Report: Somali interracial couples

@Kudhufo Kadhaqaq
Square up fam
Your post made me chuckle but I believe it to be true now that I've gotten some more field experience. So what do you plan to do when it's time to get married? Are you going to take your talents back home to Somalia and get married there?

Yes bro! You have to be in control of your household as the provider and caretaker, we already know what happens when your not as we see in the diaspora today.

You and I don't have the excuses that our fathers had because they had no one to learn from, our women are very volatile and crazy unlike any other ethnicity.

They don't even care about their own bodies or health as we see with the obesity pandemic and excessive bleaching in which they surpass all other groups.

In the diaspora every other day you witness a father being kicked out, barred from his children and the wife even brazenly comes against her own entire family who try to correct her, something unheard off with other races.

In patriarchal societies like Somalia there are grave consequences for such irresponsible actions and they know this subconsciously and hence would never dare violate it.


Yes bro! You have to be in control of your household as the provider and caretaker, we already know what happens when your not as we see in the diaspora today.

You and I don't have the excuses that our fathers had because they had no one to learn from, our women are very volatile and crazy unlike any other ethnicity.

They don't even care about their own bodies or health as we see with the obesity pandemic and excessive bleaching in which they surpass all other groups.

In the diaspora every other day you witness a father being kicked out, barred from his children and the wife even brazenly comes against her own entire family who try to correct her, something unheard off with other races.

In patriarchal societies like Somalia there are grave consequences for such irresponsible actions and they know this subconsciously and hence would never dare violate it.

I agree 100%. My uncle whose only been living in the states for 2 years told me to never marry these "Say Walahi" diaspora Somali girls. According to him they have no femininity, no dagan and treat their men like rag-dolls. Their are few exceptions but that's like finding a unicorn. My uncle was looking for marriage himself but decided against it after dealing with a handful of them. Unfortunately the women in the west have been utterly brainwashed to the point of no return. I was sitting on the fence for awhile but now I'm starting to see the light. To Somalia I go. Thanks for your insight bro :nvjpqts:

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
I like to think of myself as an optimistic individual, but if you want a respecting wife and good Islamic home life you just won’t get that with western girls. There are some good western girls, but finding them in the pool of toxicity isn’t worth the madax xanuun tbh

every male relative I know married from Africa, sometimes it won’t work out, but in every case there was respect in the relationship.

I, and many others, plan to marry from back home.

