It's true it's very critical to keep your culture, it's something you fall back on in tough times. Look at white people, marki magaloyinkooda wax liito isku yimi, badiyo ayay aadan. It's the same I think for old type of Somalis, when they see the towns is not productive, they just go to badiyo, where people are doing something productive so they can leave something for their next generation. It's about where u invest your time, if it's invested in a city where the people are not growing, your time needs to go somewhere where it is growing.
Livestock is still our economic backbone which proves miyiga waa nool yahay, magaloyinka waa kuwa iska jira lakin aan noolayn.
Be prepared for Puntland 'flight' lol like white flight sxb. That's the future if low stock of people are controlling the nation similar to south africa. They ran to the country side. South african whites remind of Somalia before. The dominant culture losing control, hence returning to the country side as the low cultured people are given more power. That's why it's getting chaotic now in the cities, wax liito markay isku yimadan, dhibkasi lee dahay.
I hope they don't chase us out of our miyi also like blacks are doing in south africa to white farmers, who left the cities for them, now their chasing them out again of the country side.
Just remember someone always predicts the future based on evidences of other similar occurrings. There were some people in Somalia who predicted we shouldn't of kicked siyad out. You can clearly see what's going to happen in PL in the future based on the present situation. We are attached to the SFG, look at 'carmo police academy' this is what will happen to all society not just a school. Then flight mode begins as the nation spirals into south africa.
The great thing about Siyad was, wax kasto hanti qaran ah meel kasto ku yaal he would protect. He didn't see it as 'meel qabiil lee yahay' waa meel somali lee dhahay ayuu uu arki jiray. Where as low class people waxay uu arkan waa meel puntland maxaa naga galay, you see the thinking? ma jiro wadaniyad, waa low class stock. South african blacks do the same, maxaa naga galay whiteka bay yirahdan. No wadaniyad.
Anyways to be a leader u need to know the culture well and people like mandela or arafat. They were not siyasi at all and becames states-men. All states-men are known for knowing their people well and connecting to them. The best leader is the type who knows the culture and has 'knowledge' on secular matters. It they combine both, they can execute their knowledge plus know the culture of the place.
This very rare to see that in any leader. So they need assistance in ISIMO not dhinaca siyasada but dhinaca umadasi waxaa uu roon. There no point having all the worldly knowledge if it will be rejected the second you enter the town. That's why farole failed with democratization and they chased him out of qardho. Uma hogaansamin inu dhaqanka, colaada jira(niman badan oo qiimo leh la dilay). Not because they rejected democratization, they have unsettled issues.
Sxb, don't kill Somali important people, they never forget this. Inta kale way cilowbayan because wala dhali kara kuwasi again. See if u don't know the culture, u will have hard time working with them.In Puntland sxb they wait even 200 years illa la helo wax uu dhigma wixi aad ka dishay. U see your holding the nation back 200 years now.
Even miyiga there is things that happened before the 60s oo lagu hisabtamayo sida geel la kala dhacay(i know this cuz we are still handling this matter) but there maybe even worse things that cannot be resolved and is more IMPORTANT then geel la dhacay.
Marka Hawiye inu heeshiyo waa arin adag sxb. Inta iska dileen is like 500 years worth of investment siiba sacad iyo abgaal. Eyr khasaro wayn ma gaadhin isagu he had nothing to lose sxb to begin with. That's why they prefer suuq madow existence how it is now, this is their barwaaqo in sidan la ahaado because arimaha dhex tagan waa arimo aan la xalin karin illa la aarsado which can take 200 years sxb illa cayr uu soo kaco oo wax qiimo yeesho ay ka dili karan.
CAYR waxaa sugayo hadi nabad imaado, more then 500 types of assasinations. Khasaaro wayn bay uu gaysteen beelaha hawiye dhisna sida sacad iyo abgaal. So somalida dagaalkooda waxaa yaray, weli ma jiro wax laga aarsado. Nothing else not because their is peace, their just waiting.
We must not unite our armies. I feel sorry for SFG wallahi doing this hard task. Even puntland oo 20 sano jiro, ciidankooda iskuma darsan karan, this is after 20 years. To expect the SFG to do something in the south is difficult. Arimaha ciidamada wax sahal ma aha because arimo tarikhi ayaa jira aan la xalin oo aan la xalin karin illa aarsado.
My matters is just geel matters thankfully, it's easy to resolve for my family. But some other families it could be far worse matter lol oo arimo tarikhi ah ku xiran. Dib U Heeshin is pointless, we just need to move on and expect those revenge attacks in the future markay beeshinu wax dhisato lol. Then it will be settled. Lakin cafis ma jiro, meeshani ma aha beeraha koonfur oo ambulo iyo bun iyo fataxa la aqrinayo. Its simply different cultures that's all. So its important a leader knows the culture.
