Restoration of Monuments


@DR OSMAN My Somali isn’t that good. Next time if your going to quote me, quote me in English.

What does my interpretation of Islam have to do with the problems going on in the Ummah? I simply proved what i said and my intention was to simply correct you. We need to Worship Allah by obeying him. Allah tells us to follow the prophet so we must obey Allahs commands by following the prophet, it’s that simple.

If I could understand you correctly, Are you saying Allah ayaa ku jibenayo because of my interpretation?

The reason why Muslims are in this poor position is because of multiple reasons. Were disunited and it has to do with the countries current domestic affairs and foreign meddling also plays a role in it. Take Somalia for an example. Somalia failed because of low iq tribalist idiots who decided to kill each other and destroy their nation and now the country is suffering because of tribalism.

Also don’t forget, there are first class rich Muslim countries like Turkey, Kuwait, Gulf Arab nations and other Muslim countries.

These Islamist even use 'gaalo' weapon. U see back in the old day when Islam ran the roost, they DEVELOPED their own weapons, controlled they're own economies, and had large stretch of territories and sea lanes. It was built like any empire is. They didn't get there by posting verses like you are or forming hit n run squads to make people 'hate you' which is defeating your whole purpose.

Today the same Islamists u support use weapons made by the KAFFIR, your not independent if you can't make your own weapons, your not independent if you lack intellectual property growth which means you are continously adding new technology growth to your security system. You can't continue living the life 'buying' your weapons from another nation or asking them to donate you weapons, you are not LINKED forever with them. How can u pass the security lifeline of your nation to another nation like Saudi does? it's just stupid and crazy. But what causes it is the ISLAM they have in Saudi doesn't allow for 'innovation or bid'ah' lol. See the reason that Islam was placed in Saudi arabia, the white man feared a population of 'highly intelligent saudis' may rise up and start doing INNOVATION, he wanted them locked into a world 'jahiliyah' and just reading quran and going to mosque and living on the mercy of the kaffireen. Trust me I have no love for the kaffir and I am telling u the only way u will win against them is to be kaffir yourself. U need the kaffir mind-set to defeat a kaffir, you can't have muslim mindset to defeat them because NIJAS maba aha markeedi hore.

Like Abdillahi Yusuf was needed for warlords in Hamar remember? there is no point sending 'abdirazak haji hussein' to such a muqdisho with warlords present. There is no place for sheikhs in the world political stage, their simply isn't. Let them focus on ensuring they're leaders do not step beyond the 'guidelines' of Islam, Infact I say we should have no GUIDELINE when dealing with non muslim nations, waa kaffir dheh, he will never respect u untill u become a kaffir like him and defeat him in his idealogy. Yes you must become like him doesnt mean u have to believe in what he believes, u r using it to FREE YOURSELF and your PEOPLE from his domination.

The world of Kaffir is easy to learn. It's called JUNGLE LAW, they believe in ninka roon reerka uu harayo, they don't believe in your 'naxaris iyo illahi ka cabsi' preaching, they see this as weakness in you inaad tuugsanaysid ama ka baqaysid
bro islamists have no say in the nation. thats how somaliland does it. we dont give any shekh or religious follower any power. we know what they'll do to the nation. somaliland only has elders in the guurti thats it, for cultural reasons. imagine if you let islamists into power. they'll f*ck up the nation. believe me u dont want them in power.

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
personally i think its haram to have them as its against islam, despite being an Ogaden and an Absame and all the 6 statues in 1960 being Absame heroes, poets, warriors, Kings etc, i disagree, its against islam,

what would Sayidka, Hawo Tako, king wiil waal, Rage ugaas, Qamaan Bulxaan, Cigaal shide etc say if they were asked?

this is against islamic and those people would hate it,
How can a guy with madobe, go around calling things haram and what not.

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
These Islamist even use 'gaalo' weapon. U see back in the old day when Islam ran the roost, they DEVELOPED their own weapons, controlled they're own economies, and had large stretch of territories and sea lanes. It was built like any empire is. They didn't get there by posting verses like you are or forming hit n run squads to make people 'hate you' which is defeating your whole purpose.

