Revert tells a moderate Muslim he’s not a Muslim

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Maajid Nawaz is a right wing propaganda tool along with others like Tarek Fatah, Irshad Manji, Reza Aslan and others. They all claim to be Muslim but disagree with major tenets of the faith and want to reform an already perfect religion from Allah (SWT). None of these "progressive reformers" should be trusted in my opinion.

They are all enemies of mainstream Sunni Islam as far as I am concerned.
Interesting I had no idea. Thought he was just a normal Muslim dude. Then I saw this controversial tweet:

Not even non-Muslims are this disrespectful. :kodaksmiley:


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Interesting I had no idea. Thought he was just a normal Muslim dude. Then I saw this controversial tweet:

Not even non-Muslims are this disrespectful. :kodaksmiley:

See what I mean sxb.
He's Anjem Choudary's opposite, two extremes. I hate them both.


There they go lol. We don't believe in their watered down version of islam we're terrorists.

These liberal muslims are something else
Why not go full wahabbi and join Isis?

Lmao, remember everyone, these are the doqon you need to watch out for.
See what I mean sxb.
He's Anjem Choudary's opposite, two extremes. I hate them both.
Very true, they say and do things, just so non muslims can say "he's s liberal." It's sad tbh. On the other hand Ali Dawah is not so knowledgable. A big problem with reverts is that they lear 95 percent of their deen from That's also quute sad tbh.
The agenda against islam is the biggest proof for it

It does not feel natural. It feels as if the fear of the inherent alignment of Islam with the human orientation causes fear in those who follow satanist and Europhile philosophies. Just throwing it out there. It seems that more than any other ideology or religion, Islam when internalized and practiced with sincerity creates a tranquility and large balls of steels that can only be found if you where to combine buddhist monks with Chiraq killers.

It seems that more than anything we are in the age of the Antichrist (Dajjal), where up is down and down is up, and people are either too blind to see it or too overwhelmed too comment or busy grasping at straws such as black supremacy or male rights or any other worldly paradigm that fits within the larger scope of acceptability in the europhilic agenda.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."
Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive not.
And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say, "Should we believe as the foolish have believed?" Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know not.
And when they meet those who believe, they say, "We believe"; but when they are alone with their demons, they say, "Indeed, we are with you; we were only mockers." (Al Baqarah, 12-14)


Why not go full wahabbi and join Isis?

Lmao, remember everyone, these are the doqon you need to watch out for.

Ye you should also watch out for your mom and dad.

f*ck outta here, dimwit.



The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I don’t what to look into a Wahhabism we all know what it is. It’s not Islam its favoured by reverts and terrorist that’s should tell you a lot.

So you don't want to look into something you don't agree with? How will you know the true essence of what it is you class as fake islam then?

You can't debate about an ideology you have no knowledge of and your only sources being people who oppose it. If you don't want to know anything about Wahhabism, then your opinion is void.
Very true, they say and do things, just so non muslims can say "he's s liberal." It's sad tbh. On the other hand Ali Dawah is not so knowledgable. A big problem with reverts is that they lear 95 percent of their deen from That's also quute sad tbh.
Brother creating a paradigm between between reverts and born muslims is from the Shaytan

There are born muslims who struggle with the fatiha and there are ready reverts like hamza yusuf who have made born muslims find their Deen again
The hidaya is from Allah and that is our criteria

I cannot speak on nawaz or dawah as both of them are irrelevant to me but if anyone disbelieves in the day of judgment he is a kaffir. Doesn't matter if Shaytan is the one exposing him, it's still true.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
There is no difference between the teachings of mohamed abdulwahab and al kebab. Both were declared as khawarij extremists by the scholars of their time, both massacred entire Muslim populations and declared muslim cities and lands to be non muslim. May allah curse them both.

I'd like to hear more about this. Tell me how the Khawaarij and the teachings of Abdul Wahhaab align? Also name the scholars who declared Abdul Wahhaab an extremist.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
Very true, they say and do things, just so non muslims can say "he's s liberal." It's sad tbh. On the other hand Ali Dawah is not so knowledgable. A big problem with reverts is that they lear 95 percent of their deen from That's also quute sad tbh.

True, I like Ali Dawah's tenacity.
I believe his heart's in the right place and he has done good work.
Remember that a lot of the companions were hyped as soon as they converted(if you could excuse the grand comparison).
It's just the way of reverts I guess, it could be a beautiful thing.
Better than people like Dawah Man at least.

He just needs to learn more and broaden his knowledge in other subjects if this is going to become a serious thing for him in the future.
Some of those Speakers Corner videos look bad because he's not equipped to deal with certain topics.

Someone like Mohammed Hijab who usually discusses topics closely relating to his expertise(philosophy) works really well in that regard.

Ali Dawah is better when he discusses strict theology with others, when the topic goes into the universe and certain sciences his arguments can fall apart, which he should take lessons from.

I have no problem with him calling out Maajid Nawaz though, good on him.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
See what I mean sxb.
He's Anjem Choudary's opposite, two extremes. I hate them both.

They give each other fuel for their propaganda. It's like they plan their shit somewhere wallahi.

One of them will call for Sharia in the UK, whilst the other will scream JIHADI from the top of his lungs. Their opposing views intrigues their non-Muslim audience, but it just seems so scripted to many Musims.
True, I like Ali Dawah's tenacity.
I believe his heart's in the right place and he has done good work.
Remember that a lot of the companions were hyped as soon as they converted(if you could excuse the grand comparison).
It's just the way of reverts I guess, it could be a beautiful thing.
Better than people like Dawah Man at least.

He just needs to learn more and broaden his knowledge in other subjects if this is going to become a serious thing for him in the future.
Some of those Speakers Corner videos look bad because he's not equipped to deal with certain topics.

Someone like Mohammed Hijab who usually discusses topics closely relating to his expertise(philosophy) works really well in that regard.

Ali Dawah is better when he discusses strict theology with others, when the topic goes into the universe and certain sciences his arguments can fall apart, which he should take lessons from.

I have no problem with him calling out Maajid Nawaz though, good on him.
But you know, half of his videos revolve around refuting people. He's very quick to criticise; then again that's what all these "dawah" men do nowadays... criticise EVERYONE who doesn't agree with them or their wahabi beliefs.
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