Russia Just struck Poland with two missiles two people are dead.


Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF
I know this is a lot to take in but just know at the end of the day you can relax since OFB run the mean streets of Tottenham:trumpsmirk:.
Anyway in WW3 immigrats and racial minorities are definitely being sent to the front lines.
WW3 just because 2 farmers were outside when they should have been at home with their family

Are Eastern europeans really that important for all of us to care?
Somalilanders celebrate, you can show how good subjects for the British are, maybe after your genocide they will grant you subjects independence

WW3 and landers still have no country


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I guess my dua for World depopulation has been accepted! WW3

Who is going under bankers with me?
Somalilanders celebrate, you can show how good subjects for the British are, maybe after your genocide they will grant you subjects independence

WW3 and landers still have no country
WW3 and Somalia is still a failed shit hole state that gets bombed by al-shabab every hour, I don't understand why yall niggas are so obsessed about Somaliland worry about yourselves first.

