Ottoman treatment of Arabs

Arabs had every right to move ottomans from their lands and somali ppl should do the same and not Let turks rule over somali
Somali ppl can rule themselfs with sharia somali ppl dont need non somalis to rule over and colonise somali ppl and their resources to be controled and their borders and lands
Waa been. Greedy Arabs leaders sided with gaalo and revolted against the Muslim Caliphate, Arabs have been paying the price for their backstabbing ever since.
Waa been. Greedy Arabs leaders sided with gaalo and revolted against the Muslim Caliphate, Arabs have been paying the price for their backstabbing ever since.
Who made turks Caliphate and why would turks rule over arabs and non arab in their own lands every muslims can rule sharia themself in their country i think turks were colonisers
Arabs had every right to move ottomans from their lands and somali ppl should do the same and not Let turks rule over somali
Somali ppl can rule themselfs with sharia somali ppl dont need non somalis to rule over and colonise somali ppl and their resources to be controled and their borders and lands
not cooning for once
The Ottomans had the tech to reach the new world. However, the Moroccans blocked them from having access to the Atlantic ocean.

Those niggas really shot themselves in the foot. The hegemony the West has enjoyed for centuries is because they had two new virgin continents to conquer. Power is shifting back East though
The Ottoman Turks did oppress & slaughter the Arabs[a population they considered inferior]. Look up Djemel Pasha, he's known as "The Butcher" for starving the Arab population & killing Arabs indiscriminately in the Turkish colony of Syria.
They were treated as second class citizens, alienated and thousands of them were imprisoned and executed. They regularly carried out public executions of Arabs under the false pretence of treason to instil fear into them. There is a public square in both Lebanon and Syria known as "martyr's square", they were given the named after the 1916 execution in which the ottomans publicly executed Arab nationalists. The executions were ordered by Djemel Pasha, known as "The Butcher",