My ayeeyo is abgaal. When she lived in myiiga ethiopia, abaheed waxaa dilay habar gedir. Macalin dugsi buu ahaa, waa loo aaray. It's over. But when she lost her son in hamar, ambulo iyo bun weeye. Different cultures weeye. Wixi beletwayn ka kor dawlada waqtikeeda yaysan ku mashqulin i would say. Iyaga is yaqan, forget their nonsnse and focus on the cities oo dhaqan wanaagsan leh hadi cayr iyo kuwa galgaduud laga saaro. Abgaal marku hamar yimi sida ma ayeeyo she adopted their culture, cayr iyo hg ma adopt garanayan waxayna raban inay dhaqankooda meesha keenan.
Hamar needs courts sxb, their used to that. All cities do not just hamar. If they dont get that u need to adopt ambulo iyo bun culture waa magaalo ama wa lagu wada babaca.
Do u think sacad like majerten? no sxb lakin sida loo galay dadkooda qiimaha leh bay majerten uu racsan yihin dadyowga wax yaqan. It doesnt matter clan skermishes iyo ciidaan as much compared too some of the more serious matters that happened in mogadishu. We are talking football stadiums full of your best and brightest, they will not forgive such thing and to ask them to forgive is nonsense, iyaga xalin doono waxooda. The government should focus on government because they want government cuz right now the whole nation wax la kala dilo aanba oolin.
MJ ayaanba is cafin, dhulos isma cafin, etc. Those things are far deeper then a government can resolve. Even the Isimo cannot resolve such matters ka baxsan geel la kala dhacay iyo beelo isku dhacay waa easy to resolve qiimo wayn ama beesha saamayn wayn ma soo gaadhin. U think abgaalka ethiopia/mudug jogga inay aqbalayan inay caafiyan saamaynta soo gaadhay dadkooda ugu fican? ma adigay ka war qaadanayan? u see a good leader knows meesha waqtiga lagu lumin.
A good leader will tell the clans, meesha maba taalo wax laga aarsado dalkan taageer si wax loogu dhiso iyo waxad aarsan kartid markas aarso. Way ku heehsinayan taas ma garatay,
My dad loves Islan Mahamed cuz he was realistic. Noone in Puntland isma cafin lakin wax uun buu keenay inay ku heeshiyan. Lets not kill ourselves bay ku heeshiyeen, meesha waxba maba taal is what he means u know wait till we have a proper nation and do what u want to do then. My dad said he was a messiah ISIM for them, hada waa aragta wax wayn ma dhextagana, ileen wax uun bay ku heeshiyeen that u will get your 'aarsi' just wait till we have a productive nation first.
But hub ka dhigis ma samayn karin, that requires another messiah which is difficult matter. My father said a good leader will see where u can leave a big impact and will focus there. Puntland leaders should focus on that topic, answering things that have never been answered. Wa lagu husi doona lol. PL said since arimaheena ay taagan tahay bananka magaloyinka ka jogga hubkina. Since it's magaalo, its not place or it. So they said ok. They agreed they will wait another af-cilmi wax uu sheega sida islanka maxamed oo wax soo kordhiya about arimaha hubka which is still unanswered even among them. Messiah come once in a lifetime sxb. See they dont waste time on matters that cant be fixed, hence federal govt shouldnt either.
Abdillahi Yusuf then went to begin the federal government project.
I guess its about finding something they can agree on so u can move to the next step and wait for another messiah to bring something else to take them to another step forward. But it requires convincing, not wasting time on repeating the same thing like 1991-1998. That was quite an amazing feat in 1998 by islan mahamed bring the clans together. He even brother dhulbahante/warsangeli to agree on this.
We had a weak boqor at the time, just another usual type not a messiah like boqor osman. Kingkong was nothing in the process my father said, nacas bu ahaa dadka durduro with no cilmi like af cilmi iyo kuwi k soo bixi jiray. My dad said islan mahamed is the only messiah after 1991. Now we are back to the usual 'niman la tijibanayo' haday xal waadan.
My dad is adamant and I don't care what anyone on the spot says. U need ISIMO. Yaa beelaha isku keenayo markeedi hore? they can't move to the next step of building a government which is politician task. U see how critical they are? that's why the south has it's issues I guess, lack of ISIMO who can convince each other so they can move to the next step forward which is nation building.
The nation building is the easy part, the siyasi part is easy. That's why my dad said if the Islan mahamed wasn't there, their wud be no puntland. Siyasi already had 'hadaf' somalinimo iyo 'federalism' bay ku heeshiyeen, now PL started to move forward.
Heeshish been ah iyo military is bursanayo waxba ma keenayso lol long term, we tried that remember. Galmudug tried that. Somaliland is trying that. They lack a MESSIAH sxb oo ISIMO ah.
