Only a diaspora Somali can save Somalia.


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
Listen man I 100% agree with you but that's also why we want so badly to cut ties with you. :manny:
Walaal Hargeisa may be safer than Mogadishu but is no more developed after years of “peace” there are huts in the middle of the city.

When will you wake up from your bakhti slumber walaal?


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
A local though likely would be qabiilist and less well-educated so not really. You don't have to live it to know it sxb :manny:
Diaspora somalis go to somalia to make a lot of money and then come back to their comfortable lives in the west. Sxb they don’t care about what’s best for the locals more than the locals themselves.
A Somali who lived comfortably in the West would be utterly shocked at the state of the country and system and work tirelessly to emulate the best of Western and Eastern countries. There you go, fixed it for ya!
they would rather work tirelessly to make their already comfortable lives more comfy and accumulate as much money as possible rather then “emulate” western countries to better the lives of the locals.