Puntland Isimo need to awaken to the threat of a government and settled population. Eventually your power will be outstripped over a clan because they are located in one central location, they will turn to arrest you and eliminate this old culture and replace it with this new settler culture that is under 'laws' by the state.
Do we want a state with full powers? this isn't wise and we should take a note from UK who still has their royalty in charge of the nation. It's not figurehead role, she is the unitary figure for the whole people not the party, not a politician, not a business group. She can make a decision for the whole people as a whole. This is good insurance I think, we shouldn't let politicians have to much power when their power isn't reflected on the clan. Tell me one politician that can do anything in PL without his ISIM support? none, see why invest the state power into such people?
We need to define the role of the traditional elders and vest into them powers ABOVE the government, since they manage their clans and give the go ahead on anything. They need to step away from politics though as they will divide among themselves and cause clan rifts. The ISIMO need to agree 'waan ka saarayna dawlada' umadani heerkani anaga soo gaadhsinay and we are not prepared to fully let go of our powers.
They should serve as the final call when politicians who are not 'powerful' in Somalia step over the line. Politicians must remember they don't control anything without the ISIMO and u need to learn your role. The key to the ISIMO strength is their clans are not located in one place, they can give an order and no matter where their clan is, they will obey, it's strong ORAL law. Modern law requires you settle down don't u get it? they need settled population in order to execute modern law. The role between Isimo n State need to be defined in Somalia.
The Isimo who have their clans settled maybe are not as important in the discussion since they can fall under common law of the state. It's the ISIMO who still have large sections of their people on camels that need not tanasul on their power for the government especially for some politician who can never have power of the clan. My father was a diplomat and he can never have power of the clan in my sub clan, uma dhiibtan arimahasi siyasi oo danahisa keliya uu daran, the isimo is someone that needs to think beyond his political or desire or his people die eventually and he will be finished in terms of power.
Do we want a state with full powers? this isn't wise and we should take a note from UK who still has their royalty in charge of the nation. It's not figurehead role, she is the unitary figure for the whole people not the party, not a politician, not a business group. She can make a decision for the whole people as a whole. This is good insurance I think, we shouldn't let politicians have to much power when their power isn't reflected on the clan. Tell me one politician that can do anything in PL without his ISIM support? none, see why invest the state power into such people?
We need to define the role of the traditional elders and vest into them powers ABOVE the government, since they manage their clans and give the go ahead on anything. They need to step away from politics though as they will divide among themselves and cause clan rifts. The ISIMO need to agree 'waan ka saarayna dawlada' umadani heerkani anaga soo gaadhsinay and we are not prepared to fully let go of our powers.
They should serve as the final call when politicians who are not 'powerful' in Somalia step over the line. Politicians must remember they don't control anything without the ISIMO and u need to learn your role. The key to the ISIMO strength is their clans are not located in one place, they can give an order and no matter where their clan is, they will obey, it's strong ORAL law. Modern law requires you settle down don't u get it? they need settled population in order to execute modern law. The role between Isimo n State need to be defined in Somalia.
The Isimo who have their clans settled maybe are not as important in the discussion since they can fall under common law of the state. It's the ISIMO who still have large sections of their people on camels that need not tanasul on their power for the government especially for some politician who can never have power of the clan. My father was a diplomat and he can never have power of the clan in my sub clan, uma dhiibtan arimahasi siyasi oo danahisa keliya uu daran, the isimo is someone that needs to think beyond his political or desire or his people die eventually and he will be finished in terms of power.