Protect Your Children! Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan حفظه الله

I know that many (often with liberal, feminist or other such agendas) will bash literally anything said by a Saudi scholar... Islam started in what is today considered part of Saudi Arabia but now anyone from Saudi says anything and automatically a giant army will say "BUT WHAT ABOUT SAUDI GOVERNMENT DOING SUCH-AND-SUCH".... a Saudi sheikh can say "2+2=4" and that crowd is liable to say "BUT WHAT ABOUT SAUDI DOING THIS-AND-THAT IN YEMEN" as though anything said by a Saudi is invalidated by the actions of their government and this rule only applies to Saudis and to no other country on earth (if we applied the same standard to everyone, no one on earth would be allowed to speak except maybe the penguins)....

all of that aside, regardless of the fanatical hatred pushed by liberals, feminists, people who want Westernized Islam, etc....

what the Sheikh says here is absolutely right. it is important to protect children against the evil ideologies being pushed these days. people are not doing this and it is criminal. people are sitting back and allowing children to get brainwashed by various evil ideologies. they are even allowing the children to get groomed by perverts with the lgbt and "sex ed" stuff. I heard about cases where they were literally exposing children to ography in schools- I don't mean by other students but by the staff themselves. then there's the new thing where they brainwash kids into thinking they're the opposite gender. you have little kids who can think they're knights and princesses or whatever fantasy kid imagination stuff and then adults are supposed to allow these little kids to think that they can change their gender and adults are supposed to defer to the child when the child says they want to be the opposite gender. kids who are young enough to have imaginary friends and think they're batman or pocahontas are supposed to be allowed to make such decisions and parents are supposedly evil if they don't go along with it. I think they've even had cases where the police or other state agencies intervene if the parents try to put a stop to it and unbrainwash their kids. I don't understand how people can sit back and allow this garbage.

