Wallahi honest question boowe have you been to bari? Have you been to any of those places you mentioned?The fine line at 'isku shuban' is your last territory. You do not reside anywhere below that line. The rest of karkaar is other osman mahmouds. Stop being a mighty langaab waryaa, go back home. Your home is Gardafu and Bari only up untill iskushuban. You reside from Iskushuban to hafun to bargaal to caluula up to murcanyo. But you lost hafun, you lost, bargaal, you lost caluula, you only have murcanyo left.
I know due to the hatred you have for boqortooyo that you wish they lose their lands let me guess you also wish they would lose boqortooyo too right
Bah dirooble are concentrating on bosaso and qardho for now in sha Allah when theres roads connect murcanyo, caluula, bargaal, hurdio, hafuun to the rest of puntland then it will grow rapidly in sha Allah