of the world? And the framing of this as somehow problematic.

- Is it the lack of urbanization?
- More time spent outdoors?
- Genetic factors?
- Are there protective effects from past infections from parasitic diseases i.e. malaria?
- What's interesting is Ivermectin is often used for night blindness and to reduce malaria transmission across the dark continent. No one seems to be talking about it in the article. It's an AP article so not surprised.

:browtf: Let's hope philanthropy doesn't try to reverse these wins.

Lack of Data, thats why. Africa does not have Western coordinated Hospitals where Data can be stored, graphed and shared.

And also-- biological factor kicks in. Africans in the west were not that much affected here. Even Africans with compromised immune like HIV + Africans. Maybe strong immunity?

These two factors matter.

Also it is my study that Covid affects asians or people with Asian high blood dna more. Like Mexicans, Native Indians, Indians, Chinese etc etc
1. Africa is the world's youngest continent ...covid is a disease that kills the elderly and the ill.
2. It's almost certainly been under reported, most african countries don't have the facilities to carry out tests.
3. Covid is less prevalent in warm and humid climates.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Cool. What I have cobbled together from your speculations are:
  • Greater levels of Vitamin D
  • Higher Activity Levels
  • Lower Rates of Obesity
  • Lack of Robust Real time Data
  • Younger Population(s)
Fair enough.
  1. Can someone explain why more people are dying from COVID-19 in America in 2021 vs. 2020? Source
  2. Why is vaccination the only pursued global strategy to fight against COVID-19?
  3. Why are some scientists suggesting that increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination? (Bouanane, 2021; Subramanian & Kumar 2021)
  4. Why is naturally acquired immunity downplayed despite being robust and longer-lived than vaccine-mediated immunity (Lucas et al., 2021)? I mean none of you even proposed that line of reasoning to partly explain why Africans could be fairing better.
  5. Are we to pretend that pharmaceutical powerbrokers do not see the common man or woman as vectors of new diseases requiring their endless stream of mandatory vaccines in perpetuity? *Coughs * It is quite logical why they would be despondent at the notion that Africa does not need them right now as it cuts into their bottom line.
  6. Also, wasn't Pfizer the one that had to back down from its insane demand that South American countries "offer sovereign assets, bank reserves, military bases, and embassy buildings as a guarantee against indemnifying the cost of future legal cases (Nawal, 2021)."
  7. Why does the US FDA need 55 years to review and release information on COVID-19 vaccine data? Source I suppose if you have shit to hide, you'd prefer people not know about it until you're dead.

  1. Bouanane, M. (2021). Weak or No Correlation Between Recent COVID-19 Data and Vaccination Rates in France.
  2. Lucas, C., Vogels, C. B., Yildirim, I., Rothman, J. E., Lu, P., Monteiro, V & Iwasaki, A. (2021). Impact of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants on mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. Nature, 1-9.
  3. Subramanian, S. V., & Kumar, A. (2021). Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. European Journal of Epidemiology, 1-4.
I wouldn’t be surprised if these pigs are thinking of way of spreading Covid to Africa. Vaccine is huge business and another way to squeeze billions out of Africa
People shouldn't be surprised.

These Europeans wreaked havoc on earth for hundreds of years, only since Colonialism ended have they started rebranding their evil colonialism by pretending to be altruistic. Unfortunately, a lot of people actually believe this rebranding instead of looking into what they are really doing.

I refuse to believe they have all of a sudden developed a conscience, their masks drop often and that's when they publish such revealing articles.

Hey @Sophisticate , some good points.

- I know there was a lot of hype regarding Vitamin D, although I've not seen conclusive evidence. However, this isn't to say it doesn't exist - I just can't find it.

- I missed it, but you're totally right - There's strong evidence linking obesity to covid-19 fatalities.

Alright, I'll try to address your points:

1. Winter (Dec 2020-Feb 2021) was very deadly, this was just as vaccine roll out began, so barely anyone had vaccine protection. 382k Americans died in 2021 due to covid-19, but 105k died in January alone (27%). Source:

Very few Americans had any vaccine protection vs covid-19 in January

2. It's not the only strategy to fight covid-19 - you've probably heard of the Swiss cheese model:


3. So it has been clear in recent months that the vaccines aren't very good at stopping vaccinated individuals from giving covid-19 to others. However, it has massively reduced deaths, and this is the most important thing.

Just one example: the UK has similar number of cases now to January 2021 (around 40k cases a day). In January, deaths averaged more than a 1000 a day, and now they're averaging around a 150 a day, despite similar case numbers.

4. That's not what the paper says sxb. It's comparing people who were previously infected AND got the mRNA vaccine vs People who only got the mRNA vaccine.

I feel like I can argue 1-4 well because there's objective evidence, but 5-7 is more a matter of personal views imo. I'll give it a go anyway:

5. I'm not gonna defend pharmaceutical companies - they don't deserve that.
However, I certainly think there's good regulation of medicines and vaccines - the FDA, EMA, and MHRA are stringent, and some of the best safety scientists work for these agencies .

My biggest issue with pharma companies is the fact they're money oriented and heartless (esp with pricings of vital medicines in the USA).

Also, big pharma don't care about africa because it's poor. They could've developed a vaccine for ebola decades ago, but chose not to because the people it would help had no money. I doubt they're bothered africans aren't getting covid-19 vaccines.

6. Yes, pharma companies are largely evil. Thankfully, they had to back down, and it was a scandalous request. They were able to do this because these countries were desperate for the vaccine, and Pfizer were in the position of power

It shouldn't happen, and they only way to curb the 'evilness' of big pharma is to nationalise it imo.

7. Just from the article you've linked, people are asking for 330k pages to be released.
The FDA have said they can't release it all wholesale because they have to review each page and redact necessary information (patents, confidentiality, personal information). The reason for 55 years from the same article:
- There's only 10 FDA employees in the department. This team is also dealing with 400 other FOIA requests.
- They've agreed to release 500 pages a month ( 330k pages / 500 pages a month = 55 years).

This doesn't seem that suspicious to me. Especially as it's 330k pages, and they are currently getting released, albeit somewhat slowly.

I know I won't change your mind, but it's good to discuss still.
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Why should "Scientists" be "Wary" that a certain continent is fairing quite well despite some of the lowest vaccine rates? They do not seem particularly happy that people are doing better than expected and relative to the highly inoculated and resource rich west.:hmm:

What I find fascinating is the speculation as to why these "Africans" are fairing better than the rest of the world? And the framing of this as somehow problematic.

- Is it the lack of urbanization?
- More time spent outdoors?
- Genetic factors?
- Are there protective effects from past infections from parasitic diseases i.e. malaria?
- What's interesting is Ivermectin is often used for night blindness and to reduce malaria transmission across the dark continent. No one seems to be talking about it in the article. It's an AP article so not surprised.

:browtf: Let's hope philanthropy doesn't try to reverse these wins.
Multiple factors at play here, it's much too complicated to put a single reason on it. In any case, Alhamdulilah for keeping Africa from extreme hardship.
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