Saudi Arabia seeks 50,000 Somali domestic workers

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Locals have expressed mixed reactions over plans to send more than 50,000 workers yearly to Saudi Arabia. Under this new proposed agreement that awaits approval by Somali and Saudi authorities, Somalia plans to send at least 50,000 skilled and semi skilled labourers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, many in Somalia have been questioning Saudi Arabia's human rights record.

Meanwhile, Somalia is importing thousands of unskilled Kenyans and Ugandans to work in cities like Mogadishu and Kismayu.

Something doesn't add up.


If the men are denied work at home and 50, 000 women A YEAR are sold into slavery abroad, what's going to happen to Somalia?
This is the most digusting thing this so called government has done so far.This girls will face sexual and physical abuse, they won't be paid or be allowed to leave, and they may even be executed by that barbaric state for crimes they did not commit.

I was pleased when Hassan Sheikh got the presidency because I was disappointed in the lack of leadership skills of Sheikh Sharif. However after the bowing of HSM to the dead Kenyan soldiers and not talking about the innocent people Kenya killed in Gedo and the our people dying at the hands of al shabaab and now selling our girls to dirty hairy people I am absolutey livid with HSM. I think he should be arrested for his treasonous acts.


This is the most digusting thing this so called government has done so far.This girls will face sexual and physical abuse, they won't be paid or be allowed to leave, and they may even be executed by that barbaric state for crimes they did not commit.

I was pleased when Hassan Sheikh got the presidency because I was disappointed in the lack of leadership skills of Sheikh Sharif. However after the bowing of HSM to the dead Kenyan soldiers and not talking about the innocent people Kenya killed in Gedo and the our people dying at the hands of al shabaab and now selling our girls to dirty hairy people I am absolutey livid with HSM. I think he should be arrested for his treasonous acts.

Sheikh Sharif did nothing but steal aid which was bad enough but HSM outsourced his job in every way. Instead of spending aid money on factories and equipment for farmers he arms militias to steal farmland and he sells the working class into slavery. He's an incredibly sick and evil man.
Sheikh Sharif did nothing but steal aid which was bad enough but HSM outsourced his job in every way. Instead of spending aid money on factories and equipment for farmers he arms militias to steal farmland and he sells the working class into slavery. He's an incredibly sick and evil man.

Not only is HSM an incompetent and unworthy leader, but he's also incredibly evil and traitorous. He's the single worst President Somalia has ever had and he set our country back at least 20+ years in progress and development.


Not only is HSM an incompetent and unworthy leader, but he's also incredibly evil and traitorous. He's the single worst President Somalia has ever had and he set our country back at least 20+ years in progress and development.

He had the easiest job out of all post 1991 presidents and he squandered his chance of making the country united, productive and peaceful. His salary can build 10 factories a year so imagine what the bribes and aid his administration took could have done.
Sheikh Sharif did nothing but steal aid which was bad enough but HSM outsourced his job in every way. Instead of spending aid money on factories and equipment for farmers he arms militias to steal farmland and he sells the working class into slavery. He's an incredibly sick and evil man.

You are right sheikh Sharif stole money but he never sunk this low. I never thought the day would come where I would think sheikh Sharif wasn't so bad after all.
He had the easiest job out of all post 1991 presidents and he squandered his chance of making the country united, productive and peaceful. His salary can build 10 factories a year so imagine what the bribes and aid his administration took could have done.

He had the entire International Community willing to finance whatever projects in Somalia he wanted to create. He could have created a functioning Somali Military in 4 years if he really wanted too, but this incompetent buffoon was focused on other issues and he squandered 20+ years of potential progress. Worthless dog


Bored to death
He had the entire International Community willing to finance whatever projects in Somalia he wanted to create. He could have created a functioning Somali Military in 4 years if he really wanted too, but this incompetent buffoon was focused on other issues and he squandered 20+ years of potential progress. Worthless dog
This sums up my sentiments.
Not only is HSM an incompetent and unworthy leader, but he's also incredibly evil and traitorous. He's the single worst President Somalia has ever had and he set our country back at least 20+ years in progress and development.

I think we Somalis can no longer tolerate traitors anymore.Any leader that takes orders from foreigners against the interests of the Somali people should be tried in court and executed to send a clear message.

What is so sad about HSM and the government is that they are bowing down to Kenya, a starving 3rd world country that can't even feed its own people. If it was the US it would be one thing atleast the US is the most powerful country in the world, but the bloody starving Ethiopians and Kenyans, absolutely pathetic.


As I'm beginning to think there is no return from this. Thanks to HSM his gangs and all the corrupt politician they ruined what I believe was the last chance for Somalia.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Saudi Arabia is the last country you should even think of becoming a maid in.

To them ur nothing but property and they will treat you as such look up in Google you will see how many maids have been mistreated

one indian women got her arm cut off by her explodera after she complained to the cops how she was treated


Bored to death
If they are going through with this, each worker should give up the following to the Somali "government";
  • Photo ID
  • Body measurements
  • A blood sample
  • A strand of hair
  • And saliva
It should be mandatory.
I think we Somalis can no longer tolerate traitors anymore.Any leader that takes orders from foreigners against the interests of the Somali people should be tried in court and executed to send a clear message.

What is so sad about HSM and the government is that they are bowing down to Kenya, a starving 3rd world country that can't even feed its own people. If it was the US it would be one thing atleast the US is the most powerful country in the world, but the bloody starving Ethiopians and Kenyans, absolutely pathetic.

We've reached a point so low that even the Kenyans are looking down on us and giving us orders. That's how low we've fallen as a people. Even the goddamn Saudis are exploiting our women yet HSM is focusing on arming different tribal militias to wage war on fellow Somalis in the Koonfur. He's actually destabilizing Somalia with his actions, and Al-Shabaab is even making a comeback in some parts of the South, while this traitorous President is bowing down to the Kenyans and eating 5-star meals while being protected by foreign Bantu soldiers.

Not even his sub-clan can protect this dog. His time is up, and the Somali people are sick of this man
As I'm beginning to think there is no return from this. Thanks to HSM his gangs and all the corrupt MPs they ruined what I believe was the last chance for Somalia.

So you think Somalia will be split into several different clan fiefdoms, each one given it's own independence?
As I'm beginning to think there is no return for this. Thanks to HSM his gangs and all the corrupt MPs they ruined what I believe was the last chance for Somalia.

Don't lose hope. Think positively we are at rock bottom so the only way is up. I have high hopes for Somalia.Every nation has gone through civil war and had their enemies disgrace them. England had a succession of French kings throughout the middle ages. Poland was carved up by Russia and Germany for 300 years. So one day we will be on top inshallah.
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