My dad said the older type of Somalis used to love dadka cilmiga haysto ileen dadka bay isku keeni karan, they never respected the dividing type because it's easy to cause division. So he said they used to like dadka 'wax sheegaya' oo wax tar ah because 'wax tar' bay isku qiimayn jireen. When siyad came he said 'somalinimo' aan isku qiimayno which caused affirmative action problem and lots of people were losing positions to people who didn't deserve it. But he said SYL was 'family business' ma ahayn QABYALAD. Wa amiko sxbo is raci jiray looooool and qoysas sida farmajo hada iyo murusadaha loooooool sidasi bay ahan jirtay buu yiri.
We seen nepotism, we seen somalinimo of siyad. He said Siyad was the one who made the biggest impact across all somali lives even though he didn't agree with in dadka lagu qiimeyo qabiilkooda ba liita in kasto calanka somalia ayaa sheegayso waa inaad taageerta kuwa taagta daran. So it's goes both ways. But he said siyad caused traditional tribes to get angry with what they deemed unfair by helping all somalis even tho they didn't deserve it. While Siyad was against this family business iyo amiko since he wasn't a REER HAMAR. Siyad must of not liked bush people treated badly and hamar sxbo culture to dominate the nation.
My dad said labada way soo arkeen somalida lakin mid bay bunbuninayan the SYL which is why he is PRO SIYAD because xaqqisa lama sheegayo. My dad is adamant hadi aadan qof ku lahayn hamar waagi hore, waxba ma noqon karin. U have no amiko connections. It was a terrible Somalia but isaga ma taban lakin kuwa badan ay tabatay wuu arkay sida dadka waqoyiga but then he says he against the lies of waqoyi inay qabyalad jirtay taas waa been weeye ay runta ka cararayan. Bush people iyo reer hamar ba jirtay.
My dad said isagu niin abgaal ayuu ku tirsaday oo soo koriyay and opened up connections for him. He bought him a house and car. Thats how it was back then he said, they help u, then u help them. Amiko culture. Dadka bushka people 'ilmo adeer' inay shaqaynayso bay fahmi waayeen oo lama gabsan. Sida osman mahmoudka oo la gabsaday. He pointed to khakhaan and said see wuu la gabsaday meesha waa fahmay meesha, dadkasi oo kale ayaa wax la siin laha looooool. Ma ahayn qabiil in la eegayo, dadka saxibo ku leh ayaa la firin jiray. Its up to you to adapt my father said. Meesha la gabso haka coyin wax aan jirin sidi qabiil. Its excuses for failure to adapt.
We had urban culture and rural culture. Strictly divided. Siyad said NO MORE. WE ALL SOMALIS basically and we will work as such. He wanted to get rid of tribe so he can make those rural people settled better and form connections. He wanted to indicate all Somalis are one and not to be judged on if their beeralay, miyi, urban, or have connections. He was un-doing the SYL games of connections and if ur family is important in mogadishu lol. Then came the biggest shock that's effecting us now. Mudug people used 'ilmo adeer' card and tribalism to establish connections and this is where siyad n them clashed and it SPREAD this attitude till now. But he said siyad made mistakes and his glorious project of somalinimo of giving undeserving people positions caused somalis to not like each other either.
My father is adamant 'wax shaqaynayo' lama burburiyo, he stayed the hell out of the mess except 'fund ssdf' on the side which he regrets lol. He will never listen to mudug people again he said about dawladnimo but he said he was frustrated with undeserving people in positions who were not inspiring him to be better, waaba iga liitay buu yiri, hadu af cilmi ahan laha dhinaca shaqadisa waaba soo dhowayn laha plus he complained to siyad to do something and HE REFUSED because 'wax baan xeerinaya' buu ku yiri which is 'diplomatic' code word for SOMALINIMO first.
Anyways mudug to my father is not the mudug we know. It's galkacyo to Beletwayn. BEFORE THE RIVER HE SAID. He said reer mudug dhinaca dagaalka ha wax ba laga kibrad qaata. Lakin dhinaca wax dhisida haday fadhiyan wuu ka kaca looooool
My dad is adamant. Mudug ppl and bari people when they were at war. The reer nugaal were out of it. Some were supporting abdillahi and some maxamed abshir who used his HG connections. Where-as reer bari he said they have long history and contacts so they prefer 'qoys' n friend business, where-as the reer mudug prefer 'hawiye aan laayno' which nugaal won't accept but not accept bari qoys network iyo boqor ba noo talinayo.
So he said nugaal was the place and heart of somalia dan guud la eegayo not that qoys connection of the old days. Nugaal was perfect for capital, it's the heart of puntland and somalia buu yiri cause the messiah was there ISLAN MAHAMED.
