Police in Canada SHOUTS at Somali girl (and others) for SMOKING SHISHA during Chinese virus "lockdown"


All shisha smokers look ashy and dusty in some way the same goes with the ones who smoke cigarettes eeew, please take care of your lungs and looks :nahgirl:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I bought a shisha for the first time in my life due to extreme boredom.

On the weekend I usually would stop by a shishha lounge to smoke it but now everywhere is closed.

She is damn r*tard*d. I know she can speak English, those guys look like fobs but she knows better.
The reason people don’t take Coronavirus serious is most have not seen these sick people as they are in the hospitals. If people were sick and dropping in the streets these people would move differently sadly