Today the same Islamists u support use weapons made by the KAFFIR, your not independent if you can't make your own weapons, your not independent if you lack intellectual property growth which means you are continously adding new technology growth to your security system. You can't continue living the life 'buying' your weapons from another nation or asking them to donate you weapons, you are not LINKED forever with them. How can u pass the security lifeline of your nation to another nation like Saudi does? it's just stupid and crazy. But what causes it is the ISLAM they have in Saudi doesn't allow for 'innovation or bid'ah' lol. See the reason that Islam was placed in Saudi arabia, the white man feared a population of 'highly intelligent saudis' may rise up and start doing INNOVATION, he wanted them locked into a world 'jahiliyah' and just reading quran and going to mosque and living on the mercy of the kaffireen. Trust me I have no love for the kaffir and I am telling u the only way u will win against them is to be kaffir yourself. U need the kaffir mind-set to defeat a kaffir, you can't have muslim mindset to defeat them because NIJAS maba aha markeedi hore.

Like Abdillahi Yusuf was needed for warlords in Hamar remember? there is no point sending 'abdirazak haji hussein' to such a muqdisho with warlords present. There is no place for sheikhs in the world political stage, their simply isn't. Let them focus on ensuring they're leaders do not step beyond the 'guidelines' of Islam, Infact I say we should have no GUIDELINE when dealing with non muslim nations, waa kaffir dheh, he will never respect u untill u become a kaffir like him and defeat him in his idealogy. Yes you must become like him doesnt mean u have to believe in what he believes, u r using it to FREE YOURSELF and your PEOPLE from his domination.

The world of Kaffir is easy to learn. It's called JUNGLE LAW, they believe in ninka roon reerka uu harayo, they don't believe in your 'naxaris iyo illahi ka cabsi' preaching, they see this as weakness in you inaad tuugsanaysid ama ka baqaysid
Hey what do you mean? Wallahi I'm not liking your kafir terminology.


Hey what do you mean? Wallahi I'm not liking your kafir terminology.

I really am not seeking a discussion with you, untill u prove what the f*ck u were before 1960 and me and u met. Till then your opinion is aboriginal to me, wax la wadan karo ba tahay. I want @Teeri-Alpha opinion as he set up the idealogy this nation is based on Somalinimo.

Teeri what is your views on Islamists wanting power globally and they're real intentions? Because I have seen their modern idealogy of today, they basically teach muslism to be slaves of non muslims and to be happy being a peasant in this world since the world of the muslim is Akhira. Who taught them this? this is complete mental disempowerment of the whole nation and they run around with this idealogy brainwashing our youth to surrender to non muslims oo facooda ah. Do u consider them even muslim at all?

Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
I really am not seeking a discussion with you, untill u prove what the f*ck u were before 1960 and me and u met. Till then your opinion is aboriginal to me, wax la wadan karo ba tahay. I want @Teeri-Alpha opinion as he set up the idealogy this nation is based on Somalinimo.

Teeri what is your views on Islamists wanting power globally and they're real intentions? Because I have seen their modern idealogy of today, they basically teach muslism to be slaves of non muslims and to be happy being a peasant in this world since the world of the muslim is Akhira. Who taught them this? this is complete mental disempowerment of the whole nation and they run around with this idealogy brainwashing our youth to surrender to non muslims oo facooda ah. Do u consider them even muslim at all?
What? Islamist is term used only by kuffar to target Muslims who are practicing and fear god. Call me salafi Muslim!
How can a guy with madobe, go around calling things haram and what not.

Ahmed leads your uncle farmajo in salat,

like it or not, noting a langab Sade/marehan' like you can do except moan online , so settle down kid,
I really am not seeking a discussion with you, untill u prove what the f*ck u were before 1960 and me and u met. Till then your opinion is aboriginal to me, wax la wadan karo ba tahay. I want @Teeri-Alpha opinion as he set up the idealogy this nation is based on Somalinimo.

