Pro-Somali and date Aboo Falafel/Tyrone/Ginger/Paki?

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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I agree you're generally not pro Somali if you can't find the opposite sex within your community to be desirable. You may care for your people and hope they proper but generally you're not much of an advocate considering that's half of your community you want little to do with.

Also this preference thing needs to stop. I see it among white properties too. Sexual and romantic inclinations are culturally ingrained i.e. conditioned. If something isn't genetic then you were conditioned to think or feel something.

How is a white person who grew up around a mainly white family conditioned to think dating other ethnicities is better? How is a Somali who has pro Somali marriage parents conditioned to think dating other ethnicities is better?

I think peference exists, but I dont think you can be pro Somali if you don't find the opposite sex within your community attractive because most likely you don't find yourself attractive, which means you have a chip on your shoulder.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
How is a white person who grew up around a mainly white family conditioned to think dating other ethnicities is better? How is a Somali who has pro Somali marriage parents conditioned dating other ethnicities is better?

I think peference exists, but I dont think you can be pro Somali if you don't find the opposite sex within your community attractive because most likely you don't find yourself attractive which means you have a chip on your shoulder.

So you think it's genetically ingrained? Btw social conditioning isn't always a bad thing or means the person is suffering from self hate. There are many innocuous ways you can wind up being attracted to ethnic groups besides your own even to the point of making them a priority.

But we're talking out right zero sexual or romantic attraction. What causes that?

And to answer your questions your family might not dictate your sexual attraction. It might be the people you hang out with or the experiences you've had. Romantic experiences from a young age can shape that too. But at the end of the day someones who completely distances themselves from the men or women of their community did not arrive at that mentality naturally.


Not your typical Farah
Usually people that advocate for Pro-ethnic/race don't agree with interracial relationships as they want to preserve their kind.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Good luck
You're about to be the focus of every misogynoir rant lol.
Girl please.
I'm a known caper.:superman:
I capes all the time.:superman:
Xalimos(good looking) are my kryptonite.:superman:

I'll be with my Arab wife pointing like this :ufdup: at mini Tyrones and Tyronettes so they keep their distance from my beautiful family.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
So you think it's genetically ingrained? Btw social conditioning isn't always a bad thing or means the person is suffering from self hate. There are many innocuous ways you can wind up being attracted to ethnic groups besides your own even to the point of making them a priority.

But we're talking out right zero sexual or romantic attraction. What causes that?

And to answer your questions your family might not dictate your sexual attraction. It might be the people you hang out with or the experiences you've had. Romantic experiences from a young age can shape that too. But at the end of the day someones who completely distances themselves from the men or women of their community did not arrive at that mentality naturally.

It's not genetically ingrained, but I wouldn't 100% put it down to social conditioning. I know a girl who only ever had black friends and was around black people, had black exes and all the sudden prefers to date white guys. I also know a white girl who grew up in a majority white city with no Somalis whatsoever, recently moved to London and prefers Somali guys. I can't put that on social conditioning.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's not genetically ingrained, but I wouldn't 100% put it down to social conditioning. I know a girl who only ever had black friends and was around black people, had black exes and all the sudden prefers to date white guys. I also know a white girl who grew up in a majority white city with no Somalis whatsoever, recently moved to London and prefers Somali guys. I can't put that on social conditioning.

That's all still social conditioning though. The agent is just her surroundings not like internalized self image problems. But what you're describing is more of a fetishizing thing rather than outright desire.

I still think if you exclusively date or want to marry out then you have image issues and some kind of insecurity.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
we dont need that reer honor killing drama either
Come on bro. :comeon:Yemeni/Omani and other Arabs don't practice this. I'd rather let my son and daughter marry my own kind or similar cultures than Tyrone even amhar Ethiopian before Tyrone. We need a Tyrone ban in the community :cosbyhmm:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
How can you be Pro Black or Pro Somali but not want to preserve your blackness by not having black/Somali progeny?

How can you be Pro Black/Somali when all your exes hail from X ethnic group? Surely there is some sort of underlying psychological issues that make you shun your community (self hate).

The vast majority of Inter-race relationships are a product of underlying psychological issues or dislike of one's own skins. The vast majority of people that are in interracial relationships have a particular fetish for a particular race, if you look at their history you will see that all their exes are white, or latino only. How can you argue that you just found someone that you love/makes you happy when you only date that race specifically.
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