Pakistani Man Marries a Xalimo


reer Xamaar are somalis im my opinion but some of them choose to say they're not somali go on YouTube and see for yourself they would rather let a middle aged Lebanese man marry their daughter than an ethnic Somali I'm telling you these people don't want anything to do with us. So why should we care who they marry? and beside she married a decent Asian looks like he's loaded at least reer xamaar girls have standard lol smh
reer Xamaar are somalis im my opinion but some of them choose to say they're not somali go on YouTube and see for yourself they would rather let a middle aged Lebanese man marry their daughter than an ethnic Somali I'm telling you these people don't want anything to do with us. So why should we care who they marry? and beside she married a decent Asian looks like he's loaded at least reer xamaar girls have standard lol smh
Where on YT?


@MadNomad @embarassing @White @AussieHustler @Emily From the horses mouth he admits he isn’t Somali

The only time these cadcads want to claim Somali is when they want us to share the L for marrying a paki or when they want land.

@Factz you gullible fool go and do your homework before you comment on things you don’t know.


Where on YT?
for some reason I can't find it but it was a ethnicity tag a guy who is ashraaf but said he isn't somali not even remotely and instead identified himself with Yemeni because he believes his tribe is originally from there even though he hasnt verified it bare in mind he never stepped foot in Yemen it was discussed in this forum last year
@MadNomad @embarassing @White @AussieHustler @Emily From the horses mouth he admits he isn’t Somali
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The only time these cadcads want to claim Somali is when they want us to share the L for marrying a paki or when they want land.

@Factz you gullible fool go and do your homework before you comment on things you don’t know.
Wow. So am i not allowed to defend my people?
We all know if a reer xamar guy throws a xawlo at you, you'll run to him and accept it as mehr. Just end this here.


Wow. So am i not allowed to defend my people?
We all know if a reer xamar guy throws a xawlo at you, you'll run to him and accept it as mehr. Just end this here.
no offence but cadcad are known to be very short so how can a xaalimo acc3pt a mehr from a dwarf that can't even reach his bed saaxo waarya


Did i ever say i am fully ETHNICALLY somali?

Please claim you’re arab CONFIDENTLY as you said. We don’t want your ass. The only person who is going along with your lies is @Factz and that’s because he wants to smash your sisters.

Take your hairy, paki marrying, shushumo making ass back to Yemen and leave us alone.

@MadNomad this is precisely why people like you need to give these cadcads more energy, they are already bragging about ‘civilising’ Somalia with Islam, being indigenous to the country, tomorrow they’ll say they were the first ones here. Somali Bantus are never this arrogant or conniving.


Bro ignore her. She's always going retarded. @Knowles technically isn't Somali since she is a kaffir. Islam is one of the main pillers of being a Somali, soon as you left Islam. You are no longer accepted in the Somali community.

Lol my 23andme results said differently and there are no behavioural pillars of being Somali- being a ‘doctor’ should let you know that


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Please claim you’re arab CONFIDENTLY as you said. We don’t want your ass. The only person who is going along with your lies is @Factz and that’s because he wants to smash your sisters.

Take your hairy, paki marrying, shushumo making ass back to Yemen and leave us alone.

@MadNomad this is precisely why people like you need to give these cadcads more energy, they are already bragging about ‘civilising’ Somalia with Islam, being indigenous to the country, tomorrow they’ll say they were the first ones here. Somali Bantus are never this arrogant or conniving.

Everybody knows I'm going to marry a full blooded Somali so you're just speaking out of your ass. I've changed my mind about them. Benadiri are friendly people and are proud Somalis. I would rather have them in my country than people with your toxic mentality.


Xaarlimos are known to be very inecure and dhuxul so they accept everyone with light skin

Not when they look like some short birth defect with big nostrils and ears.

@sigmund xamari cousin marriages has gone so out of hand that the National Health Service in the UK has had to intervene and warn them about the dangerous.


Atleast @MadNomad is consistent with his arguments about Somali Bantus and cadcad

Whereas low iq fake medic @Factz cant put across two consistent thoughts if he tried to.

Hates Somali Bantus because he thinks they will claim their indigenous and will take over

Loves cadcads even after they have renamed parts of our country including the capital, taken credit for bringing religion and civilising in the country. It doesn’t take a genuis to work out tomorrow when they have a bigger population they will want more land and more power.

@Factz you could never be a doctor, as logic and reasoning are not your strong points, I suspect that you’re studying sports science and want to work as a personal trainer in the future.