Professional Sister wondering if somali men are spoiled for choice are secretly gay [smh], since she can't find a compatible match?!

Marriage In This Day Of An Age

The Greatest Showman Lol GIF by Sky
Well, I don't want to be the dude that's seen as encouraging sisters to go out of their culture, so I'd say, maybe try the heavily somali populated areas? atl/clarkston/stone mountain, GA, Minnesots, Seattle, etc?

When you're a die hard feminist like me... I think all of Africa/Middle East/Asia/South America is taken off the table for dating options :ftw9nwa:

You tried though hunno, I'll give you that


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Well you're not average.


Good men are definently not hard to find. They are the overwhelming majority of Somali men. Successful ones are hide to find which is what she wants.

Religious men are not "successful" from what I have seen. They are typically average guys. Successful Somalis tend to be less religious or culturally Muslim and that kind of guy isn't what she wants. She's looking for the perfect package as an average woman. Successful religious Somalis are even harder to find. Get real Reddit lady. As you said, she can easily get an average decent man who is religious by asking her family.

AJ, you're much too kind.

There is nothing wrong with an average guy provided he has aklaaq, similar values, compatibility and treats you well. It should be substance over image. Come to think of it. There are a lot of successful less religious guys. Successful, miskeen and religious guys are often in hiding. They do not generally hang around women and are quite busy but they have friends/acquaintances.
You are oromo please focus on your community.

Those are "family discussions" & we don't need an outsiders nose in our community business.

why are you being so disrespectful? I would rather have an Oromo here than you, real talk. We need to stop chasing out foreigners and esp other horners here, they make this place more interesting.
why are you being so disrespectful? I would rather have an Oromo here than you, real talk. We need to stop chasing out foreigners and esp other horners here, they make this place more interesting.

I personally like having other East Africans here, especially from the HOA. It does make this place more interesting lol.

Even in real life, East African folks are really chill with each other and get along (in the diaspora).

bro hug GIF
Interestingly enough... I had more Somali men interested in me when I was a poor 20-23 year old than I do now working as a professional lol.

The only guys that pursue me currently are mainly Cadaan, Ethiopian, or Mixed race (B/W) 🤷‍♀️
I'm probably going to settle down with one of these categories in the future.

I don't give West African/Jamaicans a chance (even though they try to talk to me) because I don't find them attractive nor can imagine having a stable home with them.
Ethiopian men are really nice. Good looking too
Btw aren’t the West Africans in the US (assuming you’re American) very educated? I thought I read something about Nigerian Americans being very successful professionals


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
There is a huge problem of professional gumeeys women in western society. A lot of these women don’t understand that most men don’t care about her degree, and it’s there manly attitudes that turn men off.

Majority will reach 30+ before realizing they’ve been wrong and by then they become desperate. The smart ones at that age will either be second or third wife or go to Africa to sponsor a man.
Men dont care about degree or education lul, they call Somali men losers, broke etc and expect us to run after them. Just look at the post she downgrades Somali men and says so many “ajnabi men” approach her! Why doesnt she approach ? What a disaster
I keep hearing this rhetoric. Not that the nimaan are gay but that 'good' Somali men are hard to find. I really don't think they are. I have turned down many respectable guys (6 figure earners that could more than off-set my income even in my 30s). And I'm far from young. :lol: Judging by the numbers (25+) there are plenty of Abdis in that age group and older.

Also, if she is religious why doesn't she look to her family networks to find a good brother. That appears to be a viable alternative if she's into Somali guys.
Sis you said 6 figures where do you meet these guys? Spill the tea pls🥰
go to a chinese forum and post about their internal love lives. straight up disgusting and bjj move.
Somalis are the ones that put this shit out for the whole world to see so don’t act surprised when a non Somali posts about it. Furthermore he wasn’t even being disrespectful towards y’all, if anything he’s criticizing this mentality some girls have about their own.
Ethiopian men are really nice. Good looking too
Btw aren’t the West Africans in the US (assuming you’re American) very educated? I thought I read something about Nigerian Americans being very successful professionals

The Ethiopian professional men I've met in the states have been nice and welcoming (especially Oromo ones).

Nigerians are usually educated professionals for sure... but now we're starting to see more of the poor ones immigrate here since 2010. West African/Jamaican men on average (even the muslim ones)... they're walking red flags, very manipulative, and major cheaters. I'd advise any Xalimo considering them to think twice... all the stories your hoyoo told you are true.
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WOW, you're mad bro, is everything okay? That's fine, I am not ashamed of being a famrer [even though, I personally am not one].
Lol okay, I guess I'm Chinese now, thanks for telling me.
Reer Bantuweeyne is mentally deranged. He insults Somali's all the time as well.
I'm thinking he's some cracker larping on here. I would ljust ignore him.
Interestingly enough... I had more Somali men interested in me when I was a poor 20-23 year old than I do now working as a professional lol.

The only guys that pursue me currently are mainly Cadaan, Ethiopian, or Mixed race (B/W) 🤷‍♀️
I'm probably going to settle down with one of these categories in the future.

I don't give West African/Jamaicans a chance (even though they try to talk to me) because I don't find them attractive nor can imagine having a stable home with them.
Are you from Minnesota? Coz I remember you saying that you were married to a somali engineer, or am I mistaken by the user?