Realisation 😅😅😅

Felt like a failure for a minute when I realised I just finished my teens and still have a long way to go. This is the perfect moment perfect timing to start my journey have high aspirations and accomplish my goals long term and short term . To top that off I’m still alive my test is not over yet I have not entered the grave yet .I can still aspire to achieve the highest level and avoid hellfire . This is just a reminder to all we have time majority of us are still young on this forum

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Felt like a failure for a minute when I realised I just finished my teens and still have a long way to go. This is the perfect moment perfect timing to start my journey have high aspirations and accomplish my goals long term and short term . To top that off I’m still alive my test is not over yet I have not entered the grave yet .I can still aspire to achieve the highest level and avoid hellfire . This is just a reminder to all we have time majority of us are still young

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Never too late huuno. We are all sinners. Remember- the negatives thoughts are the devil- the Welcoming loving voice- is the voice of Allaah swt! Allaahu Akbaar!
Never too late huuno. We are all sinners. Remember- the negatives thoughts are the devil- the Welcoming loving voice- is the voice of Allaah swt! Allaahu Akbaar!
I’m the biggest sinner on here walahi sometimes I do not give hooyo a call and ask how she’s doing I abandon salah, sometimes due to extreme anger issues I talk back to aabo, waan la murmaa sidi labo nin oo isku fac ah, one day back in dugsi, the teacher left me to watch over the students, to see who’s behaving well and reading their Quran and isn’t starting convos with other students. I had a note book and a pen I had to write down the names of those who misbehave, I purposely ignored the names of my sister and her best friend (my crush) and put every other girls name on the list even though my crush and sister were the ones who misbehaved the most. Macalin came in, read the list, and karbaashed the shaytaan out of innocent dugsi students whose names I have included on the list. To this day I still feel guilty about this. I have bullied numerous guys whether it’s in dugsi, in school or outside playing soccer. Man!😑 you don’t understand how guilty I’m feeling right now as I type this.
I’m the biggest sinner on here walahi sometimes I do not give hooyo a call and ask how she’s doing I abandon salah, sometimes due to extreme anger issues I talk back to aabo, waan la murmaa sidi labo nin oo isku fac ah, one day back in dugsi, the teacher left me to watch over the students, to see who’s behaving well and reading their Quran and isn’t starting convos with other students. I had a note book and a pen I had to write down the names of those who misbehave, I purposely ignored the names of my sister and her best friend (my crush) and put every other girls name on the list even though my crush and sister were the ones who misbehaved the most. Macalin came in, read the list, and karbaashed the shaytaan out of innocent dugsi students whose names I have included on the list. To this day I still feel guilty about this. I have bullied numerous guys whether it’s in dugsi, in school or outside playing soccer. Man!😑 you don’t understand how guilty I’m feeling right now as I type this.

Hope this a motivation for you abti were still in our youth and if not in your youth then we’re still alive death has not overtaken us yet. Everything can be fixed just start now 💯💯💯

I put a one hour timer on to do whatever I like and after this it’s over for me I have abandoned all comfort