Reports of Airstrikes, Gunfire, Intense Bombardment, and Possible Gaza Ground Invasion

Whether Palestinians materialise their cause or not, the world will never be the same after this war, the west already lost the moral ground as their hypocrisy and douple standards being exposed on a broad daylight and multipolar new world order is the future. Lets pray for the brothers, they are probably going through one of their worst night ever
CCP niggas don't play
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i warned when hamas started this, that gaza as we know it is over.:damn:
No matter of the hamas's decisions, palestenian destiny were already determined grim, they weren't given any other option but to leave their ancestoral lands to a foreign occupier and now they are just using hamas as a propaganda chip to deceive american tax payers but the whole world sees that palestenians were facing the exact same treatment since the beginning of this occupation way before any hamas came into existence, see how the palestenians living in the west bank where there is no single resistance is getting their homes demolished and forcibly evicted while the entire world is watching it online and there is no response from any establishment be it international institutions, arap/islamic world or the so called nato and western allies

The universal human right declaration adopted by the UN practically looks like this

Article 1: All of the human rights are reserved for the stronger ones in the spirit of the moral principal of the survival of the fittest that forms the foundation of the moral code of the western civilization

Article 2: If you ever feel oppressed, rest assured the secretary general of the UN will keep tweeting calling for descalation and not necessarily pointing finger at the aggressor, making things appear like its two comparable advarsaries thats fighting when actually a powerful army exterminating a defenseless civilians.


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