Racially ambigious look?

"Im like ooooooo, ethnically ambiguous xalimooooooo ( musical beat playing) ….. im like yeah yeah . (musical beat playing ).....yeah yeah...… oh yeah , oh yeah, oh yeah ( musical beat playing continues)"


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I once met a Somali brother that looked Chinese, it was the most unique one I ever experienced. I know tons of Somalis that have that racially ambiguous look but it’s usually what u stated, biracial, North African, and so on when they’re full geeljire :)
Its always the dark somalis thinking im somthing else. I had a friend for years who recently found out I was somali.

Whites can generally tell, but arabs think im some hausa saudi mixed person


"You are your best thing"
I get Eritrean often cuz of my eyes but being from MN even if you are not Somali they would guess Somali lol


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
There was a time Indians and Bengali’s thought I was one of them. :vqbuyv0:

But hasn’t happened recently since I’ve come back from back home and tanned. People now think Somali straight up.


The vast majority of people don't think I look Somali.

Even other Somalis.

That's why I bought a Somali wristband, so I can proudly show my heritage.


Run and I’ll catch you and eat you alive
I get mistaken for Indian or mixed race :damn:I have straight hair and light skin, usually Somalis can tell I’m Somali but other ethnicities think I’m one of their own :dead:
If i put on an Arab attire I'd look no different from money kicks. I'm even lighter then that dhil0
Same. If I put on a khamis and cimaamad like those khaleejis, you wouldn't think I'm Somali. You would think i'm an Arab who probably has an Afro Arab grandmother.

Most Somalis think I'm reer xamar

