Prettymuslim and marcus


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
You’re not so high iq yourself. You live and die for your qabiil. Beesha habar majerteen kkkkk

There’s very few that I see as intellectuals on this site. 99% of you guys aren’t unique and follow a certain group, can’t think for yourself, and obsessed with stupid things. You’d think I was the adult and you guys the teenagers.

I rather defend my region and discuss the latest developments instead of trashing a Halimos,blacks 24hrs, general posters are mostly weirdos and inc3ls, grown ups discuss bigger and important things and not if a Instagram girl is fine or not you virgin freaks.


I do something called "what I want"
I rather defend my region and discuss the latest developments instead of trashing a Halimos,blacks 24hrs, general posters are mostly weirdos and inc3ls, grown ups discuss bigger and important things and not if a Instagram girl is fine or not you virgin freaks.
You’re actually right, generals is full of retards and weirdos. Not all of them but they all gather here. I always think before I post. I’m misogynistic for the fun of it like when I’d occasionally bash women for no reason but some of the people on here really are women haters and it shows. Same with @Farahslayer another weirdo who has a radical view and hates all somali men.

Few intellectuals on here that actually have a brain are:

just to name a few. Not that they’re intelligent or anything, just not stupid and can actually provide an opinion with some basis


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
They're both so similar. Arab lovers, had arab men as their profiles. Have the exact same views. You'd think it's the same people.

I find it so funny when they converse lol @Prettymuslim94 @Marcus
I wont be surprised. I am the only forum-er that can be counted as reliable & honest. One forum name since 1998