This POLL serves as a way to see how Somalis in this forum identify as I am very curious because over time opinions change.
@AussieHustler Can you pin this threat to the other pinned threads. I am curious to see what the poll result it is after months! Thanks!
@CaliTedesse u r the best for thinking about this! lol
I identify as oromo pagan, the true cushtic people, Inshawaaq we shall have our day in the sun
what does dna has to do with identity?All the ones calling themself carab please show your 23andme results
what does dna has to do with identity?
I think you are going to make reer Cushitic identify as Arabs or Blacks soon if you co-opt Cushitism.
what does dna has to do with identity?
You can identify as Arab as much as you want to but DNA will tell us wether that identification is merited or merely the result of anti-black delusions.
Arabs don't claim us, so why should we claim them?