PM rooble will be responsible for implentation of the election

Your uncle Farmajoo is toothless. He has no money, no army and no police. And now he backtracked from his fake 2 year extension and gave what remained of his authority to PM Roble. PM Roble is now in charge
He has nearly a billion dollars in funds and enjoys the company of a multi tribal advanced military. He has given PM Roble power over elections but he holds all power in the other forms.

He will be president for the next few months while elections are being undertaken. Your militias will meanwhile be starving and become bajaj drivers after the election.

Farmaajo is your president and mine🥰🥰🥰
He has nearly a billion dollars in funds and enjoys the company of a multi tribal advanced military. He has given PM Roble power over elections but he holds all power in the other forms.

He will be president for the next few months while elections are being undertaken. Your militias will meanwhile be starving and become bajaj drivers after the election.

Farmaajo is your president and mine🥰🥰🥰

Its over Warsengali kiddo. Farmajoo got played and now we will enjoy humiliating and spitting on his face.
Its over Warsengali kiddo. Farmajoo got played and now we will enjoy humiliating and spitting on his face.

The pressure won't stop until Farmajoo is put in prison. This is just the start. Today he was humiliated, tomorrow he will be either dead or in prison.
This is just the start. We will fight tooth and nail to put Farmajoo in prison for the crimes he has committed.

I have been looking at your post and comments. I think you are an isaaq who is trying to cause fitnah. Idk what farmaajo has done for the last 4 years that is worse than what HSM has done. HSM was the most corrupt Somali president who sold aid food instead of distributing it, he was the one who sent 50k Somali girls to be abused to Saudi Arabia, this is dayoothnimo, do you want your daughters, sisters or your mother to be sent to an Arab man's family to get abused??? Farmaajo has made a lot of promises he didn't fulfill like defeating AS in 2 years, 1m1v etc. but he has also made it possible for Somalia to get debt relief. This couldn't happen under SS and HSM because there was so much corruption. So tell me what exactly has he done to Hawiye or any Somali that is angering you that much?
I have been looking at your post and comments. I think you are an isaaq who is trying to cause fitnah. Idk what farmaajo has done for the last 4 years that is worse than what HSM has done. HSM was the most corrupt Somali president who sold aid food instead of distributing it, he was the one who sent 50k Somali girls to be abused to Saudi Arabia, this is dayoothnimo, do you want your daughters, sisters or your mother to be sent to an Arab man's family to get abused??? Farmaajo has made a lot of promises he didn't fulfill like defeating AS in 2 years, 1m1v etc. but he has also made it possible for Somalia to get debt relief. This couldn't happen under SS and HSM because there was so much corruption. So tell me what exactly has he done to Hawiye or any Somali that is angering you that much?

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is my uncle and in my eyes he is perfect. Your uncle is Farmajoo and likewise in your eyes he is perfect. Butt today Allah swt gave us victory. Farmajoo is humliated and heads towards the path of ruin and prison. This is our time to enjoy.

All my people now see that president Hassan Sheikh was a great leader. No Hawiye person can deny that. So I would like to apoligise to president Hassan Sheikh on behalf of Hawiye.


سلطنة مجرتين
He has nearly a billion dollars in funds and enjoys the company of a multi tribal advanced military. He has given PM Roble power over elections but he holds all power in the other forms.

He will be president for the next few months while elections are being undertaken. Your militias will meanwhile be starving and become bajaj drivers after the election.

Farmaajo is your president and mine🥰🥰🥰
How's your president mudane tuuje tuuje doing.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is my uncle and in my eyes he is perfect. Your uncle is Farmajoo and likewise in your eyes he is perfect. Butt today Allah swt gave us victory. Farmajoo is humliated and heads towards the path of ruin and prison. This is our time to enjoy.

All my people now see that president Hassan Sheikh was a great leader. No Hawiye person can deny that. So I would like to apologise to president Hassan Sheikh on behalf of Hawiye.

You smoking some heavy stuff, how do you know I am related to Mr. Cheese? I made it clear that he is not perfect and you didn't answer my questions. What exactly for the past 4 years has he done that is worse than what HSM did? "All my people now see that president Hassan Sheikh was a great leader. No Hawiye person can deny that." Ahahahaha what are you smoking HSM is the most corrupt president we ever had, sold aid food at Suuqa Bakarah, and sent Somali girls to be abused. He even stated in an interview with Dalsan he is against a strong central government and a strong government, how can we ever expect Somalia to become great under this guy? Again I am disappointed with Farmaajo not fulfilling his promises but if we were to compare Farmaajo and HSM then definitely HSM is way worse.


You smoking some heavy stuff, how do you know I am related to Mr. Cheese? I made it clear that he is not perfect and you didn't answer my questions. What exactly for the past 4 years has he done that is worse than what HSM did? "All my people now see that president Hassan Sheikh was a great leader. No Hawiye person can deny that." Ahahahaha what are you smoking HSM is the most corrupt president we ever had, sold aid food at Suuqa Bakarah, and sent Somali girls to be abused. He even stated in an interview with Dalsan he is against a strong central government and a strong government, how can we ever expect Somalia to become great under this guy? Again I am disappointed with Farmaajo not fulfilling his promises but if we were to compare Farmaajo and HSM then definitely HSM is way worse.
All somali politicians are corrupt but his presidency was way better for the average somali. Shabaab werent making 15 million in taxes from muqdisho and killing whoever refused to pay. Mps were able to go to jowhar by land from xamar and back at night. Sna were gaining ground. The turks, ic etc havent built a thing besides afgooye road since this guy took over. Why? because this president has been blocking banaadir and all federal states development. The only thing hes put emphasis on is the army just for him to send them to gedo. Everyone in xamar will tell you it was %100 safer under hsm.

Xasan said i do not want a militarized government as thats not what im about. Hes been in somalia through out all of the civil war so fair enough he doesnt want a government focsed on just its army and the funding for the army would of came from the ic regardless. Here we have farmaajo who left years before any war with no military experience wanting to be like his uncle yet he wears a bulletproof vest to go to a janaza amongst somali politicians and oday dhaqmeed in the safest location in xamar.

Not to mention he brought back the worst kind of hawiye and tried to portray them as good people.
BigBreak I don't trust Roble which is why our troops will stay in Mogadishu. Farmajoo is gone but Fahad Yassien is still there. We are not out of the water yet.
After all the nonsense he did, he doesn’t deserve an election. The bastard Farmaajo should be kicked out.

They funny thing is that Farmaajo still hasn't relinquished sh!t, he still controlls the army, Police and Nisa secrets intelligence.

Farmaajo is still playing games with the oppositions.
They funny thing is that Farmaajo still hasn't relinquished sh!t, he still controlls the army, Police and Nisa secrets intelligence.

Farmaajo is still playing games with the oppositions.
This neuters koonfur opposition, this is his biggest problem in elections not Puntland and the town of Kismaayo.

If Farmaajo gets support of Koonfur he will be fine otherwise he will relinquish some power.

Elections will occur regardless now.