Teeri what is your views on Islamists wanting power globally and they're real intentions? Because I have seen their modern idealogy of today, they basically teach muslism to be slaves of non muslims and to be happy being a peasant in this world since the world of the muslim is Akhira. Who taught them this? this is complete mental disempowerment of the whole nation and they run around with this idealogy brainwashing our youth to surrender to non muslims oo facooda ah. Do u consider them even muslim at all?

today's islamist are what we call kawarij, hypocrites, real muslims do not blow up things, or kill,

look at ibn Saud, inthe 1930s he killed many wahabis because they told him ban radio, cars, air planes, and when Tvs were created and became big they said ban them too ( late 40s) he killed thousands after they declared war and waged war,

how can yuo not havwe radio, or cars or airplanes ? they want stagnation,

islam allows development, cilmi, technology, knowledge, we did maths, astronomy, building ships, architecture under the muslims of early ages, they translted greek books, even the arabic words falsafia is gree, the curerncy darham and dinaar are all greek in asli terms, darham is drachma, dinar is dinarus,

the nabi SAW said kawarawij will attack every generation, and they are the dogs of the gates of hell, they teach suicide bombing, pimping, selling afgahn drugs to buy weapons, all haraam and murder,

but we should serpate innocent muslims who want stability, a islamic state, development, who love cilmi etc, but sadly those who run around today majority are political opportunist who use the islamic card,

keep in ind, many so called super famous Islamist are under cover free mason and jews who pretend to be arabs, go back to late 1880s in egypt, many so called top islamist leaders were free masons trained in london to under mine the arab world when it wanted to advance, they do this by saying things like development is for gaalo, capitalism is haraam , manufacturing is wrong and deep down wanted marxist/communist ideas for the muslim ummah to keep them under mined economically, thus they introduced in the 50s and 60s things like Islamic socialism, etc,

almost every nation thwe wahabis saudis have funded and trained so called educated muslims have come to epxeriance suicide bombins, destabilisation, fitna and bidca in terms of them bringing back stuff against islam back from saudi, emirates, Egypt etc,

many many islamist leaders today are under cover free masons and yahuuds who do not want the islamic world to advance or go back to her golden roots when islam lead the world in economics, science etc,

but at the same time we must not atatck an innocent muslim who is an islamist and wants good for the ummah, and we must forgive them when they are short sighted because they may have been mis-educated and indoctrinated,

i am an islamist, meaning i want islamic based economic system (islam invented capitalism no matter what they say and riba is not originally part of capitalism until the west added it in the mid 1850s) i want development, i want free markets, i want manufacturing, i want kids learning science, and history of their past and learning what made us great in the past, i want business competitions and entrepreneurs being allowed to start companies and manufacturing and intellectual innovations,

but i also want to ban brothels, night clubs, music and in islamic countries, because they are haraam, i want to ban drinking, and riba based banking in muslim majority nations, but i want manufacturing and business to floorish, i want development but with out the adoption of western vices , i hate democracy and voting, i think sultans should rule, i hate abortion, and pre marriage sex should be banned,


today's islamist are what we call kawarij, hypocrites, real muslims do not blow up things, or kill,

look at ibn Saud, inthe 1930s he killed many wahabis because they told him ban radio, cars, air planes, and when Tvs were created and became big they said ban them too ( late 40s) he killed thousands after they declared war and waged war,

how can yuo not havwe radio, or cars or airplanes ? they want stagnation,

islam allows development, cilmi, technology, knowledge, we did maths, astronomy, building ships, architecture under the muslims of early ages, they translted greek books, even the arabic words falsafia is gree, the curerncy darham and dinaar are all greek in asli terms, darham is drachma, dinar is dinarus,

the nabi SAW said kawarawij will attack every generation, and they are the dogs of the gates of hell, they teach suicide bombing, pimping, selling afgahn drugs to buy weapons, all haraam and murder,

but we should serpate innocent muslims who want stability, a islamic state, development, who love cilmi etc, but sadly those who run around today majority are political opportunist who use the islamic card,

