Rwanda president Kagame has Bantu paternal haplogroup




I was going through ftdna to research my paternal haplogroup, when I found Kagame in the notable connections section. It appears we share the same paternal lineage that split ~2900 years ago. E-Z1746 falls under E-CTS99 which falls under E-M2. it is a Bantu paternal haplogroup. He has a strong Cushitic look and has family ties to royalty/aristocracy. Really surprised, as I had expected someone like him to have E-M293 or some Cushitic haplogroup.
Is a third cousin once removed a good enough proxy and tbh can we eliminate any chance of him being a product of NPE during the genocide?

I saw many of the E-M293 Tutsi guys claim old monarchs as their ancestors. I would've imagined Kagame to be the same.

Is a third cousin once removed a good enough proxy and tbh can we eliminate any chance of him being a product of NPE during the genocide?

I saw many of the E-M293 Tutsi guys claim old monarchs as their ancestors. I would've imagined Kagame to be the same.

Exactly. However, if this is a 3rd cousin once removed (and Kagame was born in 1957), they could have been born before the 1994 genocide. But then again, cousins of the same generation could be 20 years apart. So, an NPE during the genocide is possible. Given he comes from aristocracy, his lineage should be well documented. Ftdna is going off of the assumption that their shared paternal lineage is legitimate. If a closer paternal relative (son, brother, uncle) tested that could confirm if an NPE did/didn't happen somewhere along the line. I can't say with 100% certainty that he falls under E-M2, but that's what it looks like for now. My father has a strong Cushitic look like kagame, and has been mistaken for Ethiopian/Sudanese. I was surprised when I found out our haplogroup was Niger-Congo in origin. Kinda like some African Americans end up with R haplogroups from Europe.
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I was going through ftdna to research my paternal haplogroup, when I found Kagame in the notable connections section. It appears we share the same paternal lineage that split ~2900 years ago. E-Z1746 falls under E-CTS99 which falls under E-M2. it is a Bantu paternal haplogroup. He has a strong Cushitic look and has family ties to royalty/aristocracy. Really surprised, as I had expected someone like him to have E-M293 or some Cushitic haplogroup.
Likewise you'll see the opposite in Somalia, you'll see jileecs with e-m2 haplogroups