Pakistani Man Marries a Xalimo

Atleast @MadNomad is consistent with his arguments about Somali Bantus and cadcad

Whereas low iq fake medic @Factz cant put across two consistent thoughts if he tried to.

Hates Somali Bantus because he thinks they will claim their indigenous and will take over

Loves cadcads even after they have renamed parts of our country including the capital, taken credit for bringing religion and civilising in the country. It doesn’t take a genuis to work out tomorrow when they have a bigger population they will want more land and more power.

@Factz you could never be a doctor, as logic and reasoning are not your strong points, I suspect that you’re studying sports science and want to work as a personal trainer in the future.
Kkkkkkkkkkk. You think reer xamars are going to have a bigger population? The amount in Som atm, are so small in number


Xaarlimos are known to be very inecure and dhuxul so they accept everyone with light skin
speak for yourself every community has insecure losers but that still don't change the facts yall come funny in heights. Lol and your anti black is showing kulaaha dhuxul so it is true when they say cadcad look down on somalis woudlnt be surprised if you sell somalis to become a guard for a faux Arabian prince
speak for yourself every community has insecure losers but that still don't change the facts yall come funny in heights. Lol and your anti black is showing kulaaha dhuxul so it is true when they say cadcad look down on somalis woudlnt be surprised if you sell somalis to become a guard for a faux Arabian prince
Wow. How insecure can an individual get?


Atleast @MadNomad is consistent with his arguments about Somali Bantus and cadcad

Whereas low iq fake medic @Factz cant put across two consistent thoughts if he tried to.

Hates Somali Bantus because he thinks they will claim their indigenous and will take over

Loves cadcads even after they have renamed parts of our country including the capital, taken credit for bringing religion and civilising in the country. It doesn’t take a genuis to work out tomorrow when they have a bigger population they will want more land and more power.

@Factz you could never be a doctor, as logic and reasoning are not your strong points, I suspect that you’re studying sports science and want to work as a personal trainer in the future.

You can slander me as much as you like but you've always been a compulsive and a pathological liar here so everything you say is nonsensical and you know it.

What I don't understand is someone like you who hates being Somali and a kaffir likes to talk about this topic? You should honestly just STFU

Benadiris have Somali blood in them. They've co-existed with the Somalis since the medieval times and historically contributed to the Somali society. They're technically Somali whether you like it or not. They can never surpass the Somali population in Mogadishu, they're very small. I'm being logical here unlike your ignorant dullard ass.

As for Somali Bantus. Most Somalis want them out because they are a demographic threat and they'll soon be relocated back to Southeast Africa, this is what some Somali politicians want. Go to them, not me. Gosh you're repetitive.
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Xalimos ending racism one marriage at a time.
she's half somali half paki, she twetter her mother is somali so her father(somali man) married a paki woman :siilaanyolaugh: FARAXS HAVE THEIR DICK IN ALL SORT OF FOREIGN WOMAN, FROM SOUTH AMERICA TO ASIA TO EUROPE TO MadowLAND.


As i live and breathe
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@MadNomad this is precisely why people like you need to give these cadcads more energy, they are already bragging about ‘civilising’ Somalia with Islam, being indigenous to the country, tomorrow they’ll say they were the first ones here. Somali Bantus are never this arrogant or conniving.

I barely think about cad cads. You know why? Their numbers can't support that rhetoric. They can claim to be indigenous all the way to the moon and back, but there's nothing they can do in practice.
You need to go and read the backlog of what @Viva Benadir has been saying about Somalis if you think they’ve integrated.

Oh and also Kenyan Indians can speak Swahili

I've read some of the stuff and unlike you, I don't let my emotions interfere with my thought process. [Insert sexist joke]


Stop lmfao. Indian Kenyans largely speak English, then Hindu followed by Swahili. Most only understand street slang, and the others are businessmen
Agreed. This forum is filled with losers and here's the rub: She isn't even an ethnic Somali.


Most likely a barwaani, cad cad, or other non-Somali minority.

Guess my family ain’t “Somali” cause she looks typical to me. Y’all gotta stop forcing this Somali geeljire look on everyone.


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Please claim you’re arab CONFIDENTLY as you said. We don’t want your ass. The only person who is going along with your lies is @Factz and that’s because he wants to smash your sisters.

Take your hairy, paki marrying, shushumo making ass back to Yemen and leave us alone.

@MadNomad this is precisely why people like you need to give these cadcads more energy, they are already bragging about ‘civilising’ Somalia with Islam, being indigenous to the country, tomorrow they’ll say they were the first ones here. Somali Bantus are never this arrogant or conniving.
And nigga had the audacity to talk shit about my people :drakelaugh:
Its both ways bro. Come east london. I will show you like 100 abgaal women married to reer xanar men and vice verca. My mother has like 7 half mareexan step bros and sisters
You're doing fantastic work Viva. Keep at it from this angle and no one in the actual real world Somali community will side with these people.

Just remember Somalis are humans and full ethnic Somalis vastly out number benadiris so naturally if u take their bait and make a habit of insulting full ethnic Somalis, some of them will side with them as that's what humans do and just the ones that side with them will outnumber benadirs if this spreads into the actual Somali community.

You're from hamar and u already know these concepts some members display is alien to the people that live back home from hamar to hargeysa. They'd be laughed at if they come with "Bantus and benadiris aren't Somali or they have no right to be in the country". I dare them say that to their own parents. They just copy what white racists say to them in the West and seek to copy them and apply it back home. It isn't gonna work. It's alien to Somali culture.
On of her Instagram pics, she states they have been dating for 3 years you know. Interesting, why is it that no cared during the 3 years they were dating but now they made it halal, everyone cares.

I am still against these types of marriages.
I just want to so congratulations to the new couple, not my cup of tea. i would never marry outside my race let alone a pakistani. But lets not be haters and wish the couple a long and successful marriage. does she know that pakis live with their inlaws?
I just want to so congratulations to the new couple, not my cup of tea. i would never marry outside my race let alone a pakistani. But lets not be haters and wish the couple a long and successful marriage. does she know that pakis live with their inlaws?
She is done for. Stuck with a 4inch penis for the rest of her life, and living with inlaws.


I just want to so congratulations to the new couple, not my cup of tea. i would never marry outside my race let alone a pakistani. But lets not be haters and wish the couple a long and successful marriage. does she know that pakis live with their inlaws?

She’s about to find out

Mamajeep will want her feet scrubbed soon so hopefully she’s done with the honeymoon by now
I just want to so congratulations to the new couple, not my cup of tea. i would never marry outside my race let alone a pakistani. But lets not be haters and wish the couple a long and successful marriage. does she know that pakis live with their inlaws?

I remember watching a doc a long time ago, and this woman was getting abused by her mother in law. And she lived in a small room isolated from everybody else. Me and hooyo stared at eachother in disbelief.

