Reer Tukaraq request PL to free them

The only milita in town is the pro Somaliland one. They spend their time chewing khaat. That’s all they fight for according to a girl that has family that live there.

Kkk adeer keep crying, Wey kugu tashadeen.
Dont know why they hate u guys so much but we ain’t complaining :hmm:
When Hartis wanna preserve there honour they say jamac siyaad militia. They damn well know there is 15k isaaq commandos in las canood district
All jokes aside though waa in shacabka laga qabto ragan. They should not come out of the xeero unless they’re plain clothed.


Suldaanka Reer Bicidyahan
Dhulos have always been footsoldiers & sheep for other clans. From the Sayid to Barre & today its PL/SL. Miskiins