There is no way PL will accept 10 jabuti deal for Somalia, that's one thing my dad said. Their to scared of larger nations. SL n PL are not the same. SL is different history, it's jabhad history, not somalia baan dhisayna. SXB don't compare the two. We cant solve Somalia by saying clans copy each other, we have different priorities. See that's what my father meant dad liito like u will be named by siyad to order him while he gains nothing in way of knowledge from u. This is what caused ppl to return back to qabiil networks.
Adigu waxad uu fadhisa sida dalka djibouti laga dhigo and ur running around like savage qaawan. Anagana sidi dalka laysku keeni laha oo wax laysku qanciyo. HUGE DIFFERENCE SXB. This will cause a civil war in PL if we declare secession sida hy uu bursanayo ISAAQ. We are not the same, just stay out of these type topics oo dalka and just go to merfish and talk 12 hrs and leave without learning nothing.
Somali old culture was better wallahi if u look at it now. It was hard to make a start but u could learn to adapt. My dad noone would sit with someone oo aan cilmi uu soo kordhinaynin ama waxtar. So you would be left out of friendship circles because wax tar bay isku eegi jireen iyo ninka cilmi haysto si aad adigu isku dhistid. He said it was amiko culture in the south. Dadyow badan dhulbahante, warsangeli, majerten way la gabsadeen. Marehanki ayaa diidana badana oo bush people ahaa iyo siyad baa yimi oo yiri somalinimo keliya hala eego. Somalina lama faristan qof aan wax ku soo kordhinaynin and this big class divide he was stopping. This caused qabyalad inay soo noqoto because its better sitting with ur tribe then wax liito oo somalinimo lagu eegayo. Imagine being bossed around someone who was bush person and u spent 20 years studying, sitting with elders to learn tarikh, then sitting with friend culture to build houses and hanti and then all of a sudden your thrown into SOMALI ALL IS EQUAL UTOPIA of SIYAD. COMMUNIST CRAP BUU AHAA.
MY dad said he support siyad sida loo dayacayo tarikhdisa keliya not because he supported him. He did alot for the nation but his idea of how somalis should be wasnt perfect either. SYL la bunbuniyo only is not fair he said. They werent perfect either u needed to adopt urban culture, make friends, have connections to get anywhere but the connection was based on 'amiko' and friendship and friendship was based on you are my level wax ba ii kordhisa waxay doonto ha ahaate.
Anyways my dad said 'puntland waxay u heeshiyeen inaysan is dilin' do u know what that means diplomatically? it means meesha waxba ma yaalo la kala dilo. It doesnt mean heeshish ama heeshish waxay keenaysa in hubka layska dhigo oo beel ama shaksi hub haysan meelna gudaha puntland. Koley way ku meel gaadheen and why islan maxamed is considered a messiah inu cilmi keeno oo dadka isku keeni karta oo la aadi karo the next step dawlad dhisida.
The next stage is to build a government so we can actually create people oo istahila in laga aarsado. This shit waa soo jiitamaysee even before somalia had a govt, waa arimo tarikhi ah 200 years some of them or more.
My dad said war geel la kala dhacay 1960 ka hor ayaa miyi laygu qabsaday when he was in Somalia back in the old days and visiting his family in garowe after working the government. Wa geel niyahow loooooool its not a big thing. Imagine how big it is killing ppl waxgarad and the best of their society in 4 month war? thats why they say hawiye heeshiyo waxaa ka dhow mala'ikh inu soo degto loooooool. So government shouldnt focus on nonsense that it cant fix but to focus on wat can bring them together to move to the next stage.
Wax kasto waa qoran tahay in Somalia. We will not be at peace with each other but we can WORK TOGETHER. That's how Somalia always was. He said this new age somalia is far different to the past. He said the miyi ma jiri lahayn haday uu dhaqmi lahayeen sida magaloyinka. They had problems but they can work together for common good of their livestock goals. See that's how somalis are, doesnt mean their at peace. Dan guud ba jirta. Where is danta guud magaloyinka is the question
The reason why nomads can never be colonized, it makes no sense to them because their to hard to control, their not located in one place like a town, city, farming settlement. That's why they tried to force us to settle and my father said his father was always suspicious of settling to much and only dedicated a few kids at a time to the city and not all of them. Especially one boy or two not all as they were dedicated to manage the herds. They looked down on farmers wallahi.
See now nobody can really do much to Somalia, we can't be controlled like IRAQ were all are settled into place like most places in the world are. The west loves to see ppl settle down, it makes it easier for them I guess to manage you. I mean the OLD COLONIAL TYPES.
So stop wasting ur time thinking the world can do much for Somalia. they can send 1 billion army force with all the technology in the world and there isn't much they can do about it. The nomads are all roaming in the back not contained in one place. That's why faysal saudi king said to america we got nothing to lose for having independent foreign policy, we can revert back to camels. Well that was then NOT ANYMORE for SAUDI, their kinda screwed just like all settlers.
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