keep in ind, many so called super famous Islamist are under cover free mason and jews who pretend to be arabs, go back to late 1880s in egypt, many so called top islamist leaders were free masons trained in london to under mine the arab world when it wanted to advance, they do this by saying things like development is for gaalo, capitalism is haraam , manufacturing is wrong and deep down wanted marxist/communist ideas for the muslim ummah to keep them under mined economically, thus they introduced in the 50s and 60s things like Islamic socialism, etc,

almost every nation thwe wahabis saudis have funded and trained so called educated muslims have come to epxeriance suicide bombins, destabilisation, fitna and bidca in terms of them bringing back stuff against islam back from saudi, emirates, Egypt etc,

many many islamist leaders today are under cover free masons and yahuuds who do not want the islamic world to advance or go back to her golden roots when islam lead the world in economics, science etc,

but at the same time we must not atatck an innocent muslim who is an islamist and wants good for the ummah, and we must forgive them when they are short sighted because they may have been mis-educated and indoctrinated,

i am an islamist, meaning i want islamic based economic system (islam invented capitalism no matter what they say and riba is not originally part of capitalism until the west added it in the mid 1850s) i want development, i want free markets, i want manufacturing, i want kids learning science, and history of their past and learning what made us great in the past, i want business competitions and entrepreneurs being allowed to start companies and manufacturing and intellectual innovations,

but i also want to ban brothels, night clubs, music and in islamic countries, because they are haraam, i want to ban drinking, and riba based banking in muslim majority nations,
but i want manufacturing and business to floorish, i want development but with out the adoption of western vices , i hate democracy and voting, i think sultans should rule, i hate abortion, and pre marriage sex should be banned,

Interesting read. Yeah something is totally fishy about those Islamist. It would be far easier for them to win muslim hearts by creating a nuclear bomb and saying 'warheedhe muslimay' look at this technology I have, U know what I would be doing my 'salahs' 5 times a day also lol. U see the world we live is 'defined' by us as humans, the world didn't define itself. Nature is 'fair' and not 'biased' to anyone or hold any preference. Call it nature or god or watever term, but this planet we live in, the winners decide what the story of this earth will be. So I don't mind if Islamist can prove they have something more powerful then the western world other then hit n runs for me to negiotate with them. If they don't, please stay in the mosque ceeb ma aha.

Don't come and seek power, u don't have the knowledge to keep this people, umma, nation, economy, foreign policy, defence strong and respected. Cause remember lets be honest the world isn't defined by the quran, you live in a world that only understands 'the evidence u provide or the force u use'. Do u disagree? This is the world we live in, there no point treating the world like it's gotta match what the prophet and Islam said. The world we live in is nothing like the quran says but we can make it like that in the future. That is the jihad phase I guess not going to the infidel and learning his technology and then re-using it against him. He will always beat u cuz he has knowledge economy and intellectual property, he will continously advance and create a solution to all the technology he created, while your nations are sitting there waiting for donations, ngos, or military deals from America. U in essence a client state at best in the world order, you are not ROMAN EMPIRE, YOU ARE NOT ISLAMIC CALIPHATE. Know the world u live in and play ball according to the rules of the world.

The world is up for grabs, I am not saying it's owned by infidel, but they played well and did inherit it. I mean queen elizabeth inherited two continents of land Australia/America. That's just one 'family' in england, a royal family. Boqor Osman had identical visions not at SUCH large empire scale, but at kingdom scales. He wanted to push into new FRONTIERS. Not towards Yemen nor ethiopia, But heading towards Tanzania and opening up the connection point into INTERIOR AFRICA.

I don't want to go to yemen or ethiopia who are ancient nations niyahow who have ancient structures and beef, it's better finding 'new worlds' and 'new people' lol. Usually people who haven't been exposed to this ravaging world and been isolated from it due to geography. U teach them Islam, then Somali language, Somali culture, etc. He will eventually think Somali is his father, but we know Somali isn't a father cause when we look into Somalia they all diffrent tribes. That's what the arabs did brilliantly exported arabism to mid-east but inside yemen they are all qabiilo, where-as the 'cawaan' converted arabs actually BOUGHT INTO IT. Now these small yemeni tribes have 300 million humans all over the world boasting about they're fathers for them, like we should have done.


