Probably the most important question on our ancient SSA nilotic ancestry

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I read it was because of them trying to avoid Abyssinian slave traders and then it stuck as a practice. It may not even be that ancient (only developed in the last few hundred years).
Abysinnia was one large racist state project that primarily focused on oppressing the Bariya/Madow peoples & put the Saba Qayh("Red Man") Hamitic/Cushite population as the dominant racial class.
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Abysinnia was one large racist state project that primarily focused on oppressing the Bariya/Madow peoples & put the Saba Qayh("Red Man") Hamitic population as the dominant racial class.

I wonder if an ancient dna study from Ethiopia will ever reveal a predominantly Yemeni population living there. If so, the Habesha nationalists will not have any leg to stand on anymore and claim Ethiosemitic is from Ethiopia.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
I wonder if an ancient dna study from Ethiopia will ever reveal a predominantly Yemeni population. If so, the Habesha nationalists will not have any leg to stand on anymore and claim Ethiosemitic is from Ethiopia.

Oromo extremists would have a field day!
Abysinnia was one large racist state project that primarily focused on oppressing the Bariya/Madow peoples & put the Saba Qayh("Red Man") Hamitic population as the dominant racial class.
Lol nilotes got enslaved by their mutt offspring. That’s embarassing wallahi.
I wonder if ancient dna studies from Ethiopia will ever reveal a predominantly Yemeni population being discovered there. Then the Habesha nationalists will not have any leg to stand on anymore and claim Ethiosemitic is from Ethiopia.
I dont think there was any large Sabean population in Ancient Ethiopia. The Sabean migrants took over as the new rulers & married into Cushite families to form the Habesha culture. The label "Saba Qayh" was used to refer to both Habeshas & regular Cushites.


My question is
Who were the indigenous/first people in the Horn/Somalia before cushites moved in?

In Ethiopia it was those Omo Valley tribes, in Somalia they don't exist as a population.

I dont think there was any large Sabean population in Ancient Ethiopia. The Sabean migrants took over as the new rulers & married into Cushite families to form the Habesha culture. The label "Saba Qayh" was used to refer to both Habeshas & regular Cushites.

Archaeologists/Anthropologists are quite good at discovering elite graves and may eventually discover predominantly Yemenite early South Semitic burial sites in Eritrea or North Ethiopia.


Were our ancient nilotic ancestors completely naked?:damedamn: I’d like to think they at least dressed like the shilluks


Answering your question, no they did not dress like that.

These Nilotes are dressed in silk/cotton, which was not really available before the 19th century.

They most likely dressed in leather before that.

Even Somalis before the 19th century did not dress like this:


But used leather for clothing.

But for the ancient nilotes, then who the f*ck knows how they dressed? They were hunter gatherers so probably were naked.
Archaeologists/Anthropologists are quite good at discovering elite graves and may eventually discover predominantly Yemenite early South Semitic burial sites in Eritrea or North Ethiopia.
There'll definitely be some Ancient remains of Yemenite stock Sabean men that would've been the early conquerers & rulers of Ancient Ethiopia who married Cushites.
They have been absorbed by Somalis. It is like asking who today are the hunter-gather descendants of the British Isles? They don't exist as a group.

Are the Eyle a remnant of a hunter-gather group in Somalia or from the Bantu expansion?


Same with the Tebu people that borrowed heavily from the neighbouring Berber Culture in Libya. As well as mixing with them.
Nilotes didn’t get their clothing from Cushites. These cotton garments they’re wearing were most likely made in America lmao.

Before the 19th century, they most likely dressed in leather as did Somali nomads.
Also, now it makes sense to me why some Somalis could pass for Yemeni or Half-Arab even though there isn't a foreigner in the bloodline for god knows how long.

These throw back genes are fascinating.


What is the average breakdown?

How much Nilotic are we?
How much West-Eurasian we are?

40% Neolithic North African/South Levantine 50% Proto-Nilotic 10% Paleolithic Horner is the average for ethnic Somalis.

But this shit is over thousands of years old.
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