Naagta caddanta iga ilaali, Typical somalis. That is the spirit. Somalis are great wallah. No compromise on their prejudice and how they see themselves.
I’m confused is she running for Congress in NYC or Minneapolis lol this qumaayo won’t appeal to the Muslim community who would vote for her lol
She’s in for a rude awakening. Even the cadaans in that district are liberalI’m confused is she running for Congress in NYC or Minneapolis lol this qumaayo won’t appeal to the Muslim community who would vote for her lol
ilhan purely because she is somali. I dont care about anything else. More somalis in power the better. If Xi Jing Ping was somali, I would be pro China.
I generally don't like Ilhan, how she turned out to be, pro Arab and etc.
But some of the immigrants community have zero confidence to enter politics, Because they see political industry only reserved for the white citizens.
So when they see ilhan, they all think oh, I can also do this.
Geesinimo, Indho adaagnimo,kalsooni waa Somali.
This Arab lady is a pawn of the white supremacists. She’ll just fade away.
That is your wish I think. That she fades away. I like to hear from those of you who feel personal about her to explain what they personaly lose with her presence in politics?
People like me can explain the benefit she brings to the political scene. But the naysayers have yet to make a good point about their objections of her.
Is it:
A- Moral
B- Something else
Being arab does not make someone good or bad even if we suppose she is. So, I like to see common sense objections and benefit/loss analysis about Ilhan Omar and what she brings to you as a Somali, White or Black person in minnesota and in her district.
Let us see some common sense argument.
ilhan purely because she is somali. I dont care about anything else. More somalis in power the better. If Xi Jing Ping was somali, I would be pro China.
She stopped being a "sister" when she cheated on her black Muslim family for an old white Jewish assistant, gave him half a million illegally, and assisted in the killing of Margery MagillI wasn’t referring to her Arabness that’s beside the point. I was referring to her conservative political stance.
As for Ilhan Cumar, I don’t agree with everything she says but, I support her based on the fact that she’s a successful sister. That much I owe her.
No politician is clean, you wont ever get a saintly person. Somalis in power, give normal somalis legitimacy and power. And I mean power not celebrity.Why vote for a bedwench Somali though? Why empower that?
I'm not asking for her to be a saintNo politician is clean, you wont ever get a saintly person. Somalis in power, give normal somalis legitimacy and power. And I mean power not celebrity.
I’m with the Republican. Ms. Omar has embarrassed us enough