Puntland Healthcare News

Qaarada habaarka qabta never stops making me shake my head.
Dude we’re you trolling about you’re visit to Africa? No way you’re gonna waste you’re precious vacation days and go when you could visit beautiful parts of the world. As Reer mareykan we can’t just quit our job go to Hargeisa on a whim like our fish and chips counterparts. :deadrose:
Good job securing it. People should not spread misinformation about the vaccine, it is a dangerous and deadly pandemic.


Good job PL, hope all of Somalis can get access to the vaccine so we can beat this disease.
The federal government needs to follow PL example on this
The Federal Government received the vaccines and are sending them to each state. It arrived in Puntland and Somaliland, soon the rest.



𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
Senior Doctors of Puntland’s Medical Association (Mudug Chamber) hold dinner for Mudug Junior Doctors in Galkacyo.

Maxamuud Khaliif Jabiye, the leader of Puntland's "Sinan and Cadaalad" Political Party announces a 10 Million Dollar Hospital Project in Qardho.

Cusbitaal ku kacaya 10 Milyan oo dollar oo laga hirgelinayo Qardho



Eng Maxamuud Khaliif Jabiye, Gudoomiyaha urur siyaasadeedka Sinaan iyo Cadaalad ee Puntland ayaa sheegay in hada uu gacanta ku hayno mashruuc aad u wayn oo lagu dhisaayo Hospital (Referral Hospital ) kaas oo fulinaya qaliimada waaweyn ee loogu safro dalka dibadiisa.

Mashruucaan ayuu sheegay in uu kacayo qiima dhan $10Milyan oo dollar, waxaana laga hirgelin doonaa Magaalada Qradho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Halkaan Hoose ka Akhriso Qoraalka uu Facebook soo dhigay Eng. Jabiye.

Waxaan ugu bishaaraynayaa bulshada reer Puntland si gaar ah shacabka Qardho in hada aanu gacanta ku hayno mashruuc aad u wayn oo lagu dhisaayo Hospital (Referral Hospital ) ee fuliya qalliinada waa wayn ee loo aadi jiray dalka dibadiisa.

Mashruucaan waxaa ku kacaaya qiima dhan $10M waxaana looga maarmi doonaa dhaqaalihii tirada badnaa ee uga bixi jiray bulshada reer Puntland safaradda dhaadheer.

Mahsruucaan dhawaan ayaan ka dhagax dhigi doonaa magaalada Qardho.



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