Riot In Sweden

albino ooga booga booga

Season 2 Lol GIF by Friends
Yet Another Quran Burning And The Muslim Faithful Rage Can't Not Be Contained

Police Injured In The Fighting


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I have never felt angry about how white right wingers burn the Quran. That book has been memorised by millions, by all means burn it as much you can, that book will never disappear. Same goes for muslims in non-muslim countries, there is no need to go apeshit for every time someone burns the Quran. Just sue the guy for inciting xenophobia and he will be quiet.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I have never felt angry about how white right wingers burn the Quran. That book has been memorised by millions, by all means burn it as much you can, that book will never disappear. Same goes for muslims in non-muslim countries, there is no need to go apeshit for every time someone burns the Quran. Just sue the guy for inciting xenophobia and he will be quiet.
Exactly, they do it for attention and these single digit iq idiots give it to them.
Isnt burning the only allowed method the holy Quran can be disposed of?
I remember seeing old and worn out Qurans been burnt when I was kid. I could bet a fortune on the fact that those who are enraged dont pray their daily five prayers.
It's only a book, no need to cause a riot over it and ruin your reputation even further.

But it is pretty childish from the Westerners.
Rasmus Paludan has been exposed as a pedophile in Denmark, he was found to be grooming school boys talking with them in a sexual manner and exposing his body parts etc.. This guy is a big time loser and the best option is to just simply ignore him.
Rasmus Paludan also uses his Discord server to talk about rough sex with underage boys. But that is not the only thing the party leader's young chat friends have been exposed to.

You can translate the whole article via Google translate.. After he got exposed in DK he shifted his focus to Sweden.