Petition to Change Somalia’s Name!


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
Our reputation has been ruined due to pirates, terrorists, civil war etc. This guy @Jubba made a good point about Iram “The Pillars” mentioned the Quran possibly being the ancient Kingdom of Punt. I say we petition to change the name to “Iram” no more having to hear people call you “Somalian”, we’ll now be called Iramis or Iramians!
Changing Somalia’s name to Iram? Are you mad?

Iram is not even located in Somalia and why would you want to be associated with a Nation that was destroyed by God?

"What would you do if the name 'Iram' gets a bad reputation?

Also, that name is unattractive and will cause confusion.In Somali language, words that end with the letter 'm' phonetically change to 'n'. For example, 'Islaanka', 'war yaa muslin ah', 'Maryan', ‘Aadan’ and so on.
So, the name 'Iram' would be pronounced as 'Iran' in Somali phonetics. What will you do, sir? It will happen naturally.


I detest names that already have a history, such as 'Puntland', 'Somaliland', and 'Jubaland'. It is also embarrassing if they are names that are theoretically or not from our own historical point of view. It is even worse if it is a name that ties us to people who oppressed and enslaved our race.
I love new names like 'Hirshabeele' and 'Koonfur Galbeed'. I also like to invent new names and give a reason for why I choose those exact names. This new name will give us a new beginning or era.

in conclusion, if Somalia changes its name I say to her, please make a new name.

Also, iram is ugly. It does fit in the somali phonetics. It is not our historical point of view.
The current name of dadkeena is fine. All these bad stuff will be in history textbook soon. Germany, Rwanda, China has recovered from its bad image. Somalia will it too.
Our reputation has been ruined due to pirates, terrorists, civil war etc. This guy @Jubba made a good point about Iram “The Pillars” mentioned the Quran possibly being the ancient Kingdom of Punt. I say we petition to change the name to “Iram” no more having to hear people call you “Somalian”, we’ll now be called Iramis or Iramians!
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I'm good with Somalia.

We're one of the few countries in the world that have a country named after an ethnic group.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
"What would you do if the name 'Iram' gets a bad reputation?

Also, that name is unattractive and will cause confusion.In Somali language, words that end with the letter 'm' phonetically change to 'n'. For example, 'Islaanka', 'war yaa muslin ah', 'Maryan', ‘Aadan’ and so on.
So, the name 'Iram' would be pronounced as 'Iran' in Somali phonetics. What will you do, sir? It will happen naturally.


I detest names that already have a history, such as 'Puntland', 'Somaliland', and 'Jubaland'. It is also embarrassing if they are names that are theoretically or not from our own historical point of view. It is even worse if it is a name that ties us to people who oppressed and enslaved our race.
I love new names like 'Hirshabeele' and 'Koonfur Galbeed'. I also like to invent new names and give a reason for why I choose those exact names. This new name will give us a new beginning or era.

in conclusion, if Somalia changes its name I say to her, please make a new name.

Also, iram is ugly. It does fit in the somali phonetics. It is not our historical point of view.
The current name of dadkeena is fine. All these bad stuff will be in history textbook soon. Germany, Rwanda, China has recovered from its bad image. Somalia will it too.
What are you talking about? Who oppressed and enslaved our race?
Why not change what really matters? Why focus on names? We have bad reputation because our culture absolutely stinks the way we treat other humans stinks the way we treat animals stinks the way we treat women and girls stinks the way we treat disabled people stinks! Change that! How about some accountability instead of directing energy on the wrong things.


Our reputation has been ruined due to pirates, terrorists, civil war etc. This guy @Jubba made a good point about Iram “The Pillars” mentioned the Quran possibly being the ancient Kingdom of Punt. I say we petition to change the name to “Iram” no more having to hear people call you “Somalian”, we’ll now be called Iramis or Iramians!
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Hell no! Sounds Arab :urgh:

