Report: Somali interracial couples


It doesnt matter if your kids look somali or not, they won't be somali if they don't have a qabiil(a somali father) and will be considered foreigners.


very lowkey
Straight hair is fairly common. Are you from the north, south or ogaden?
I’m from the South. :)
Yes, I heard that my grandmother had straight hair. I think I got mine from my grandma (dads side). But she had more of a cushitic look to her. A very beautiful woman, masha’Allah. :rolleyes::it0tdo8:
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very lowkey
It doesnt matter if your kids look somali or not, they won't be somali if they don't have a qabiil(a somali father) and will be considered foreigners.
I don’t care about qabiil awoowe. :abuxyga:
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I was thinking about my straight hair (it is naturally straight), how my kids wont have much somali genetics if I breed with cadaan. My aunt looks like me, and she has fully white kids with a swedish man. =(

But if you think so then mahadsanid :it0tdo8: Do you think my kids would look somali if I married a white man then? :) I’m just scared they will look white.idk
Quuruxley :banderas:

Btw for the love of ebbe don't marry outside your race :kanyehmm:

But other than weak genes, what is the negatives of marrying outside as somalis? I am against IR marriages for this reason, but I can’t think of other negative reasons. :confused:
Cultural loss, diluted genes (half breed children) etc...

The Somali community may not accept u back if u get divorced.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Fair enough. :nvjpqts: I agree with you.


very lowkey
It's a shame that most of our woman these days are becoming s to the ajnabis

I have never in my life seen a somali woman in an interracial marriage. I have one aunt who was married to a swedish man at one point. They broke it off early in the marriage, so I never saw them together. But other than her, I don’t know of anyone.. Everyone is married to a somali. I heard it also depends on where in the world you live. Like in the Uk and Canada this is apparently more common..o_O

I personally think people exaggerate a lot when it comes to IR marriages. They make it seem like its an epidemic, when in reality those women on social media are probably the only ones doing it.:zhqjlmx: idk
I have never in my life seen a somali woman in an interracial marriage. I have one aunt who was married to a swedish man at one point. They broke it off early in the marriage, so I never saw them together. But other than her, I don’t know of anyone.. Everyone is married to a somali. I heard it also depends on where in the world you live. Like in the Uk and Canada this is apparently more common..o_O

I personally think people exaggerate a lot when it comes to IR marriages. They make it seem like its an epidemic, when in reality those women on social media are probably the only ones doing it.:zhqjlmx: Cus’ I don’t see them anywhere irl.
I live in the UK, I've seen somali women walking in a hijab arm to arm with a Paki dude. I asked her if this was her boyfriend or husband, it was her boyfriend. I asked her why did you marry that pakistani guy, she walked off. Now our woman are becoming world-renowned s, from Ayan hirsi the infidel to that gold digger Iman. Don't really know what's going on the new world, how somalis live there but in here, where neanderthals (indians) and unwanted apes (Nigerians) are mixing and dating our women. For god sake can't they marry their own kind


very lowkey
I live in the UK, I've seen somali women walking in a hijab arm to arm with a Paki dude. I asked her if this was her boyfriend or husband, it was her boyfriend. I asked her why did you marry that pakistani guy, she walked off. Now our woman are becoming world-renowned s, from Ayan hirsi the infidel to that gold digger Iman. Don't really know what's going on the new world, how somalis live there but in here, where neanderthals (indians) and unwanted apes (Nigerians) are mixing and dating our women. For god sake can't they marry their own kind

Well, that’s the Uk.. I heard the somalis there are facing many problems. Same with Canada. You will all be in my prayers. :noneck:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I live in the UK, I've seen somali women walking in a hijab arm to arm with a Paki dude. I asked her if this was her boyfriend or husband, it was her boyfriend. I asked her why did you marry that pakistani guy, she walked off. Now our woman are becoming world-renowned s, from Ayan hirsi the infidel to that gold digger Iman. Don't really know what's going on the new world, how somalis live there but in here, where neanderthals (indians) and unwanted apes (Nigerians) are mixing and dating our women. For god sake can't they marry their own kind

Sxb I feel your pain. It's hard to find a Somali brother that hasn't messed around with an ajnabi female for target practice before he proceeds to settle down. :mugshotman: Where are the day ones that never look at anything but Somali women? It's only natural that a diehard meet her supremacist match. If he's a H*...excuse the French why should I take him on after he's been ravished by aliens?


If your a smart masculine male that cares highly about his offspring on top of being somewhat religiously conscious, you would never settle for something that you have absolutely no control over.

You have no control over your children, you can't even discipline them without the threat of them being taken away from you (provided you haven't been divorced already and barred from them)

Even worse your wife the moment you decide to marry her is given a 12 gauge shotgun to beat you with and financially castrate you whenever she desires with no repercussions.

The old days of consequences is gone because the new millennial's are not satisfied by Nikah or the Shariah of Allah, they also want a civil marriage, the same marriage that destroyed much of Europe.

There is absolutely nothing in your hands or control whatsoever if you decide to marry in the diaspora, hence a man that goes along with this knowingly is a pure moron and imbecile of the highest order.

What's even worse is that same moron would then shamelessly spends 10-20k for this privilege violating the sanctity of the religion as well destroying all barakah, truly the lowest of the low of scums you will find.

Your post made me chuckle but I believe it to be true now that I've gotten some more field experience. So what do you plan to do when it's time to get married? Are you going to take your talents back home to Somalia and get married there?


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