Protestors in Xamar try to take down painting of Farmajo

Why are there paintings of Farmaajo in Xamar horta? Only dictators do that. Why have shicibka reer Muqdisho allowed the cheeseman to act like he's Afweyne or something? :mugshotman:

Also check out the guy who falls off at 13 seconds :dead:
*protests that died out in less than 2 hours after reassurance by Mayor*

“aH aN uPrIsInG”


Weeping for the Nation of 68

Yes within the Abgaal u have people who looks like Bantus and u have people who looks like legit cushites.

I suspect the poondhere/kaaraan people are abgaals from Jowhar who probably mixed with Bantus. Sh.Sharif is example.

While real pure Abgaals are such as Thabit and Hassan Sheikh. Pure Abgaals are cushites who did not mix with bantus. They live mostly in Ceeldheer/Warsheikh.

