Puntland betrayed by Madobe

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Bored to death
I dont understand why he would snake them for a few millions even though Hassan Sheikh spent the first 2 years trying to block and derail JL project


Prince of East Africa
Puntland and Somaliland need to work together and more closer.Its in both our interest to counter Hawiye influence and their UN aid money.

Puntland doesn't have to be alone but can now work more closely with Sland economically and politically.The civilized North can stick together as long as the dhulbahante issue has been resolved peacefully and in a civilized manner


Prince of East Africa
I dont understand why he would snake them for a few millions even though Hassan Sheikh spent the first 2 years trying to block and derail JL project
UN pressured him when he was in Xamar.Did you see farooles video response? The guy was lashing out culusoow


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
UN pressured him when he was in Xamar.Did you see farooles video response? The guy was lashing out culusoow

Faroole never liked Culusow. He made similar comments during the Bosaso Airport celebration ceremony and people were upset because it was directly to HSM's face. :ftw9nwa:


Prince of East Africa
It means the politicial movement I support will gain traction. :banderas:
I don't think it would gain anything or lose anything but face.Its embarrassing that your ally betrayed publicly.The status quo remains,as long PL gets it part of the aid.

Who is puntland gaining traction with lol? With The int'l community? With other Somali states?
ahmed madobe was always an opportunist, ahmed blackie same nigga that went from calling the ajnabi invaders "crusaders" to teaming up with them after shabaab didn't let him have influence in kismayo.


Prince of East Africa
ahmed madobe was always an opportunist, ahmed blackie same nigga that went from calling the ajnabi invaders "crusaders" to teaming up with them after shabaab didn't let him have influence in kismayo.
Let's be honest,most Somali politicians are opportunists.None have principles but only interests.He just did what he thought was best for his caghdeer administration


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I don't think it would gain anything or lose anything but face.Its embarrassing that your ally betrayed publicly.The status quo remains,as long PL gets it part of the aid.

Who is puntland gaining traction with lol? With The int'l community? With other Somali states?

I said a political movement I support will gain traction and it is.

From a Warsangeli website:

Qodabka koowaad oo ah in Puntland ay gooni isku taagto waa mid shacabka Puntland dhamaantiis ay aad u soo dhaweenayaan maadaama shacabka uu waqti aad u badan uu kaga lumay inta ay sugayeen dadka ku nool gobolada dhexe illaa Baydhabo. Maantana suurtagal ma aha in waqtiga lagu lumiyo dad meel ay u socodaan aan la garaneen oo waxba waxa ay ka xun yihiin doonaya ineey noloshooda ku salleeyaan.

I don't care if Puntland gets embarrassed if it means the people will support the Puntland Independence Movement. This is a win for me.:drakekidding:


People taking Somali politics seriously :p

He's in it for himself. There was never such thing as Jubaland.:p


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Puntland succeeded in organizing the upper house/senate in a way that will advantage her in the long run. As for the 2016 it is still not over until the fat lady sings


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The Upper House has no power, it is not like the US senate, but more like the UK's House of Lords, if not weaker. The fact remains that Harti, which is larger than D&M, have 27 seats compared to 61 for D&M.

This is why Gaas would be an idiot to accept the continuation of this system, it would mean permanent underrepresentation for Harti.
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