trump fags are to cocky for there own good.Trump will win the 2020 elections because of Ilhan. Democrats should kick her out of the party before it's too late.
trump barely won against crooked hillary.
trump hasn't build complete wall across the mexico and us border and mexico hasn't paid for a dime
he promised to stop wars in the middle east. but he's starting conflict with iran.
he promised to bring back bring back jobs, but ended up outsourcing jobs more than obama
he promised to drain the swap while he hires ex goldman sacs employee to be head of the us treasury.
said he would lock up the shedevil hillary but doesn't.
in every aspect trump is a failure and a lair .
no wonder his aproval rating are divisive
do really think he's giong to win the 2020 election by obsessing on a petite somali women?
what is trump gonna do? call up all the amerigollems to vote for him to stop ilhan from criticising israel and send her back?