You ogaden and what we don't support about u is this Ethiopian war mind-set. Your dealing with a very ancient type of people with links to jerusalem, to old islam like eritrea/jabartis. It's terrible wasting your time in ancient regions, when there is more land and resources up for grabs in isolated communities of the world. I wish we joined the scramble for Africa but it got stopped by COLONIALIST who was ITALY/UK. They cut deals and said no more scramble between africans, we cut em off here, then it was reverted the war back to defending PL and our land territory since we saw the colonialist LOCKED US INTO WORLD ORDER. World order waa jira, you cant just go across different territories like it was in the past in Africa. If u cud beat the owners and make them flee u owned that land or if u were royal family like boqor burhan, u wud send gifts and exchange women between both rulers to form a 'alliance' of common interest.

May the b22n never see this conversation as they remain locked into 1960 idealogy sayid left them while they worship his statue. Lets talk as osman mahmoud and absame the REAL HISTORIES of this nation. These ppl came out of the woodwork in 1960 as u said lol, they were FLORA AND FAUNA BEFORE THAT, WILD LIFE, CHASING AROUND CAMELS AND SHEEPS, WHILE BOQOR OSMAN WAS CUTTING DEAL WITH OLD WORLD ORDER KINGDOMS
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@Teeri-Alpha We did our Push into JL ok. B22n followed us. But we own the place now. Our second homeland is established, tarikh dhacay, lama badeli karo, ama aborigines wud reinherit australia today. The only who managed to achieve to reverse historical losses were jews who took palestine back and why the world is quite stunned and believe war waxani ma ducaysan yihin, cause we all know once u lose or yesterday has gone past, to reverse that outcome is very much a miracle. It's like going against time and going backwards and restructuring to suit you and your people. Only jews have managed to pull of his remarkable feat. The rest of the world are the same and cannot reverse the PAST and must move on forward with time either with they're land or WITHOUT IT.

We got our JL possesions. Kismayo and Kudaa Island. Tanzania frontier and relations was opened up between King Osman to begin the next territorial colonization of Majerteniya Kingdom. Now the b22n peasants we came to remember we know what they are sxb, I will tanasul that u rule them but make sure they behave like they do in DDSI, adaa luuqadooda taqanid, I have a hard time with talking to them as I prefer to keep a strict class system.

Nimankasi Hawiyaha who has always been a thorn in the eye of Majerten visions, naga gabo hadad illahi ka cabsanaysid, I will accept a conference of reconcilation on facts and data, u need to bring proof of what u were before we met in 1960 to show who came out of the wood works like flora and fauna and once we establish that, the RULING CLASS MUST BE RESPECTED. I ain't going to Carta conference niyahow in 2000 like our weak leaders did, DIR contributed nothing to Somalia. Dir has failed to realize dir iyo darod isma dilan yet they're killed everywhere else in SOmalia or Oromiya. No anfar or oromo can touch a darod waryaa, not ever in history or now, they come after u since they knw u left the protection of DAROD.

Anyways I as an Osman mahmoud in 30 years time if I am chosesn to represent PL will only accept a conference mediator by JIGJIGA, since Somali idealogy is based from JIGJIGA fathers, the thing we are fighting over in Somalia is ABSAME IDEALOGY. They even put a horse up to acknowledge that in Hamar. All our clans learn they're history from SAYID, so there is no doubt, he is PARTIAL mediator. I am not going to DIR, EGYPT, QATAR who came out of the wood works in the 60s themselves, u know what qatar was before 20s? ana dhaamaay wallahi markan majerteniya kingdom arki at the same time period. Or else I want a Confederation. If u can tell the hawiye that. Shirku waa mid DHAB AH MANTA EE JIGJIGA LAGU GABAN DOONO HADI KALE CONFEDERATION AYAA XALKA NOQON DOONTO. They must sign either outcome will occur, not WAA INOO SHIR KALE untill I find a good opportunity and ally and right clans in power in each mamul.
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